IBFarang, Have to strongly agree with: "Believe me it is 10 times easier to juggle two, three… of them if they (or all but one of them) know the score..." It's how I was able to manage a series of giks while living fulltime with my TGF in BKK. Still keep in touch with a few of them from here in Amerika, so those doors (to ST hotels) are still open when I drop back in on BKK. Being upfront with these other ladies saved my butt a couple of times when I stumbled across them with my TGF in tow, lol. They knew the score and immediately acted appropriately to save the day, and their occasional income from me. Granted, I would often get the "You know, good if I mia noy you!" from them, and I'd always tell 'em I never do mia noys, just giks. Seems to work just fine, have gotten some good friendships out of this arrangement (and I suppose these ladies always see the possibility of slipping into the number one slot should my TGF leave me for another farang). - Balls
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:04 am on July 11, 2007
Quote: from chilli on 9:07 pm on July 11, 2007 Honesty always works wonders they say, but how about when the truth simply is too inconvenient? Like if regular girls actually is wife of say 3 years & new fling is just that i.e. 1 nights f*** marathon & then 'just friends' again How is that ever gonna work or how could a best 'choice' be made based upon that? : (
Thai women tend to be much more pragmatic about the multiple women situation than their western counter parts. In the scenario you describe (one the wife, and one a one time shag) I think you are a far distance from discussing both of them needing to be number one. The wife is the wife and unless you have plans of divorcing her in the near future she pretty much has a lock on the number one slot. If you have any aspirations of the second lady having regular appearances on your dance card IMHO the only way this will work is if she is well aware of the wife and the role she will be playing in your life. Keeping both of them in the dark in regard to the existence of the other is simply too much work. If you feel the second lady is worth all the work, and risk – I wish you the best. But I think it is simply too easy to get laid in Thailand to consider putting that much work into it.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:32 pm on July 11, 2007
Good points taken again & I guess I better consider them seriously Its pretty sure though that being a gik wouldn't work well with the 2nd gal as she says she can't handle sex without emotions, but that's also what makes her interesting!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:53 am on July 12, 2007
"but that's also what makes her interesting!" ... and a time bomb - Balls
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:46 am on July 12, 2007
When I met my wife-to-be, I was living with another GF in Saladaeng. So I rented an apartment just round the corner for the new GF, (who knew about my original GF). Original GF did not know about new GF. I stayed at night with original GF but got up at 6am 'to go to the gym'. Then I jogged round to new GF for 2 hours of fun. Then I returned for breakfast with original GF. But at 10am I went for my 2 hours of Thai language lessons (with new GF!). After a few weeks of this I was knackered..... Finally resolved the situation when original GF read my emails and found an old email from a 3rd GF. She put 2 and 2 together and got 5, assuming I was seeing this 3rd GF. So we parted our ways. She then sobbed on the shoulder of my new GF (who was actually the manager at one of my bars), unaware of her 'status'. It was over a year before I told original GF that she had got it all wrong and bar manager was actually new GF That's 4 years ago. Now new GF is wife with 2 kids!! Original GF still sends an email every week pleading for me (and bank account) to come back Simon
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:40 pm on Aug. 4, 2007
LOL happyguy nice work wish u all the best Life's too short!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:43 am on Aug. 5, 2007
Quote: from IBFarang on 10:26 am on July 12, 2007 But I think it is simply too easy to get laid in Thailand to consider putting that much work into it.
Excellent point - I generally fail to see the gyrations some people go through, all over one particular girl, when the above is true.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:30 am on Aug. 5, 2007
Quote: from Ballsburstin on 12:58 am on July 12, 2007 I never do mia noys, just giks
IMHO if there is a monetary settlement involved, they are Meeya Nois GIKs are no money down except maybe dinner and a movie
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:09 am on Aug. 5, 2007
Chili, Do whatever you Feel, this is Thailand. A Male employee of mine has 1 girlfriend and 7 giks, and the ladies in the office all giggle about it, sometimes even help him sort out his schedule. My Secretary will get married soon to a very intelligent Thai man with University Diploma and a Job that pays 6 figures.... well, she has 2 other guys on the side, both Thais. I told her that since she is getting Married it is wrong to be dating other men... well, she looked at me like I was from another planet, and kept repeating that it is totally normal. I also know an older Thai lady (43) married with 2 kids that, has sex with my Personal Trainer (22), he does not find her attractive at all but he said she pays for his Flat, his car and all of what he wishes... Chili, my point is, if the Thais do it so easily, why can't you?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:21 pm on Aug. 5, 2007
Nic F, I know stuff can be pretty kinky in LOS especially in the higher layers of the moneyed society 'coz money talks also when the objective is sex However I may have left out that I mainly live a bit further south on the silly island where life often is a bit more predictable & boring, so thats why my incentive to 'hang on' to a particular girl might be a bit stronger... Fortunately the 2nd gal in my 'game' has cute gf (s) & it may be the grass is always greener turns out true yet again - only time will tell
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:58 am on Aug. 6, 2007