People need to eat and they need to money for that. I don't think going is not showing respect. They need all the money they can get to help recover. It is a tourist town. I would think they would be happy to get the baht flowing back into the local economy as soon as possible. bimmher
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:16 am on Feb. 19, 2005
Broken Leg
Tourists returning to Tsuanmi hit areas is not disgusting, if they don't many more will die or suffer.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:59 am on Feb. 19, 2005
Hugh Jardon
Outbound never ceases to amaze me. He starts a series of arcane threads on inane subjects such as fistings, gangbangs, filthy sex, etc. Now here we see him trying to take some imaginary high moral ground on his views of the feelings of those who have suffered losses from the Tsunami. Outbound:- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Show some respect!!! People have died and you are going there to have fun?????????? Don't be so shallow. How would you like it if you're wife had drowned on Patong beach and you hear some one wanting to go back to Phuket for cheap hotels bargains and whores??? Disgusting ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Of course, as has already been pointed out, he is totally wrong, as was BigD before him. The people of Phuket desperately need the tourists and the cheaper prices offered there are an obvious sign of that need. So Outbound would either give the place a wide berth and deprive them of food in their bellies, or else he would go there in a state of misery? This is also the guy that calls the BGs whores. Show some respect! How would you like it you were a parent reading about your daughter, (who you thought was working in a store) having to sell her body instead to earn money to live and then being called a whore by some idiot on a forum? Disgusting!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:11 am on Feb. 20, 2005
Quote: from Hugh Jardon on 7:05 pm on Feb. 20, 2005 This is also the guy that calls the BGs whores. Show some respect! How would you like it you were a parent reading about your daughter, (who you thought was working in a store) having to sell her body instead to earn money to live and then being called a whore by some idiot on a forum?
Maybe that's what he calls his daughters... Anyway, two points about Phuket: - It's a tourist destination. Period. Yes, there was a disaster. Yes, people died (but not nearly as many as in India or Indonesia, keep that in mind), but at the end of the day, the old RBB&B statement applies "The show must go on!" Staying away from the place out of some misplaced signs of mourning or respect does not help the region or the island, one bit. Besides, there's an entire other side of the Island that wasn't even touched or harmed. - Your decision to go to Phuket or not to go should be motivated wether this is the kind of destination you want to spend a part of your vacation in, or not - not by 'respect', or 'feeling you have to go', in order to help. If you like Phuket, want to check it out, or if you have friends there you want to see - by all means, go. The same applies inversely. - Personally, I was never interested in Phuket, and don't really have any motivation to *want* to go, mostly because I have come to understand that it's a haven for Euro-Tourists -- and frankly, I'm in no mood to hang out in the vicinity of Euro-Tours on my vacations - so, unless it's an impulse trip, I don't see Phuket as a destination for me. Absence or presence of a Tsunami would not have changed that (though I do have to add that if I *had* been in Thailand during or right after the Tsunami strike, I probably would have gone, *IF* more hands were needed to help with cleanup, etc... That's a different motivator, though.) At the end of the day, go, or don't go, based on your preferences, not based on improper feelings of respect or guilt or whatever - but do know that when everyone in Phuket encourages you to go, it doesn't mean 'stay away'. Ditto to what Hugh stated about Outbound - the guy needs to be handed a one-way ticket to... somewhere. Dr. von Quack!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:20 pm on Feb. 20, 2005
Following Outbounds postings in general it is sad to see that there is yet again a new idiot on the block. Why is it that this forum attracts pinheads like that? Outbound: stop showing your lack of education and poor judgement, if not for us at least for your own sake. What fun is it to be considered the village fool??
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:05 pm on Feb. 20, 2005
Addy 007
i haven't really read any of Outbounds messages, I really can't be bothered...i'm having too much fun partying in Patong. The place is buzzing, with lots of girls available...great time to come and put some money back into the economy...! I hope others are not put off by the tsunami, as you wld hardly notice the effect now...! The owner of one of the bars in Soi Eric commented that the bars were open 12 hours after... Anyhow, i'm off to have a great time....any members wanna meet, then just let me know... Cheers
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:59 am on Feb. 25, 2005
Addy 007, Can't agree more with your post. I am currently in Patong too and I am having the best time ever. Plenty of nice chicks, cold beers and the beaches are better then ever. If there was ever a time to be here, then this is it. The time is definitley now!! I guess this will only last a few more months until everybody is back again, therefore enjoy as much as you can. If anyone's up for a drink this week, then just PM me. Cheers!!!
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:37 am on Mar. 2, 2005
Addy 007
...i've been in BKK for the last 3 days, but to echo your words Xray, my visit to Patong was the best yet...! I only wish I was back there now....! BKK is great too....but I much prefer the beach resort...!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:16 am on Mar. 3, 2005
I am planning a trip down there beginning of April. But have been told that Bangla Rd is still being repaired. I gather the sois of it (Gonzo, Eric, Easy) are back in business. Quick question though... have the girls returned.. again was told that numbers were well down and guys outnumbered them. Any first handinfo wouldbe appreciated. One more point.. looking at Hotels it seems the price is double per night than a year ago... again info would be appreciated.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:50 pm on Mar. 8, 2005