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Any opinions on New York mp on New Petchburi Road? Looks cheaper... is there a reason ...
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:22 am on Aug. 16, 2002
that was actually the fist mp i've ever gone a decade ago. i think it was the old caldor dept store logo out front that drew me in - reminded me of my childhood in new york it was indeed cheap (500 baht, if i remember correctly) and the room reflected the price - a shabby bed and a small tub in a closet size room. i am sure they must have renovated since then? i mean, on either side of ratchadapisek road, it was still mostly empty fields! it still amuses me to drive down that road at night, seeing the streets all lit up like a vegas strip. but enough of my reminiscence! my opinion is that it's probably worth it to spend a little more on better mps.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:35 am on Aug. 16, 2002
new york has closed at least under that name. it has been renovated throughout and renamed reflex centre petchburi. as of today it is not reopened... still at 1882 new petchburi road. but the new york name is a memory joining the illustrious star room and white palace... when it reopens i'd be interested to hear how the reflex centre shapes up if anyone tries it.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:55 pm on Mar. 5, 2003
Deep File
I was a frequent user some 10 years back when I lived within walking distance... and the place was always clean, friendly, no surprises... very "Thai style" with small utilitarian rooms and (mostly) older ladies with great attitude. In more recent years I have been in maybe once a year... and it was the same... very good value for money if you didn't try to compare the place to Emmanuelle... etc. Clientele probably +90% Thai. I was dismayed to see it fall under the wrecking ball a few months back, and have been assuming that the space was being redeveloped for some more lucrative enterprise... but have been keeping an eye on it to be sure. It now appears to be nearing completion, and does not look like an MP shaping up... ground floor has glass walls....but I have not stopped verify. If you want the same flavor/ambience/price formula... Sai Fon is still there, further down New Phetburi. File
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:03 am on Mar. 7, 2003
Deep File
The new signage on the front of the building looks like the place is being converted into a "spa" type venue. The new name is "Reflex Center"... traditional massage and spa. Probably worth a stop when it reopens. File
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:19 am on Mar. 10, 2003
deep file, there's a fishbowl on the eastern wall to the left as you enter and a wild west/american cowboy decor, also the rooms upstairs have been refitted, but they're taking forever to finish that renovation. let us have a report if you give it a try...
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:50 pm on Mar. 10, 2003