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The list of Bangkok soapy massage parlors can be found here.
Mona Lisa is closed while building work is carried out. Given the value of the real estate, whether it would re-open as a MP is questionable.

The nearby Siam Hotel venue is also now demolished, with a redevelopment of the site to be constructed in 2008.

Other venues similarly closed for redevelopment right now are New Cleopatra and Mirage. Atami closed permanently several years ago. So in fact a fair bit of capacity has been lost without much coming on stream or prices moving.

Economic times being tougher, it seems a fair assumption that one of the things Thais are prepared to cut back on is their MP visit.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:07 pm on Nov. 30, 2007
Geez Shoke,

You're all over the place this week.

Bangkok Cozy, Mona Lisa, Hi-Class, Mirage, and Nataree!

Yes, some of the middle and lower range MPs are being hit economics wise, but I think the top end are still doing quite well. Will probably swing by Tarawadee again tomorrow, and I'm sure it'll be just as packed as it was Monday and today, even at 3,500 a hit for 'M' sideliners.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:46 am on Dec. 1, 2007
Mel Gibson
3,500 for 2 hours.They'd want to be VERY good to get that type of money from me.
Don't get me wrong,, I love soapies ( not the TV type) but when we are talking 3,500 BAHT for maybe 2 hours, I begin to question the economic value.
For` me the preferred option would be to "peruse" soi Cowboy or and the bars around to target quality companionship. 10pm is a quality time,, they should be happily into working mode but not already bar-fined.

Now come's the important part, negotiation........

To be continued


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:30 am on Dec. 1, 2007
It sounds like you're questioning the economic value based on the monetary amount and not the goods/services involved. Although some people feel there is no difference between a 500 Baht and 5000 Baht hooker, I'm sure many will agree that quality is indeed a tangible thing and does have a relation to price. Myself, I take the girls on a case by case basis. They certainly aren't quality based on their price. Out of a lineup of 30 M gals at TWD, I'd easily kick half down to lower pay grades. At the lower rates though, not anywhere like Cowboy or Nana as those gals aren't really my taste, but the cheaper MPs like say Riviera or V2, I find that regardless of price, the gals I would consider as quality are far fewer in number. Not to mention the issue the lower the price, in general the higher the mileage. Fewer folks can afford the higher rates.

That's the beauty of a free market economy. To each, his own.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:52 am on Dec. 1, 2007
3,500 Baht for a quality experience with a beautiful young woman does not seem high to me. It's only about $100 US.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:50 pm on Dec. 1, 2007
Mel Gibson
Packripper, Economic values are inherently tied to price.

I am in no way questioning the value of services at this particular establishment, merely offering an alternate system to get greater / maybe better services for the same price.

S/T from Cowboy/.Nana / where -ever,,, if the gal rocks,, go long time. So you get a before dinner romp,,, post dinner/cocktail romp and a morning romp for maybe 2,500 BAHT if you play it smart. If youv'e got a suite with Spa,, you can have three SOAPIES and three oilies also


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:39 pm on Dec. 3, 2007
Mel Gibson
Canyon,,, Firstly it's near US$120 assuming you exchange off-shore, but it is VERY cheap compared to the USA /Europe or Australia.
Please try to remember you are IN THAILAND,, not the USA/ Europe or Australia, so prices need to be tempered along the correct lines of their value within the economy that they ply their trade.
Value is what most here seek,,a nice gal for an reasonable amount.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:10 pm on Dec. 3, 2007

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 4:54 am on Dec. 4, 2007

Economic values are indeed tied to price, although the value placed upon any particular price or good will vary from person to person. As for price, the value of any particular amount of money will vary from person to person. Those living on interest and investment income may not be as concerned about a few hundred $ price difference as those who are saving for the LOS vacations at a day to day job. That doesn't mean I am willing to burn money, but one might view it as how one might not care so much about the price difference between two different packs of gum. As for the goods, one's opinion of said goods will also vary. I don't consider the girls that I choose at MPs, who will also go 'long time' if you simply arrange to pick them up after work, of the same quality in terms of looks, as girls at Nana/Cowboy type bars. Not all chewing gum is created equal.

cheers Mel.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:00 pm on Dec. 3, 2007
Mel Gibson
Money is indeed something worth looking after, younever know when ones shares/investments may begin to faulter.
Chewing gum indeed is notall createdequal,,thus my advice for "trial" chewing gum at avalue price,,,try it don't like it not much lost.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:03 pm on Dec. 4, 2007
Joe Wood
Shoke’s point about the number of places for a soapie being reduced now,was somehow set aside for this lesson in three easy steps of how to ruin a thread.

Although he may be right about soapies for the high-end tourist market in known areas, there is no way a reduction in the number of places. A girl has to work.
It’s a question of knowing where to look, which is a primary aim of this forum to attain.

Packripper agrees that some places have been hit, but only through owners putting their money interests elsewhere. It only takes time for others to accumulate financial backing and political agreement and official ‘co-operation’ to start up another, either in the same place or somewhere else.

He infers that other places are more crowded, so maybe Thais are not prepared to forego their monthly or weekly soapie business meetings.

Mel questions the value for money. And rightly so.
He talks of buying companionship at 3,500 baht for 2 hours, something that he would not enter into lightly.
In mentioning this, he extends the soapie experience to being one of companionship as a primary consideration of his own.

But Packripper hits the nail on the head when he says “ to each, his own”.

You certainly wont get a soapie in Soi Cowboy, not at any time of the day or night, unless it is a mini soap lubricated hand-job in the dark. Not something,I think as being able to be classified as a soapie and certainly not what guys looking for a soapie are looking for.

And anyway, the real gems are whisked away from both Nana and Cowboy well before 10 p.m., so even if you go there every night for a month, you wont see them on the market, but possibly later returning to eat some food and to wait for a girl-friend to share the taxi with. Possibly not.

Packripper then compounds the confusion by ….and I quote…..
“I'm sure many will agree that quality is indeed a tangible thing and does have a relation to price.” ……and then goes on to say that......... “They ( the girls ) certainly aren't quality based on their price”.

So now we have the big question as to what guys consider as quality.
And what are we talking about here ?
The quality of the soapie experience ?
The quality of the girl ?
The quality of her conversation skills ?
Her oral skills ?
How she looks to your eye and / or to your little head ?
Her copulatory skills ?
The quality of her smile ?
The degree to which she can relax and contract her anal sphincter ?
The quality of her companionship ?
Her generosity ?
Her openness ?
Her presence and calm ?
How she touches you and non-verbally makes it known that she wants you, before, during and after your time is up ?

He’s already answered.
‘”To each,his own”.
Each one will be different according to the liking of the guy, his emotional and sexual needs at the time and whatever chemistry and connection happens during the encounter.

He then broadens the discussion by raising a point that may be summed up by whether a guy would choose a girl at a lower rate who maybe has arrived from the village last month over a girl at a higher rate who has been working at a MP every night for the last three years.

And then he gives a clue as to a possibly important point for high-end MP visitors to have considered and that is, not so much the frequency as to the girl’s associations, but that most guys wouldn’t be able to afford the price that is being asked. Would that be an attraction to some ? Maybe.

At first this may strike one as being some sort of snob-value operating in a mongers’ market. How misplaced that would be.
But I don’t think that is the case.
I would suggest that it is more to do with the notion that girls of a lower rate and working in less salubrious joints are more likely to have been persuaded on occasion not to use a condom.

But you will find many, many girls in the lower end market who will insist on using one ( or a number, depending on how many times you can manage it ) and likewise, in the higher end market you can find girls who will go bareback with equal frequency as the sisters in other places.

Canyon slams it right back to how the girl looks as being the priority consideration, mentioning that the cost would be about 100 U.S. dollars

Mel gets out the calculator and ‘corrects’ him to state that it’s nearer 120 U.S. dollars. ( Thanks Mel). He then compares it to prices in the West but at the same time implores you remember that you are in Thailand, not the West.
He then states that “prices need to be tempered along the correct lines of their value within the economy that they ply their trade.”
But what he doesn’t mention is that these girls are not working within the Thailand economy. That’s the whole point of their being where they work. They are carrying on their trade within the encapsulated visiting economy of guests to this country who are comfortably well-off to be able to afford those prices.

If you think they are operating within their own economy, just visit China Town a little past Hualumpong Railway Station or some other place that you can find all over Thailand, mainly out of the tourist circuit and compare the prices there. You’ll find girls there operating within their own country’s economic parameters at 300 to 500 baht a shot.

Packripper hits it on the nail again by stating that …. “Not all chewing gum is created equal”.
Well, that is certainly true if you take any group of visitors to these shores. They all have their own incomes, needs, likes and dislikes, preparedness to pay a certain amount and wishes and fantasies about different things and experiences.

Girls in any establishment or on the street, differ, as do the escort girls.

Go to a soapie and watch the Thai-Chinese groups, taking a hour or two to talk and invite a girl from the sideliners or fishbowl to join them for a while. They may keep her for later or throw her back before vetting the next chosen girl. When they have chosen enough for their number, they will then enter into a discussion as to who will take whom. It’s a long, thorough process in which the aim is for each member of the group to be happy with their decision. It also acts as a way for the group to gel and get comfortable in their negotiating skills and knowledge of each other.

Compare that with the average falang visitor’s hit and run mode of operating, and you can see a potential benefit for the former way of going about things.

Well, you can tell that today is a national holiday.
A possible purpose of this entry may be to suggest to visitors that it is good to take your time in choosing and preferably to go with a friend or two or three or four.

Another possible purpose may be to ask members to qualify such words as ‘quality’ when making or answering a post.

I thank all the members whose entries I have built mine on, for raising such pertinent points.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:53 pm on Dec. 4, 2007

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