We all know that as an Expat in Thailand there are numerous occasions (on a daily basis) to strike a Conversation with a "Good" (read: non BG, MG, FL) girl and more often than not can lead to dates. You can share your experiences here, hopefully the Thread will not get hijacked by those who think that All Thai Girls are Money hungry, Liars or Prostitutes. I'll start by an experience of mine (and there are many) : I work downtown Bangkok (Sukhumvit) in a 15 Storey office building where there are a lot of different companies renting spaces. The office a few doors from ours has a lot of nice girls coming in and out all the time and after going to have a look I noticed it was a cosmetic company. They all wear a very short Shirt/Dress like uniform (with no bottoms, you know one of them new fashion things) that makes them look very sexy. The weekdays are very busy and around lunchtime, while waiting for the elevator, we often bump into these girls (all very pretty, White, Tall, Slim) and a lot of smiles and glances are exchanged. Some even politely Greet us. Now on Saturdays (yes, I work Saturdays) the Building is fairly empty and so is our floor, with the exception of our office and the cosmetic office where a few ladies are on Saturday standby. One Saturday, I was on my cell phone in the area between the restrooms and the Corridor leading to the offices when I saw that great looking Cosmetic Gal pass by me going to "freshen-up" in the Lavatory, she gives me a Broad smile as she passes. A few minutes pass and when she comes back she gives me an even bigger smile so I decide to stop her. I gently grab her wrist and ask her if I can touch the material of her uniform. She looks at me half intrigued half amused and gives me the go ahead. I caress the fabric complimenting her about its softness and how good she looks in it. I moved from just caressing the material to rubbing her waist, She was blushing and smiling but clearly looks like she was up for it. All of this happened in the Corridor in front of the women's bathroom, but fairly safe as you would hear anyone coming down the Hall. Split of a second decision and I moved up to her breasts, she was still smiling and I told her I am sure her breasts look great. Next thing you know she dragged me inside the ladies bathroom and into a stall. We kissed, she popped her breasts and I got hard just looking at them. I fingered her and she masturbated me in the Stall (not to completion). My heart is still beating just thinking about it. Fortunately, we exchanged Cell numbers and she became a steady Girlfriend for 3 months. Sex was Great, her body was perfect, so was her english and we had great conversations. It was nice while it lasted but I got bored and moved on.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:24 am on Dec. 30, 2007
I got more than a few more coming From my hairdresser to the Swensen's Ice cream boutique supervisor, emporium sales girl, bts girl and more... also my latest: Chiang Mai's Camfrog little spinner!
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:34 am on Dec. 30, 2007
good one, one day, one month, 10 minutes in the restroom, as in the post above, surely a lot can be said for the good girl
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:39 am on Dec. 30, 2007
Mel Gibson
NicFrenchy,,,if your not already writing for Penthouse magazine, then please do. P.S I hope yougot morethan an incomplete hand-job when going out with her,,, Mel
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:53 am on Dec. 30, 2007
Quote: from NicFrenchy on 10:39 pm on Dec. 30, 2007 I fingered her and she masturbated me in the Stall (not to completion). My heart is still beating just thinking about it.
It was at that moment I awoke with my soft 600 thread count sheets still between my fingers....... LS
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:22 am on Dec. 30, 2007
this was my first FR and it might fit well here..it spawned a wonderful post from seajohn.. ________________________________________ I just got back from Ko Samed and I was booking my minibus ride back yesterday and the travel agent was this short haired hottie...I have a thing for girls that can pull off short hair. anyway, I started chatting her up and asked her if she wanted to have dinner with me on the beach last night...she smiled and laughed and said "khun pood lin" and I said no 100% and she said "can my friend come?" I was like "sure" not really knowing if it was a security thing or not!!!!! so I show up at 8pm at the travel agency and the short haired hottie is all dolled up and looking good (she is 38 by the way) and her friend lived in Canada for 3 years and spoke perfect english... it was obvious off the bat that they were more than just friends!!!! and I knew I was in for a bust or a banging good time... so off we all 3 went to eat BBQ on the beach and I was just chilling on the beach with the company of 1 hottie and her not to bad GF listening to deep house music with the tide slowly crashing in...her GF was drinking wine with me and I spared no expense and we ended up polishing off 2 bottles with dinner... I am kind of curious where this is going but we all end up back at my bungalow.....long story short I had a 3 way with the girls (well didnt bang the friend, but she was pretty randy with the short haired girl) this morning I awoke and the short hair girl was asleep next to me and her GF was in the shower...i felt kind of awkward about $$$$ and I offered 2000 baht to the short haired girl but she declined...I felt kinda bad for presumming she would want to be paid.... oh well.....this is where the good part comes in.... I go to the travel agency where the short haired girl is working to wait for the boat and we talk and laugh about the previous evening and I even manage a nice kiss in the bathroom of the travel agency... anyway, I get to the town where you take the mini bus and am waiting for the minibus and the girl working at the agency where I checked in comes up to me with her phone saying I had a call...I was like "WTF" and take the phone and its the short haired girl telling me to take care and have a good trip back...... anyway...thats my first FP..sorry for not getting into sex details!!! atl
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:53 am on Dec. 30, 2007
Joe Wood
My apologies for seemingly diverting this valuable thread, hopefully only momentarily. I feel that I am not eligible to post here about any 'good' girl experiences, since all my relationships here in Thailand have been formed with ladies from the P4P sector of society. Does that make them 'bad' girls ? Not in the least, but I knowledge the intended meaning of the phrase. What I can say and want to say is this : The girls with whom I have had relationships of meaning and depth have all been exceptional. Their character, their personality. Their knowledge of themselves and others. Their commitment and sincerity. Their loyalty and devotion. And yes, I know that I am extremely picky. But I seriously doubt if I could find such quality and depth of humanity and genuine warmth of love and affection in the non-P4P sector, as I have found in these wonderful ladies. Our built-up-over-the-years prejudice and discrimination blind us to the potential quality and rarity of the few girls in this industry who are truly gems. Luckily, I have been very fortunate to have found a few along the way. And now,back to the 'good' girl experiences :
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:27 pm on Dec. 30, 2007
Quote: from Joe Wood on 3:42 am on Dec. 31, 2007 But I seriously doubt if I could find such quality and depth of humanity and genuine warmth of love and affection in the non-P4P sector, as I have found in these wonderful ladies.
Joe, Thinking this means you actually make a difference between P4P and Good Girls on aspects other than their work. Genuine Warmth of Love and affection could apply to All Thai girls, P4P or not, isn't that why all expats move here after all? Although I custom a lot of P4P places, I have had a lot of non P4P adventures and I can tell you that some of the "Good Girls" are even naughtier than a lot of working girls
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:40 pm on Dec. 30, 2007
Joe Wood
Now you are making me think again. Have I been mistakenly sailing all these years ? Or have I been maintaining a steady course outside of dangerous waters ? I'll get back to you on this one.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:32 pm on Dec. 30, 2007
A cute girl gave me a haircut, I asked her if she would go out with me sometime, she said yes, she gave me her number. I intended to call her the next night but I forgot and I went to Tulip instead. Does this count?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:57 am on Dec. 31, 2007