Frank La Rue
Is "kids" a part on you r equation? If you enjoy having son/daughter it may be what it takes to remain reasonabley stable whe nthe boredom sets in in the sexual relationship. On th ewhole I would not settle for a qoman my age, but 10 years my junior so I have someone yo keep me young whe nI get older. What if her psyche ages faster than yours and you find yourself living with someone like your aunt when you are 50? As for kids you better her with her I support the person who asked what if you take sex and her money out of the equation, do you really enjoy her company? Pic is certainly a pass.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:49 am on Feb. 28, 2008
Broken Leg
I agree with Bells shack up with her and when you get bored introduce her to Dafty, she'll top herself soon after.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:35 am on Feb. 28, 2008
Quote: from Broken Leg on 12:50 am on Feb. 29, 2008 introduce her to Dafty, she'll top herself soon after
Good point, she couldn't do any better after me...
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:48 am on Feb. 28, 2008
Mel Gibson
I don't even hate my first wife enough to introduce her to the Duck,, I always planned a brutal but quick death for her:") But I could not do such a thing to any living creature. Mel
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:20 am on Feb. 28, 2008
Ok, for what its worth, I will chime in.. AFM, she aint bad at all for 40 something, and the boobies seem to be quite glorious Some guys have brought up some nice points and as far as marriage is concerned I am a newbie....many here can advise better than me.. In my case, my wife is my age (mid thirties) and still looking pretty good, IMO, but since getting married the sex life has suffered...as I am sure is the case with many, many married people...what has increased by leaps and bounds is our friendship and unconditional love and support...which I highly value...moreso than sex..huh what did I just say????? Your lady has a big advantage on mine (aside from the tata's) in that she is financially self secure...but thats a check in "con" column I knew going into my marriage.... As for having to decide to stay in America or move to Thailand...you seem to have been pretty determined to make the move and early 40's is still young in my book...if you have the financial means to do it, I say "you only live once!" I dont regret any of my 3 years living in LOS but am very happy to be back here with my family AND my Thai wife... That friendship/family oriented lifestyle along with the anticipation of our annual Thai holiday, when I get a week and a half hall pass to be with my "friends", is enough to get me through tough times...that and asian porn lol! My honest opinion, and I could be wrong, I think you wouldnt really be into her years down the road....I would make the move and do the LOS thing...if anything "get it out of your system." If you decide after moving you made the wrong call (its sounds like she is into you) chances are she will be there again...unless she is desperatly seeking a companion..in which case isnt a good sign to begin with.. my 2 cents and all the best with the route you choose.. atl ps...mrs atl has met the duck and seems to be OK..kidding with ya DD
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:57 am on Feb. 28, 2008
Hmmmmmm, sounds to good to be true to me, I certainly know i'd be giving her a go, can't see the picture or link to the picture, but everyone else says shes hot. I'd be well happy to have a lady like her and she'd be over 10 years older than me!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:40 pm on Mar. 4, 2008
Funny thing is... I actually met this girl about a year ago, right before my planned annual vacation (chronicled in the "Megatrip" field reports) but I blew her off so she wouldn't interfere with that trip. So, here I am a year later in exactly the same situation - this time I think I'm going to try something different - I think I'm going to move in and see how it goes - and if I can still pull off having a quick trip to LOS I will. As for the "black widow" scenario, I was initially concerned about this, and though still wary, am less so now. Apparently her story goes something like this: She moved here from Phuket when she was 18 years old (around 1986) chasing after some farang who she them married. He was from a well-to-do family, but apparently also an alcoholic with IRS problems. I think they divorced about 5 years ago, and I think the boobies were added after that event. She is still on good terms with his family, though I haven't heard much about what happened to the farang, but she got the house. We've already had some discussions about retiring back to Thailand, so this may actually be an in through the back door route scenario for me. Marriage is not on the table, and she actually seems to have an aversion to the idea, and that's fine with me. Another unusual thing is that she wants to move to Chiang Mai, get this... because it is far from her family, and she doesn't want them to bother her for money... haha... smart girl... If I get tired of her, there is nothing stopping me from walking away, but I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens...
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:11 pm on Mar. 4, 2008
Good luck, dude. Best of fun with the boobies
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:07 pm on Mar. 4, 2008
Just got the picture after being off here for a while, she looks great to me, good luck and all the best hope someone like that comes my way in the future, cheers for the picture and think i'll check your book out. Chris.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:03 am on April 10, 2008
Just a brief update on my TG-USA adventure... I moved in with her at the start of May, for the most part it has been pretty good - the "frisky frequency" has died down a bit (normal for living together) but she still cooks and cleans and "lady take care's" me, so no real complaints. Although she did go psycho on me once because I gave her money with a check instead of cash. (for utilities etc)... In spite of all this domestic bliss, when a buddy of mine based in Singapore asked me to meet him in BKK for a week's adventure... I said hell yeah! So I'll be over there in a couple of weeks time, from july 12 - 22. This will be my first trip while trying to maintain a current relationship, so it poses some new issues... • Do I try to pull off this trip in "Stealth mode" or do I just tell the truth and accept the consequences. I am leaning toward stealth mode. Any tips on getting away with this sort of thing? • Since I'm living a more or less permanent "long time" situation, I suspect I will be more of a "short-timer" while in BKK this time, which is unusual mindset for me. We'll see how it plays out...
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:57 pm on June 25, 2008