On Saturday night, I was in a Soi 33 bar with a forum member and he asked me how many girls I had been through in Bangkok. I got to thinking, and it has been a lot. At least 50 different ones over the past two years, however that counts all the MP girls, ST girls. This does not count freebies (which I do not do anymore). None of this is an accomplishment in any way, that is not the point of this post. The "CGgirl" count is much lower. In order to be considered a CGGirl, I have to have taken them LT more than 4 nights and I have to have spent more than 24 hours straight with them, so it is an exclusive club. It got me to thinking about "my girls" and what they did and did not have in common. So I braindumped on the laptop today on the way back from Jomtien with NoEnglish sleeping (I'll "finish" with her when she wakes up). Here is the list of the nine of them, consisting of FR name (approx number of times I saw them), age, where they worked when I met them - then lastly where they work now (as best I know) : 9 "CGgirls" (in order of meeting them) ------------------------------------ Nam (10 times), 27yo, dancer NEP - now works in a different bar in NEP (I still talk to her but no longer go with her) NanaHottie (20 times), approx 23yo, dancer in NEP - won the 4-4-4 lottery and now married and living in Osaka Lin (6 times), 22yo, Dreams Soi 7/1, now whereabouts unknown, likely living in Germany KhmerCutie (5 times), approx 26yo, dancer in NEP - now whereabouts unknown (I'd like to find her) Nina (10 times), 18yo, gogo dancer, now still dancing as far as I know NoEnglish (10 times), 23yo, Soi33Bar - now still Soi33Bar Nat (5 times), 24yo, Baron Massage - now still Baron Soi33CanDo (10 times), 23yo, Soi33Bar, now sponsored but still sees customers Dew (5 times), 23yo, gogo dancer, still same bar Note that ages above are exact only if I have seen their ID card. Some observations (for what they are worth) : - No CGgirls were FLers when I met them, all worked in the bar (except one who works at Baron). - Of the 9 CGgirls, only 2 have had a baby, neither of which have ANY physical signs of. This is not surprising, as I do not go with any girls that have any sign of streachmarks. - All were from Isaan except NanaHottie, she was from ChiangRai. - None have ever asked me for extra money, none have ever asked me for mobile, none have demanded to go shopping. Note: I read a lot of times that other guys have been asked for extra money, new mobile, clothes, jewelry, etc. I wonder if I just get lucky or the other guys are doing something different than me. - 1 of 9 has asked me meet her parents (I declined). Update 10/16: Now it is 2 of 9, I have met Dew's mother and father - 2 of 9 have SMSed or called me and asked "can you pay barfine, me sick and cannot work" (huge red flag because I know the "sick-day" policy of these two places!) The first one did it when I was in Amereka - she had toothache! I did not pay, but when I came to Bangkok two days later, I offered to take her to my dentist, she declined. NoEnglish did this today, I paid the barfine, but NoEnglish does not know it is a goodbye present to her yet, as I think "I finish her". - I have never handed any of them cash, I always put it in their bag without saying anything. None have told me I do not have to pay them, none have commented whatsoever. Update 10/16/04: One has now said I do not have to pay her, but I continue to do so because I do not need a TGF - I never paid any of them more than a standard gogo LT rate, some less (I do not want to pay 500 ST and 1000 LT) - None were fat or chunky, most have longer than average hair, only 4 of the 9 have the CG-look. - None have fake ti_ts. - None do anal (that I know of) - 4 spoke English better than average (Nina, Dew, Nat and Lin), 2 spoke almost no English when I met them (KhmerCutie and NoEnglish). - 1 girl (Lin) spoke German and Dutch (claimed she learned it in a book!) 555 - Both Soi33 girls have offered, without me asking, to take holiday days instead of me paying barfine. - Footwear: 7 of the 9 wore gymshoes (sneakers, tennies, trainers, etc.) after I had barfined them or went with them for the first time. Only Lin and NoEnglish did not wear sneakers. This is now a CG-interview question, through all my experiences, this tells me something about the girl, believe it or not. Note: Many factors contirbute to whether a girl will be a starfish, but I've found that the girls that wear gymshoes have the lowest starfish ratings. And my all-time 4 greatest screws I have had in BKK (3 of them from the above list) have been administered by girls who wore gymshoes outside the bar. - 7 of the 9 said they worked in the bar only to make money, two said they really liked working in the bar. For these two, it is a perfect job, have fun, sleep all day, make more money than a bank manager or airline pilot. - Only 1 had a tattoo that I saw when meeting them for the first time (Dew). 2 had tattoos hidden from view until naked (Nam and Soi33CanDo). As a rule, I do not go with girls that have tattoos. - I have seen the rooms of 3 of these girls (Nam, Lin and Dew) - 7 of 9 have relatives who are also BGs, only two (NoEnglish and NanaHottie) do not. - As far as I know, 3 of 9 had "sponsors" sending them money at the time I saw them (NanaHottie, Lin and Soi33CanDo). Two told me this and I accidently found out about the other sponsor. - As of this moment, I only see three of them anymore (Nat, Soi33CanDo and Dew). Of the other six of them, I "finished" with four of them because they did something (usually something small) to piss me off. One finished with me because I butterfly too much (WTF?!?), one moved to Japan and one is "lost" (I want to see KhmerCutie again but I cannot find her) - Only one would be considered a "stalker" after "finishing her" (calling me and hanging up, etc.) This is undoubtedly because she was new to the scene when I met her, and no other customer treated her the same way. I am not sure what any of the above means, but I thought I would put it to ink and throw it out here for you to ignore, obviously I'm bored in this taxi from Jomtien to Bangkok. No need for replies.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:11 am on Sep. 13, 2004
ColoradoGuy Posted on 5:26 pm on Sep. 13, 2004
I am not sure what any of the above means
It means you are a nice guy, CG, and from my experience, gave to the ladies as much as you took. They became your "friends" Doesn't take a lot of money, does it? Just time and attention for them. You made them feel happy, Good on ya !
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:11 am on Sep. 13, 2004
jack attack
CG, Nice musings. I would have to really search the memory banks and I fear many have been permanently damaged after coming in contact with repeated doses of alcohol. The JA look would be not too far from yours: a) dislike of tattoos and not too many body piercings b) long, shiney BLACK hair to the middle of the back at least... and no Thai DYE jobs! c) most likely petit - but midsized models accepted d) great smile e) smooth and creamy dark skin f) proportionate hooters to the frame but if there was an dallop, yippee! Outer packaging - I am a sucker for a pair snug blue jeans and a white tank top with a pair of sexy stilletos... not f*ck me BG platform pumps. Sneakers are OK but the heels work for me. Of all the girls after all the years, I have tried to be reasonably (?) honest with them and when I had to tell a white lie, if caught, would do the correct thing- lie through my teeth! Never set out to break any hearts but know I did once in a while. Equally, have been given 3rd degree burns by some of the most crafty, clever and dangerous women on the planet. Have lost contact with a few, would love to hook up with a few again and have managed to keep in touch with others.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:35 am on Sep. 13, 2004
Quote: from ColoradoGuy on 12:26 pm on Sep. 13, 2004 I got to thinking, and it has been a lot. At least 50 different ones over the past two years, however that
I do not doubt that this is correct, but am a bit surprised of the "low" number. I know you are a regular visitor, and that makes it more easy - and more attractive - to revisit old favourites. I made a quick count of my first visit to BK in July (3 weeks) : 14 different girls. Hmm... And I did have some regulars... Edit: I forgot one, that makes it 15... scary (or great)...
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:24 am on Sep. 13, 2004
CG, I am surprised at how much you manage to remember about all of them. Come to think of it, it may make sense as you spend lots of time with them. I still cannot think of any one BG that I have spent more than 12 hours straight with her.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:50 pm on Sep. 13, 2004
Top analysis. Must be a helluva spreadsheet
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:56 pm on Sep. 13, 2004
CG, in its own way, your report is the best FR I have seen on this forum.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:29 pm on Sep. 13, 2004
Wow, that's quite a thought-provoking post. When I thought back over my trips so far, I realized that the girls themselves actually had very little in common beyond the basics. I've been with light and dark, tall and short, young and old (er), from MP's, BB's, and GG's. However, all were slim and wore casual clothes outside of work while none were FL's, had piercing, or easily visible tattoos. Only one spoke anything resembling English, one was a true GFE, and three I would have brought back with me if I could have. Some were sweet and others were less so, but all were an experience, and that's what it's all about. Variety is the spice of life as they say. The way of the butterfly is the way for me, but with a regular or two when you're lucky enough to find one that really gets your blood moving. Now that one went back home to raise the kid and the other's parlor is closed I'm fresh out. Anyway, thanks for the post CG.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:14 pm on Sep. 13, 2004
My Hats of to you CG, like you I remember just about everyone & have a great photo collection for old times sake (btw, not that sort of photos!). Very well said.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:18 pm on Sep. 13, 2004
Quote: from Oz on 9:33 am on Sep. 14, 2004 My Hats of to you CG, like you I remember just about everyone & have a great photo collection for old times sake (btw, not that sort of photos!). Very well said.
Ok I cannot remember anyone. Last Saturday I met a girl who I thought I f_cked and she thought she may have f_cked me, but we both could not decide if we f_cked each other until she asked what hotel I use. I told her and she never been there so we use a hotel to determine that we did not f_ck each other, but now we plan to f_ck each other. Having said, I now take pics and unlike Oz they are that sortof of photos Thank God for new technology.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 pm on Sep. 13, 2004