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MainFood & Restaurants – How are you?! Thanks - five o´clock.... All Topics

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A true little story of how sometimes everything just can go wrong....

A nice little italian by the name Antonios is located on Soi Sawadee, suk soi 31. Have eaten there before and liked it. Owner is quite a caretaking fella and all good so decided for a revisit. Not sure when place is closing though so phoned them up. This is in basic the "fun" I had:

"Hello, Antonis"! (woman answering and not a too bad english)
"Yes, hello I would like to know when your kitchen closes?"
"Yes, it is soi Sawadee"
"No, I would like to know when is last order"
"It is on soi 31"
"No please I know where it is - WHEN do you close - kitchen?!"
"Can I speak to your driver?"
"You dont need to speak to my driver - I just want to know WHEN YOU CLOSE!?"
"It is a school on the other side"


"Do you have a reservation?"

At this moment I started to understand why the japs invented seppuko.....

"Ok - can I have a table?"
" Yes - what is your name?"
"My name is mr xxxxx"
"What is your phonenumber?"
"What do you need that for - do you have a table at 9 pm or not?"
"Well - not sure - 50-50 if you give me your phone or not"

Since I am not in the habbit of giving out my private phone to left and right just to eat at a place - I gave up. Hung up.

Dinner now to be eaten elsewhere! So I can cool down.... place is still good though and can be recommended - but I sure hope the owner takes a closer look at who he allows to answer the phone! This time 2 customers lost - but maybe they dont care......

A small event in a big city! Just enjoy.....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:22 am on June 17, 2008
jack attack
She just thought you were 'close' in proximity and needed help finding the joint. Food was ok but not in a hurry to rush back. Besides, if I call, they will only tell me where they are located unless I give my phone number!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:32 am on July 15, 2008

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