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Don't hear about this in LOS, it's available in P.I., don't really understand why somebody would use this option, but curious if it is done in LOS, or if anyone has made this type of arrangement

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:24 am on April 6, 2009

in LOS if you want to take the BG out of the bar you just pay a set fee

or you tell her to quit her job

but if you're paying a weekly or monthly fee those are just case-by-case basis

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:38 am on April 6, 2009
This phenomena, as descibed by LY, is called 'Seu Tooah Ok' (buy ticket out) or perpetual barfine (discussed before). Don't know if this is the same as Stedy Barfine though.

Although I've have quite a few live-in GFs over the last 15 years, I've never paid this. I simply think a BG is a human not a piece of hardware I buy.

As well as sinsot, this is just another way to milk farangs out.

The only advantage of paying it, is that when you dump the BG she can work in the same bar again.

Perpetual barfines are usually shared 50/50 between the bar owner and BG.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:21 pm on April 6, 2009
I remember a friend of mine paying that for a girl, if I recall correctly, it was 10,000 B, back then. She was back in the bar a week or so later.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:36 pm on April 6, 2009

Quote: from DrLove on 4:21 am on April 7, 2009
I simply think a BG is a human not a piece of hardware I buy.

How about like a piece of software that needs constant upgrades?

Anyhow I know a guy who paid a PBF on a girl in Soi Cowboy his ROI has exceeded about every investment banker/advisor's return for Y2008. I porpose selling futures contacts on a girl and having a ticker scrolling accross the tote board inside a bar with the BG sharing 50% of the PM. It would probably work in a G-Club style place.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:29 pm on April 6, 2009
isnt this just the same as paying her normal barfine but for example x 7 if u wanted her for 7 nights?
whats so special about it?

or u mean some people are paying 30 days barfine to keep a girl for 30 days? in which case yes thats silly! just get her to leave or "go home" and give her the money instead directly

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 pm on April 6, 2009
Well you will not believe this but...........

The owner at Annie's claims she charges 150K to 250K baht for a girl to be taken out permenantly AND
she claims she has collected some 6 or 7 times.

This was posted on another board so I doubt she would publicly say something she cannot stand behind.
I will look for a link when I have some time.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:39 am on April 7, 2009
I agree DrL, a girl is a human, but don't see much difference about the hardware part whether it's a one night bf or a steady arrangement, (yes, I forgot this was discussed before)

Good point, steady and/or perpetual may not be the same

The part I still question, if you and the girl are compatiable why cut the bar in, she can give the bar a dozen excuses to leave and come back to work

As eluded to earlier this is just a lucatrive scam for the bar 'and the girl', a sponsorship for a set amount of time makes a little more sense.

Anyway, I was looking for a sucsess story, if I'm understanding TU's report his friend did, if you call paying the bar a bunch of money for the 'privilege' to support a bg

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:39 am on April 7, 2009

Quote: from bkkfella on 1:39 pm on April 7, 2009

she charges 150K to 250K baht for a girl to be taken out permenantly AND
she claims she has collected some 6 or 7 times

goes to show there really are some idiots out there
if you are willing to support the gal she will quit
part of the money gets back to the woman somehow, so she in a sense becomes part of fleecing the punter

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:06 am on April 7, 2009
The PBF as I understand or how it was done by the person I was speaking about is a one-time charge I think it was around 10>15K that he can go anytime to this bar and take this particular BG out without a bar fine. So far I think he has done it once a week for 18 months. Now if he was doing it on a per trip basis that would already be 39K so quite the ROI and him be a resident only will see his ROI grow.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:54 am on April 7, 2009

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