Dr. Thaidup would say 2 Clit & G-Spot. The Anal orgasm is really the stimulate of the back of the G-Spot hence why some women can squirt why getting f***ed in the ass.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:58 pm on June 28, 2009
Women have told me that their anal orgasm is very different than their vaginal or clitoral orgasm. I also once knew a woman in her late 20s who could have powerful anal orgasms, but never, to my memory, came vaginally. She was a proper girl, who seemed embarrassed when she came anally. I think she thought that she shouldn't like it, but she couldn't help herself. And she never wanted to talk about it. The other thing I remember about her was that she insisted on coming each time we had sex. Which meant that I typically had to finish her with my hand as she didn't really seem to be able to get off orally, my superior skills notwithstanding, at least not before my tongue gave out. It got to be kind of annoying, as I normally just wanted to roll over and go to sleep My theory about her, based on my very unscientific study over the years, was that it had something to do with the fact that she hadn't masturbated as a young girl. I have found that there seems to be a close corollary between a woman being able to achieve orgasm easily and the degree to which she masturbated when young. Of course, a lack of self-stimulation may be symptomatic rather than causative. But I always find it is a revealing question to ask on a first date.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:53 pm on June 28, 2009
qq, you are making some very racist generalizations/assumptions in this post which I find offensive, revealing your own racist beliefs. Some how this does not surprise me based on accusations you have made of others (such as epc) and your posted political beliefs. It appears to me, based on your assumptions: Asian men have more cranial capacity and the ability to look beyond the racism, are more socialy sophisticated, and can look past the generalizations expressed by others that prize physical aspects based on racist assumptions and condescending elitism.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:26 pm on June 28, 2009
Judging from my experience with my Thai regulars I would say TG have a certain preference for the cowgirl position. Maybe it's the control option that make it the position of choice... She has control if she either makes it good for her or good for him or anything in between... One regular though cleary prefered this missionary position with her legs on my shoulders... She was a somehow shy girl in that she never ever wanted to talk about sex. One day when we had sex on the couch (I'm a couch-... what? potatoe? no, more a couch-rabbit...) and we did this missionary legs shoulders thing for the first time she was suddenly moaning more than usual and at my surprise started to coment like "Oh, good da ling, good..." I liked it and made her moan like this ever after...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:24 am on June 29, 2009
I find the best way to make a TG orgasm is pay her. As for orgasms generally, who cares if they do or don't, i'm not paying for her to cum, P4P is all about ME, and besides, most of them (P4P) are just faking (seriously, put your ego's down for just a second), some better than others, why bother caring. Now the wife is something different altogether. As for positions, my take is that TG's like cowgirl for a few reasons, first who wants a whale sized farrang on top of them, they have more control over depth and speed, they don't have to smell your stinky alcohol/fag breath, they can avoid kissing, geez i'm a synic today !
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:58 am on June 29, 2009
^^^^^ I found the same to be generaly true. Many TG like cowgirl style. I noticed they enjoy rubbing crotch against my pubical bone, therefore augmenting clitoral stimulation. Also it has to do with speed and the "touch/feel" during that intercourse. Many TGs hop on top and tend to f*** hard in slamming motion, just trying to get you off. It is not untill I reach around and grab them by the ass, press them harder against my crotch, moving my hips slower in a sometimes more circular motion, that they tend to start enjoying, building themselves slowly to an orgasm. Some more devilish build up to plateau and then stop, not reaching orgasm; just to start again a few seconds later untill they finally explode in a torrent of wetness and gasping.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:12 am on June 29, 2009
Sme TG's love it Doggie style so they can get an ass spanking at the same time.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:56 am on June 29, 2009
And they do not need to face the ugly farang on top of them. LOL.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:34 am on June 29, 2009
I like mie to talk dirty to me, no matter what the position. I know it is probably not everyone's thing, but I like to teach them words. It's funny how you can teach a girl to say "f*** me hard, I am your slut" and they do not even know what the word slut means. You wold be suprised at all the things they will say simply because they don't know.... So next time make one say "I love to f*** my calculas" Or "Make me do algebra problem my love" all while f***ing her. or "f*** me like NASCAR" or..........
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:27 am on June 29, 2009