Its called thalassemia - a usually hereditary condition of the blood which is common in people from issan. Some say it is caused by iron deficient diet and low count of RBC. In acute cases it could be fatal.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:25 am on Mar. 23, 2007
Hardon is right. Thalassemia is a hereditary blood disorder (common in cultures where marrying a cousin is accepted and/or encouraged). In the UAE (where I live), about 25% of the local population have thalassemia (plus diabetes, plus Downs Syndrome, plus many others... ). Thalassemia is not usually a fatal disease, but saps the energy. Serious cases need weekly treatment, including transfusions. Best not to have sex with your cousins.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:19 pm on Mar. 23, 2007