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I know I will probably regret posting this question but here goes anyway. First a bit of background:

I have been seeing a Thai girl in BKK for the past 9 months or so.
She is a 'good' girl from a middle class family (father in local government, nice family home, 2cars, 2 dogs etc. etc. but she is self sufficient as far I can see, not living off her family each month) she is educated to uni level, though under achieving at the moment as a manager of a fashionable shop off Sukhumvit.
When I come to BKK we spend almost every evening /night together and while she works during the day I have fun in the city.
Naturally, when I am there I pick up all the tabs (wouldn't expect anything else) and I have bought her a few presents such as an IPod, for example, but obviously no actual cash is offered, or ever asked for.
I am back in London now and we keep in daily contact by MSN and telephone. We talk at least once a day, sometimes twice. (At her insistence)
This week, totally out of the blue and completely out of character, she came straight out and said she was thinking of going to the beach with a friend and could I buy her a digital camera.
OK, I admit I was slightly taken aback by the bluntness of the request, but I put that down to her not perfect command of English and agreed to look online and see about buying it for her.
I used the same Thai website that I bought the iPod from and decided on a Canon at $180.00. I arranged delivery to her home address and sent her a text informing her and telling her to expect delivery.
Less than an hour later I receive a text back saying, 'I have looked at the Canon and I don't like it, it uses AA batteries, I don't want it, cancel the order' WTF!

I then get a second text, 'I have looked at the website and I like the Ixus100, I called them and they say can change to the Ixus no problem. Push the money through'
On checking I find that the Ixus is around $350.00 of course.
My question is, is she just being Thai (i.e. this is normal) or, and this is my feeling, this is nothing to do with cultural differences and she is being a f****** rude and ungrateful bitch.

I have told her to do what she likes with the Canon, throw it away if she likes, but I am not sending more money and as far as I am concerned she is history.
I am getting texts now apologising and saying she knows it was her fault for not telling me what camera she wanted at the beginning! Too late darling, you exposed the real you and I am glad about that at least.

Finally, before I am accused of being a tight ass, it is not the money but the attitude that has got to me.

Responses from Thai girlfriend experts welcome please.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:47 am on April 25, 2009
she probably does not know how to ask you. I find this to this day from my wife. out of the bluse she will say "I need money"..... I find it rude, but what she is saying is that "There isn't food I like in the house and I want to go to the store to buy something I like to eat but I don't have any money".

Now since I don't know your lady, who knows, but I was just sharing my experience which happens to be totally innocent but sounds very rude.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:15 am on April 25, 2009
Cameras with AA batteries are crap, sorry to say. The batteries don't last very long and cost a fortune over time. A few dollars more and you could have had a proper camera.
Then again, she should have bought the camera herslf if she wanted a particular brand/model.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:15 am on April 25, 2009
I think Thailife is right and you overreacted a little bit...
I would have given her a (last?) chance by answering something like: "That camera is a bit expensive, let's stick to the first one... AA batteries are just perfect
She either gets the message and accepts it - problem solved... or she keeps going on about this and that.. blah blah... then you can make your move anyway...

After a regular once asked me about some serious cash and I kindly refused and after that we were *both* just happy that the issue never raised again...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:24 am on April 25, 2009
My Fuji S700 uses AA batteries (rechargeable).

Can easily get 200 shots out of them. Not so 'crap' at all.

AA batteries have another advantage also. If you're in a location where there is no possibility to charge camera batteries.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:29 am on April 25, 2009
Thailife / MTK
You have got me thinking that I did go over the top a little bit, but then,again, maybe not.
The way I was brought up, you never ever ask for a gift, point one, and secondly, if you are fortunate enough to receive something from someone, you never, EVER, tell them you don't like it, send it back!
$180.00 is about 5,000baht, that's probably about a weeks wages for her, maybe more.
I just cannot begin to image a situation where someone gave me a present costing an amount the same as I earn in a week and for me to say, nah, don't like that, send it back!
I think I will let things cool down and see how I feel in a week or so's time.
Kenneth, this is not really about the merits, or otherwise, of camera's using AA batteries.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:25 am on April 25, 2009
But you are thinking like a westerner. Put yourself in her shoes. She knowsw this will probably be the only camara she will get and is just looking to get a nice one. Probably some of her friends have a cheaper model so she need to have her farang boyfrind one up them all and buy a nicer one.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:08 am on April 25, 2009

Quote: from paulo100 on 8:25 pm on April 25, 2009

The way I was brought up, you never ever ask for a gift, point one, and secondly, if you are fortunate enough to receive something from someone, you never, EVER, tell them you don't like it, send it back!
Ah, of course, that makes perfect sense since you were brought up in Thailand... Oh wait, you weren't.

Then again, your Thai GF, of course, having been raised in the western culture, just like you, should understand completely... oh wait, no she wasn't.

Yet another relationship being killed by a dumb farang thinking that a Thai Girl *MUST* share the same cultural values than him.... or else. This happens a lot -- it's unfortunate how dumb some guys get.

First of all, not very smart on your end to consider that if buying a camera that uses AA batteries, she will need to buy a lot of batteries, as she uses it, or she will end up not being able to use the camera. Yes, granted, there are rechargeable AA batteries, as DrLove pointed out, but you could have spent $30-$50 more on a camera that comes with a rechargeable battery.

Furthermore, the concept of 'compromise' appears to be foreign to you - instead of blowing your top over some arbitrary and retarded cultural assumptions, you should have simply gone back, found a cheaper model of the camera with a rechargeable battery, and gone back to your GF explaining to her that you are sorry for not having considered the battery issue, but the camera she selected is too expensive - how about this one instead? I'm 99% sure she would have been okay with that, and that would have been that.

If this kind of situation blew a fuse with you, then she was never really your GF, or rather, you were never really BF material anyway.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:18 am on April 25, 2009
A regular of mine got robbed on a baht bus (or whatever them in BKK) late at night,

look her phone and the little bit of money she had,

She came by the next day and asked me to buy her a phone (paying me back nightly )
Well I buy cheap phones often and tried to get her to buy a 2000 baht nokia, but she was set on getting something fancy (6k baht), I think partly it was to show off, but also she coould only buy one phone and wanted it to be good, plus this had a camera and she has no digital camera or computer so it was a way to show her friends pictures,

So lighten up a little bit on her, compromise and say you will split the price of the better camera with her,

Win Win and everyone saves face

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:03 am on April 25, 2009

Quote: from paulo100 on 8:25 pm on April 25, 2009
The way I was brought up, you never ever ask for a gift, point one, and secondly, if you are fortunate enough to receive something from someone, you never, EVER, tell them you don't like it, send it back!

Well none of the Thai women I know would ever ask their Thai boyfriend to buy them something, then turn around and tell them they don't like X and want Y. I do believe it is, in part, a reversal of cultural exploitation. I have been asked by several Thai women for rather expensive gifts or large sums of money and the answer is always no. In general they would not do this to their own and I am not about to get dragged into playing that game.

Granted, maybe compromise was in order but then again, it depends on how you see your long term situation with this person. I don't like it when this happens to me and I tend to pull the plug on that person once it does.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:13 am on April 25, 2009

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