Quote: from factorx on 3:33 pm on Dec. 10, 2007 She chose to earn her money the immoral ways
"immoral ways" is not judgmental? 5555! Just pointing out sometimes we say what we don't mean.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:56 pm on Dec. 9, 2007
Joe Wood
I think there is something very moral about a young girl who will rent out her time and body to earn money for her destitute family and relations. I am being judgemental, but I agree with CalEden, as these posts indicate. Kaymanx is right. Renting out your body, although I cannot say this from personal experience, is not an easy life nor an easy choice to make. If you tried it yourself sometime, I'd imagine that you'd find it not to your liking and rather difficult to meet every encounter with, in the first milli-second, an enthusiasm that would give others the impression that this customer is just the person you've been waiting for all your life. Most girls choose to work outside of P4P. There is no comparison between being in control of your life and being used. I haven't met a girl who has entered the industry who, before, has made the positively enthusiastic decision to enage in as much sexual activty as she can. If anything compels her, it is financial need. Once in, a girl will try to make the best of a situation, as we all do in times of difficulty and stress.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:39 pm on Dec. 9, 2007
Kaymanx There are 2 ways to earn, one easy and one hard. Even a girl who works in a Seven Eleven has long working hours, handling easy and difficult customers etc., But What does she get paid?? 5000 Bhats?? If some one with same or lesser amount of education and social standing wants to earn 100000 Bhats, do you mean to say she will get it easy?? Hard work no doubt! Handling all sorts of shitty guys with shitty requirements, no doubt! What ever you added other than above, she has to bear no doubt! But instead of going for a 5000 Bhat job she has selected her life. But that does not still mean it is hard earned money. A person earning 100000 Bhat in LOS should have a very high education and experiance. But in this TGs case her biological good looks, taking care of basic needs and satisfaction of her punters is what she is good at. Thats why it is easy money for her. You mean to say once they have spread their legs for more than few guys, they are bothered about who is on top of them?? Whether they stink or smell of roses?? It is all part of their job profile. Still it is easy money, please dont forget. When you work hard for earning money, you will never throw it away. Take all our Bros. They earn lots of money, but throw very little of it towards fun in LOS. Have you come across any bro who has thrown away all his money on mongering?? I have not come across anybody. I work hard for a year, allocate a fraction of money I earn for my fun in LOS and get on with it. Why?? Because I slogged all my life to reach the position I am in. Compare this girl to me. What did she do to earn so much??That is the reason why it is easy money for her. Once it is easily earned it is easily spent. I don't have anything against any one in prostitution. I treat them with all respect any human deserves and take care of their well being when they are with me. But it does not mean I should respect the way they earn money. The difference in the way money is earned determines the way it is spent. Thats all what I was trying to mean. Nothing more nothing less. msg4558
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:51 pm on Dec. 9, 2007
Broken Leg
Quote: from Joe Wood on 11:54 am on Dec. 10, 2007
so joe are you really sticking up for the girls in your posts or yourself?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:43 pm on Dec. 9, 2007
Joe Wood
Broken Leg, you, please be the judge of that. At this moment, I'm more tempted to stick the girl in your avatar. ( By the way, don't dare change it. My 'entry' here, may be grossly mis-construed otherwise. )
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:07 pm on Dec. 9, 2007
msg4558, You are contradicting yourself. You spend "your hard earned money" on girls by being a customer for their services but do not respect them for rendering that service ? There is a simple word in English for that, hypocrisy. You are also confusing the amount of a person's earnings with whether it was earned easily. I was, of course, countering your point about easy earning. Whether a girl earns 5000 baht a month or 100,000 baht a month for sexual services, my contention is that it is not an easy life as you made it out. I suspect there is a tinge of envy in the argument that a girl does not need educational qualification or any formal specialisation or capital investment to do this, therefore it is easy earning. Your contention that " I slogged all my life to reach the position I am in. Compare this girl to me. What did she do to earn so much ?" I would counter thus : Not everyone in the sex-service field earns 100,000 baht a month. Some do because of their special skills, just like some people in your own profession earn more than you do because of their special skills. Or, just like some people in your own profession earn much less than you do because of YOUR special skills. But again, as I said, do not confuse the amount of earnings with the fact of hard work. Those fortunate enough to have had education and a good job and a "good," "upright," "moral" social standing must needs despise this form of livelihood for fear someone of their ilk may take to it. Right ? It's why we have this eternal struggle between the so-called good and the so-called bad, the landed and the landless. Now, I suspect, you have opened up two fronts for your post : easy earnings and a despicable profession. You, the customer, have the upper hand.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:21 pm on Dec. 9, 2007
Quote: from msg4558 on 12:06 pm on Dec. 10, 2007 What ever you added other than above, she has to bear no doubt! But instead of going for a 5000 Bhat job she has selected her life. But that does not still mean it is hard earned money.
Let's put it that way -- if you had the good looks to attract fatty, smelly, stinky and old women, that are willing to pay you good money for you to service them, while liking and kissing their stinking mouths, saggy tits, and fondling their fatty folds - would you do it, if you found yourself in dire straits with no other way to earn a living? Not really that easy money anymore, now is it?
Quote: from msg4558 on 12:06 pm on Dec. 10, 2007 A person earning 100000 Bhat in LOS should have a very high education and experiance. But in this TGs case her biological good looks, taking care of basic needs and satisfaction of her punters is what she is good at. Thats why it is easy money for her.
**SHOULD** have a very high education and experience???? So, you are the arbiter of the qualifications of people that 'deserve' a high income? I would like to see you apply that to other demographic groups earning high incomes - drug dealers, money lenders, corrupt policemen, etc... In the VERY LONG list of other distinguished professions earning 100,000 Baht per month or more, the girl doing so service punters' needs may be earning it a far harder and tougher way, than the politician or policeman receiving an envelope to look the other way, or a drug dealer just feeding his customers' addictions. Passing judgment, particularly on a girl servicing your needs, and putting her down as you did in your missive, is certainly a new low.
Quote: from Kaymanx on 1:36 pm on Dec. 10, 2007 msg4558, You are contradicting yourself. You spend "your hard earned money" on girls by being a customer for their services but do not respect them for rendering that service ? There is a simple word in English for that, hypocrisy.
There's another word for that, as well, but it may be construed as a flame.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:44 am on Dec. 10, 2007
Kaymanx & Daffy Both of you are saying the same thing I am saying. Physical hardwork or lack of it, does not denote the type of income. For earning income in a legal way you require to toil hard to come to a position where you are earning this income as a right. There are many shortcuts to earn huge monies and this TG is opting one of it. But you are forgetting the basic fact. Hard earned income is not dispensed with so easily as income made from shortcuts. This lady is earning beyond her means and is not having the wherewithall to retain the earnings and hence throwing it away. As I told you earlier, I am not a hypocrite and have always taken care of the ladies very well and treated them as ladies and not whores. Still it does not mean that their income is hard earned. A lady earning 5000 Bhat in a 7/11 earns it in the hardway, where as a lady earning 100000 Bhat spreading her legs earns it otherwise. Might be hard work is involved, but the earning is disproportionate to their hard work. Imagine how many hours the 7/11 lady has to spend working to earn 100000 Bhat?? The 7/11 lady will certainly be more qualified than the TG concerned. Buit she still earns less. Why?? Can someone answer me??
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:33 am on Dec. 10, 2007
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 8:34 am on Dec. 9, 2007 Not really much different than what you'd also see in many 'developed' nations, particular in North America, as well.
Well, not exactly. 100 000 baht is what? 20 times the average wage? I do agree that some US people on 20 times the average wage will blow it all on phone calls and taxis, but it is unlikely. What is difficult to believe is that someone on 20 times the average income cannot live a nice life AND set something aside (or invest a good part of the income).
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:31 am on Dec. 10, 2007
msg4558 No, I am not saying the same thing as you. I am baffled at how you contend that both of us are saying the same thing. You and I are saying two opposite things. For one thing, I have not been able to understand what you mean by saying, "For earning income in a legal way you require to toil hard to come to a position where you are earning this income as a right. " You mean if you lay a woman and you know it is illegal, she cannot demand her promised income from you as a right ? Or, do you mean that your being in a so-called legal profession bestows you with the right to charge as you please which someone in a banned industry cannot ? If you consider this profession as immoral or despicable, you should have absolutely nothing to do with it, unless you are yourself despicable for being a customer of someone whom you consider despicable. You say, "Hard earned income is not dispensed with so easily as income made from shortcuts." That is your individual -- and specious -- viewpoint. I know people earning thousands in bribes who would bargain with the fruit vendor. I also know people earning honestly spending lavishly on branded lifestyle products. What say you to that ? What is the basis of your statement : " This lady is earning beyond her means and is not having the wherewithall to retain the earnings and hence throwing it away. " Irrespective of the facts of this particular case cited by Arthur348, I am stumped by the prospect of anybody "earning beyond one's means." Spending beyond one's means I can understand. You now say that "As I told you earlier, I am not a hypocrite and have always taken care of the ladies very well." I found hypocrisy not in your proclaimed lavish payments but (i) in your declaration "But it does not mean I should respect the way they earn money" (ii) in your clubbing prostitution and corruption together in your first post, (iii) your preening that "I work hard for a year, allocate a fraction of money I earn for my fun in LOS and get on with it. Why?? Because I slogged all my life to reach the position I am in. " Here you are, saying it is fun for you, yet you despise the person providing it. I will pick on another statement of yours: "Still it does not mean that their income is hard earned. A lady earning 5000 Bhat in a 7/11 earns it in the hardway, where as a lady earning 100000 Bhat spreading her legs earns it otherwise." Let me ask you, if the same lady were walking the street night after night after night without luck (as many do), very rarely winning a customer, and ended up earning just 5000 baht a month would you then condescend to agree that was hard earned money ? That's what you seem to imply with your next statement that, "Might be hard work is involved, but the earning is disproportionate to their hard work." You ask, "Compare this girl to me. What did she do to earn so much??" The answer is evident, but you care not to see. If you were CEO of a transnational you would earn a 7-figure income, but you are not, therefore you don't. See?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:59 am on Dec. 10, 2007