Thaidup, I have never heard of what you are describing. Although it sounds kind of like a club membership, with a set number of BF built in. I have just never heard of such a thing with respect to a particular girl (although, because of that, the "membership" will have its own inherent expiration date built in. They all quit sooner or later. Unless they work at Afterskool of course )
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:02 am on April 7, 2009
The perpetual bar fine in an interesting concept. I had been visiting a bar in SC reasonably regularly and taking out the same lady. She suggested that for 7,000 I could take her out anytime without paying a bar fine for her ever again. I thought long and hard about this as I was concerned that if I paid the perpetual bar fine she may feel obligated anytime I came to town etc. and I did not want this - she needed to be able to choose - I did not want it to be seen as me "buying her" In the end, I paid the 7,000 Bht and it has actually turned out very well. I paid this 5 years ago and I visit Bangkok around 70 to 80 nights a year and I simply ring and she comes and stays with me at the hotel - I have not been to her bar for over three years now. She appears to enjoy staying but has on occasions (like now) indicated that she is going home to visit her parents so cannot stay this time - this was the basis of the arrangement. Overall, I have saved a lot of money, I personally do not feel obligated to her and she do not appear to feel obligated to me - the very basis that I wanted the arrangement - so overall it has worked out well. I am sure that others are not as lucky. I might add the lady is a little "older" (in her mid thirties) so this may be a reason for it working a little better and the fact that she has been stable in the one bar.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:30 am on April 12, 2009
Joe Wood
Hi stayer11. No intention of taking the piss, as they say, but when you write.......".....I did not want it to be seen as me "buying her"..............", are you implying that you don't pay her for the nights that she stays with you ? If so, then you have saved a lot in bar-fines by paying the 7,000 baht. But that was 5 years ago. Maybe now the price is a little higher. The trouble with perpetual bar-fines being paid for the long term is assuming that she will remain in P4P for the period of time that you want her and further that she will remain in that same bar and not move to another. Thinking how a lot of girls switch from bar to bar looking for something more friendly, less exploitive, easier on the rules or just to avoid an unfriendly colleague or walk away from a loss of face situation or a better circle of supportive friends, there seems to be little guarentee that the girl will be in the same bar for that length of time, or that if she is, you are very lucky.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:34 pm on April 12, 2009
Joe - absolutely agree that I have been very fortunate with my specific arrangement. On the "buying" aspect, I was really conscious of the fact that I was paying money for the services of a lady (albeit at the bar fine level) and did not want her to see the transaction as her being obligated to me when ever I came into town - I wanted her to still have a choice. I might add, I had been taking her out for 5 or 6 months before going down the perpetual bar fine route. Yes, I still pay her for the time she spends with me over an above the perpetual bar fine.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:24 am on April 13, 2009
It really doesn't matter if you pay barfine night-by-night or pay a lump sum. You're always 'buying' the girl. However, I use the same excuse 'I think you're a person, not a item I buy in Robinson' when I invite a girl to move in. It's merely a way out of paying money. It works every time....
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:33 am on April 13, 2009