Sa and i slept a little and woke up in each others arms,and i was so hot. my room had A/C and a fan,but the girls insisted on sleeping under the covers with all the A/C on. if i was at home,i would lay on top of the bed naked,enjoying the heat,but can you explain this to the girls,NO. usual day spent in the bar with the girls from PS joining me and we all just played the games and chilled out. lost 400 baht to Ya playing connect-4. i must learn to be unbeatable at this game. went into PP and aranged to see Meaw the next day. had a nap in the room and in the evening went to RH with the hope of seeing Bai. she was'nt there,but one of the girls gave me a note from her. she was sorry she could'nt come to England with me and told me to 'never look for her again,and never come to RH again' the girl who gave me the note told me never to come to the bar again.or there might be trouble. all i thought was 'f_ck you',if i want to drink in the bar,i will. no-one will tell me never to return,my choice as to where i drink,and besides,i had made other frineds there and wanted to spend time with them. joined my friends and bought the cocktail and we sat there drinking it. was told that Bai had had a man BF her for 2 weeks and she would'nt be around. no problem for me,i had made more friends,but as much as i wanted to see her again,she was'nt the only girl in patong. walked to PS and sat with Ya,i wanted to see her after missing out on the previous night and she said'you want 2 ladies?,pay for Sa as well?' well this sounded good to me and i BF'd Sa as well and the 3 of us went back to my room. well the first bad thing happened,Ya announced she did'nt feel well and i could'nt f_ck her. i was willing for her to give me the BBBJ and then to f_ck Sa,but she told me she could'nt even give me a BBBJ. i was annoyed,why let me pay the BF and then tell me no sex?. this was the first time i happened on this and i was'nt having it. told her i was unhappy and i did'nt want her to stay and got dressed and waited for the 2 girls to get dressed. went back to PS and all the way Ya was apologising and offering to give me the BF back. this was the first time i had known the girl to offer to reinburse me and i thought,f_ck it. i know she probably did'nt have that money,but i did'nt care and held my hand out and she placed the 500 into it. i love the girls,but i did'nt like being taken for an idiot,so i took the money,knowing that she probably could'nt afford to give it to me. well later in my trip i gave her the 500 back,i realised i could'nt deprive her of the money. back to PS and Ya went upstairs to bed,leaving Sa and i alone,but i still wanted a 3some and i eventually asked a girl called Joy to join Sa and me. Joy was from Vietnam and tall for a SEA girl and was pretty. again back to the room and while Sa was in the shower,Joy and i talked and she told me she was unhappy. why had i asked her as a second choice. i tried to explain things,but she was'nt happy that she was 2nd choice after Ya and Sa and decided she did'nt want to stay. ok i thought,i only wanted a girl who was happy to be with me and Joy obviously was'nt that girl and i told her if she wanted to leave,up to her. she left immediately and i had to explain to Sa the situation. but Joy and i were to see each other on another occasion. Sa was ok with it and for the 2nd night running we just laid there talking and enjoying each other's company. i was certainly beginning to fall for Sa. 2 trips and 2 girls have treated me well and i had started to feel many emotions. this was not a good thing.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:52 am on April 30, 2003
Nokna, Daddy..., I enjoyed the reading a lot! As four the "4 Connect Game", I will pass some of my talent on to you in less than a month time and turn you into a pro! Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:10 am on April 30, 2003