Quote: from LocalYokul on 10:11 am on Dec. 1, 2005 and on the other hand I've pleasured newbies all night without a complaint, and sometimes requests for MORE
Ah yes, these girls should consider themselves so lucky to get some of your world-renowned attention. Could you be any more pompous and narcissistic? You *really* need to look for some help, man.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:04 pm on Dec. 1, 2005
I could say the same of you, mr. pompous, arrogant, just FOAD but it 's good to see you're still hangin' on my every word, amateur
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:15 pm on Dec. 1, 2005
Quote: from LocalYokul on 10:11 am on Dec. 1, 2005 and on the other hand I've pleasured newbies all night without a complaint, and sometimes requests for MORE
Have to go with HS on this one.... Any guy who pays girls to have sex with him and deludes himself that he is actually giving them 'pleasure' is at best delusional and, at worst, a sad excuse of a man. Still he could just be joking....
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:27 pm on Dec. 1, 2005
Quote: from Abrak on 9:05 am on Dec. 2, 2005 Any guy who pays girls to have sex with him and deludes himself that he is actually giving them 'pleasure' is at best delusional and, at worst, a sad excuse of a man.
Well, just goes to show, the illusion is still going strong, and the acting talents can even fool some who live there On the other hand, what about the girls he doesn't pay, and who keep (allegedly) asking for more?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:43 pm on Dec. 1, 2005
Daffy, yeah, I know one lady who has passed from the P4P to gik status with me. She used to work an oily massage joint, but now she's temporarily retired (I think she has a sponsor, lol). So we get together occassionally for a little fun and games. Even during the P4P phase, she came regularly (3 or 4 times a session... "you crazy man, you gonna keeel me!"), to the point where I was gettin' a little jealous, lol! So it ain't all faked, sometimes there is some chemistry there, provided you treat 'em like ladies and not just like one hour wonders. - Balls
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:58 pm on Dec. 1, 2005
Quote: from Abrak on 9:05 am on Dec. 2, 2005 Any guy who pays girls to have sex with him and deludes himself that he is actually giving them 'pleasure' is at best delusional
well, let's see, there's the one who when we got up in the morning said "I should be paying you, but,,, I really need the money" she'd just cum to town and needed the money for rent, but guess who she called later on when she didn't need money and was frisky then there's the one who likes the all-nighters (til noon) sessions that takes only 1k off me, no barfine tried to get her on the free, since she enjoyed the sex so much, but some women just can't have sex w/o a financial transaction taking place then there's the one who took 500 off me our first session, 4 pops in Soi 22, right before the RT at Corleone's this year, and guess who she visited for dinner and sex later on. Mae Hong Son gal, nice looking pussy, no kids, tight as a Dutch backpacker and of course the gals who I didn't pay from the beginning like the THREE gals who lived by Tooragit Bundit, they knew I was the one guy who could do each of them 3-5 times a night (yeah, the best lookin' one got it 5 times ) hey, I'm not saying I'm the greatest lover, but I do have a certain charm, f*** if I know what it is but it had miss 1k dropping everything to come root me until noon a few times (how many big-titted, hot lookin' fems do you know who would do that for only 1k ?), and miss mae hong son coming out of her way to meet me, knowing she wouldn't get paid why do you think the some of the hardened BG go back to the bar ?, cause I f*** too much, why do some stay until noon, cause I f*** too much (or just enough), LOL, just depends on the gal my current GF complained a wee bit, not about the frequent sex, but more about the lack of sleep, but now she's happier than hell to know that any time she tugs my root in the middle of the night, it's gonna be inside her soon, on call and ready all night (and most of the day)
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 9:22 am on Dec. 2, 2005 the acting talents can even fool some who live there as Ballsburstin' put it, it ain't all faked On the other hand, what about the girls he doesn't pay, and who keep (allegedly) asking for more?
interesting point. Originally some were bewildered by the whole sex jut experience, and some were even almost afraid to spend the night with me again, but they would come calling soon and requesting the all-nighter, when they got horny and wanted it, really wanted it I broke a few hearts when I moved out of the BKK Burbs and singled myself down to only one woman
Quote: from Abrak on 9:05 am on Dec. 2, 2005 Still he could just be joking....
half and half, LOL BTW, I haven't paid for it in a good long time now, not even when I was in S'Pore and the beautiful Viet gal (I mean SUPER Hot Lookin' ) was squeezing my leg and telling me she'd do me on the cheap, LOL hmm, cum to think of it, can't remember the last time I paid, but I think it was miss 1k, about half a year ago and that was because I arrived in town really late and hadn't arranged anything with any GIKs, prior to that must have been around March, but I had plenty of sex in those months between, not like I was celibate or something, 555 cum to think of it, might have actually had more sex in the Burbs with GIKs than I did with P4P, I mean let's face it, if you're paying for it and you're me, you're gonna go broke
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 pm on Dec. 1, 2005
Time to wake up, LY. Boy, you sure dream long dreams !
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:31 pm on Dec. 1, 2005
for the 100th time your dream is my reality get over it
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:40 pm on Dec. 1, 2005
Quote: from Abrak on 12:55 pm on Dec. 1, 2005 One thing that is complicating matters is that there are many TGs who are whoring their way through university. It seems to me that the most popular story is... 'I am at university, studying and just come work the bars on my holidays.' Of course a lot of hardened hookers are bullshitting but there are quite a lot of semi-freelancer types around. So there really are quite a lot of girls who speak good english because they are studying rather than just from years of shagging farang.
Well I have found most of the bar girls are lying their ass off. I have only found one girl who was actually going to a university (English classes do not count) and she had to quit the bar life in order to start passing her classes. Working to 1:00 AM getting drunk and f***ing then waking up early for classes? Very few can do that. Now the uni girls would mostly likely be found as freelancers on the weekend or side-liners at MP where the freedom in working hours and number of days they come in are flexible. I also met a lot of actresses as sideliners in MP's who played bit parts in Thai soap operas and seemed so proud of ther roles like I would ever see them in Thai TV. Their fame would be appreciated by Thai men. I only apprecaited their acting ability when they appear to enjoy getting a cock up their ass. Hmm. maybe there is something to be said for part-time actresses.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:26 pm on Dec. 1, 2005
Bangkok Chang
I believe every word LY says, but the important part is what he misses out. If these girls have so much free time then presumably they all look like the back end of a bus. If the best looking one got it five times then she clearly wasn't doing that well in the bars, otherwise she would have considered whether she was going to be fit for work and ended the session. Bht 1,000 l/t sounds about right. I got a beer-bar girl from Nana once and all she wanted was a plastic battery operated elephant I had with me. I gave her bht 100 taxi fare in the morning too. Kii Neow? Not me mate, it was more than she asked. Bloody good value for money those elephants.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:42 pm on Dec. 1, 2005