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Quote: from only coke on 9:07 pm on Dec. 25, 2007
After long years of coming to bkk I start to ask myself a question.
Have all girls which are related to bars the gene for lying and being unfaithful?
No. But why would you expect a girl who is working in the bar to tell you the truth? And why would you want her to?

And if they have chosen a job that involves having sex with different men, where does "unfaithfulness" come in?

If you never ask her any questions where she has to think up the answer you want to hear, then she will never lie. And if you don't ask her about any other customers, she will likely not tell you about them, so then she really isn't being unfaithful. TIT.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:07 am on Dec. 26, 2007

I just had a GIK telling me how BIG her other GIKs cocks were.

big turn-off

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:46 am on Dec. 26, 2007
You know I must have a big cock, because many BG/GIKS/GTGs told me it is biggest they have had, and ofcourse each one has not seen many cocks, that could be why..
Can't all be lying, can they? ha ha ha ha

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:23 pm on Dec. 26, 2007

in consolation she told me that my cock is harder and I can f*** more than those guys

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:46 pm on Dec. 26, 2007
My experience has been that Thai's in general will tell you what they think you want to hear. It isn't limited to bar girls but permeates the entire society and seems to be their defense against confrontation.

LY, she just told you what she thought you wanted to hear!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:14 pm on Dec. 26, 2007

Quote: from LocalYokul on 9:01 am on Dec. 27, 2007
in consolation she told me that my cock is harder and I can f*** more than those guys
Do you really need the girl to tell you that? You already know that yourself!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:14 pm on Dec. 26, 2007

Quote: from ColoradoGuy on 11:22 pm on Dec. 26, 2007

Good points, CG. I'm afraid the OP is going to have to get real about things a bit before he will be able to relax and have a good time in Thailand.

Someone can have meaningful relationships here, of course, and those even exist with women whom men have met working in bars. But one has to forget about this "lying gene" nonsense and admit the basic truths that CG has described above, as well as the cultural relations EPC mentioned, before one can even begin a baby step in that direction.

The concept and practice of Truth is more flexible here. I wonder if we should even use the same word; it's relative.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:42 pm on Dec. 26, 2007
jack attack
Maybe it is in the jeans... blue jeans!!! If the bar girls do it, and the good girls do it, what females does that leave that do not lie?

Now by comparison, take a 'good' girl in the west... 24 yrs old, college educated, decent job, cute face - nice body. Would she consider having a boyfriend that is 20 years older than her? IMO, generally no. Would she be happy with accepting the BF paying for her apt, car, living expenses? IMO, a bit less than generally no. Both her family and friends would probably ostracize her.

For all the above, generally western women are not conditioned like that and neither are western men. That may be one reason why this seems so cold hearted and mercenary to many.

However, here, Thai men and women are very accustomed to this situation. What really still surprises me is when I hear of a very well educated woman from a "good" family (with money) and she is letting her self be set up in a condo with car and allowance. To me, I would expect the parents to go nuclear over this. But they don't. They may not be 100% happy but they aren't rewriting the will either. I also would think the girls 'friends' would be disappointed she would do this, but they don't seem to be.

It's different viewpoints here- theirs vs. ours. Our ideas of romantic love IMO, don't fit theirs.... even when our johnsons are bigger and in LY's case, harder!!!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:51 pm on Dec. 27, 2007

Quote: from expatchuck on 12:29 pm on Dec. 27, 2007

she thought you wanted to hear!

actually, she doesn't have a tendency to do that. She says what she thinks in my experience with her, and I've known her a little over two years

and BKs comment pretty much confirms it, LOL

Quote: from bkkz on 1:29 pm on Dec. 27, 2007

You already know that yourself!

Quote: from bkkz on 1:29 pm on Dec. 27, 2007

Do you really need the girl to tell you that?

I don't NEED it per sé, but it's kinda nice, especially if you're right in "the act"

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:04 am on Dec. 28, 2007
There are many examples of western women doing exactly what has been described, i.e. stay with men 20 years + older than them, just look at Peter Stringfellow here in the the UK. The only difference is they do it for a lot more money, and usually manage to wrangle a marriage out of it, and with that the protection that western civil laws provides. I suppose that there are less women doing that because there are not so many millionares readily available.

But in my eyes it certainly makes them the same as Thai women.. And I am sure the same applies for the families of such women.

Whilst I may not be happy that my daughter marries a guy 20 years older than her if he is a multi millionare then well and good.

I always said I felt like I was a millionare in Thailand LOL.. Well my girl makes me feel like it anyway and of course we are when you convert it to Baht LOL.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:04 pm on Dec. 28, 2007

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