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I am posting this for someone, who requires assistance.

The poor unfortunate who has recently made a permenent move to bangkok, is looking for a lost love.

I have told him it is probably hopeless and that there are many others who he could get aquainted with but non the less said I would post this for him.

He seeks a a girl who used to work in midnight bar around two years ago. Her name was Ann, he tells me she would be around 21 years old now.

She is from Surin (Prasart) her Thai name is Ratchada Sonapoon. She has occasionally worked in Hau Hin he believes

That is about the sum of the information he has other than old mobile numbers and e-mail addresses do not work???

He would be grateful for any help. Again I think it will be a usless search. But thanks in advance anyway

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:04 pm on Dec. 20, 2007
Mel Gibson
ID card number, pass to ThaiPrivate eyeand VABOOM.

Maybe a lesson learnt, get those ID card numbers.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:12 pm on Dec. 20, 2007
with the odd exception I think I have hardly ever looked at a girls ID except in passing as it is passed across reception.

Which is why I was surprised I suppose when the guy at the door of Nana disco told me the girl I was with was too young to come in LOL, and she told me she was 20..

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:03 pm on Dec. 20, 2007
Lucky he didn't tell you she was a guy LOL. It pays to look at the id.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:42 pm on Dec. 20, 2007
Joe Wood
Very few guys ask to see the ID card before the event or before at least they know the girl for some time.

It's rather like, you sitting down in some place and asking a young lady to sit down with you for a drink and a chat initially and she first requests to see your passport to verify something. It's just not the thing to do in the first few moments. but as you know, some giuys have no time to 'waste' betweeen seeing a girl and wanting to share the enjoyment of the bed-sheets with her.

But yes, I agree with Mel about securing contact with a lady.

Many things can go adrift. Mobile phones can be lost or stolen.
E-mail addresses may fall into disuse or the password forgotten.
Moving employment or apartment.

So the ID card number is a good way.
Village address and friends' phone. numbers.
Parents' phone number................. All help.

But if a girl wants to cut herself off from everybody and a past life, it is easily done.
Just the same as in the past, some foreigners have done just that, themselves. And if they managed to do it before the computer age and don't use technology at all, then no-one is going to find them.
Just the same as trafficked girls are almost impossible to find. But that's another story, hopefully.

As for Khun Ann, if the guy knows people who worked in the bar at that time with her, maybe they might be able to provide a lead, given that he hasn't got the ID card number.

Another point I would wish to make is that this entry should be in the BG Locator thread.

Why I am glad it isn't is because I feel that the BG Locator thread is so far tucked away down the main content page, that most people miss it and don't open it.

Maybe bkkz could address this concern.

The other asperct to consider is the title of that thread. Is it too restricted ? Should it not read TG (as in Thai Girl ) Locator ?

I'm sure that there must be many guys who try to look for ladies whom they have met but who have not necessarily worked in a bar. Just a thought.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:46 pm on Dec. 20, 2007
Anhol Ding

You are right LiamOZ.

I was happily going to a very well-built girl for three years on the trot, week in, week out for short-time, long-time, extended week-ends, and announced in the third year one day that it would be her birthday the following week.

I thought, Oh, this may be something special, like a 21st. or something, at least being mentioned as an opportunity to think about a present.

I asked her how old she was going to be.
She replied that she was going to be eighteen and that she could now legally work in the bar.
I gulped.
So it was a special both for her and me.

Thai girls generally look so much younger than they really are, but this girl looked in her twenties and the fact that I had to use two hands on each mammary right from the start, had lulled me into thinking that she was older than she was.

So, yes, sorry JW. But I join the band of impolite falang and always ask for the ID card now.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:59 pm on Dec. 20, 2007
I wish my missus would go missing.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:11 pm on Dec. 20, 2007
Mel Gibson
kenneth,,that CAN be arranged

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:09 pm on Dec. 20, 2007
Know a good removalist then big fella?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:34 pm on Dec. 20, 2007
hi jw, well I missed the BG locator area sorry.

As for the guy and the girl. He has tried to ask her friends but there are no original girls from Midnight that worked when she was there he has tried that route.

He did have her parents home number but said when he tries it says the number is incorrect Have numbers changed for Surin area???? the original number started with a 9 he told me.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:14 am on Dec. 21, 2007

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