Get yourself cleaned in one of these soapy massage parlors. |
As for where I live, the first cup costs the full price, the second cost 50% of the regular price (if you are lucky).
I don't know eher you live, but I get free refills! LOL!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:24 pm on May 8, 2005
Mr Alan: Re: "100 baht !!! Holy Shit. That is more than $2.50." LMAO! Actually, she rarely tips more than 20 Baht, and usually in the range of 3 to 15 Baht. Come to think of it, I can't remember her ever leaving more than a 30 or 40 Baht tip. She also will leave no tip if she perceives that the service doesn't deserve it, or if we are at a noodle place or buffet (where she reminds me "we do work, teelakja, not ladee!" ). From her perspective, 10 Baht is enough to get around on Baht buses for a day of "window shopPING," one of her favorite avocations, lol. So she's a bit loathe to give it up in tips, when it buys her a day of sanuk. Likewise, at the end of the day when I get home and empty my spare change out of my pockets, I'll find it gone the next day, and stashed in "her" spare change box. Every once in a while, she will shake it teasingly, and tell me how much money SHE is saving, lol. Guess possession is 9/10ths of the law... Of course, this is also from a lady who makes sure every last device in the apartment is turned off when we go out, including the lights/LEDs on the power strips, lest we waste 3 or 4 Baht a month on that. She recently sent me a spreadsheet summarizing our apartment expenses for the last 18 months. I guess her thriftiness paid off, as the electricity part of the bottom line was very low. Coming from upcountry, were the daily wage (if you can get one) is very low, her view of the value of money is very much driven by her experience and culture. So I don't interfere, as it helps our bottom line. Okay, back to Tipping in Soapies... - Balls
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:50 pm on May 8, 2005
Quote: from babysnake on 11:23 am on May 8, 2005 My understanding is that the tip given in restaurants in LOS goes to a mutual "box", out of where it is shared among the workers at the end of the month. Might be wrong though.
This is not the case. In many places, money left on the tray goes right to the restaurant, none to the staff. You should tip directly if you want the money to go to the staff.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:35 am on May 17, 2005
i was reading a years old thread, I wonder how mut latrell tipped the thermae lady wh gave him chlmadia-sorry for
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:39 pm on May 18, 2005