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I might not have been completely clear with what I meant in saying to "work a deal" with a regular. I didn't mean to negociate a cheaper price for each occurance, but work something different.

For example, I helped one of my regulars with rent and since she works during the day, she offered to just join me for free food and will stay long time any night I want. Not needing to pay her BF. She asked that I just buy her dinner.

Another one said that is if wanted to take her on a trip any weekend, she wouldnt' want/expect a tip to go with.

Since these were both offers put up by them, I don't see a problem with taking them up on it.

I just mentioned it as it might be an opportunity for some of you out there to possibly broach the subject of a trip or something like that with one of your regulars.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:33 am on May 31, 2010

Sunday night at Hillary Bar 2 on Nana @ 9PM...about 40-50 girls and 5 customers.

Walked to Nana after eating at HB2 and stopped in Rainbow 4. I must usually get there late (and don't really go that often) because I hadn't ever seen anyone that I "had" to try. Last night there were at least 5 girls that looked exceptional and I guess they are usually taken by the time I get there.

So, as pointed out above. The price may not necessarily be adjusting, but there is definitely much more of a selection.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:40 am on May 31, 2010
Yes, good selection plus other options for company and entertainment, isn't this the time to try help w/a good tip or some other perk when times are tough for these wonderful girls.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:50 am on June 3, 2010
Plenty of deals to be had.

In Angel Witch the other night the hottest girl there by my standards sat with me. Never met her before.

Asked her how much she wanted and she replied the standard 2,000 baht. After awhile I decided I really didn't want her (warning signs) so I told he "no thanks, I'm gonna find me a 1000 baht girl for tonight."

Price immediately dropped to 1500. "No," I said, "plenty of 1000 baht girls out there." This is usually how I try to avoid them once I make the decision to not go.

Then she says "if I say I will go with you for 1,000 baht will you pay bar for me?" At that point, despite the warning signs I couldn't resist because she was so hot.

Definitely not a performer but probably worth the 1,000 baht paid.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:07 am on June 6, 2010
... yes, as Saitnyen reports... plenty of deals to be had.

... hit Shark Bar this weekend, which appeared to be doing quite well at about 2200... bar fined #32, a petite little spinner with bodacious bolt-ons, whom I've done before... did dicker over rates and I paid the standard ST fare (BHT 2,000) and off we went.

... she concedes business is slower (but not for her), with fewer lady drinks (but not for her), and fewer bar fines (but not for her), and some gurls going back upcountry to wait it out.

... as before, she knocked my socks off... but this time, she was sadly a runner, explaining that she needed to return to the bar to "take care her cousin"... my bet, once she got her shore leave, she was anxious to turn a double play to make up for the slower business.

... business might not be as good as she represented.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:24 pm on June 6, 2010
magnum, I'm confused. How is she a "runner" if you negotiated and agreed to a ST rate?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:44 pm on June 6, 2010

Quote: from Quim on 10:44 am on June 7, 2010

magnum, I'm confused. How is she a "runner" if you negotiated and agreed to a ST rate?

... as I understand the definition "runner", she does her thing with me, and then becomes quite antsy to depart before the full two-hours is up, making-up inane excuses, and making herself generally annoying enough to get her mark to send her on her way.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:31 am on June 7, 2010
a runner is a girl who, after agreeing to LT, leaves after banging you, converting it into ST (and to add insult to injury tries to get you to pay her the LT rate).

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 am on June 7, 2010
Sir magnum force, I see your point, but I think Poskat's definition is the generally accepted one.

Personally, when I take a girl ST I think of it in terms of her leaving within 2-3 hours, or when I am done, whichever comes/cums first. It has been rare for a ST TG to hang around much after we are done, and that's usually fine with me, or I would have asked her for LT in the first place. (Other times I have asked a ST if she wants to come eat with me and sometimes she does, before going on her way, leaving me the rest of the evening to happily go hunting again.)

If you have agreed up front on more than one pop (I rarely if ever do), then I agree she would be a runner if she tries to leave before the time AND number of pops have run their course.

But I wouldn't be surprised by a ST girl wanting to leave as soon as she can to possibly close another deal before the night is over, and telling you a white lie to not make it too obvious (save face, yours and hers).

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:26 pm on June 7, 2010

Quote: from Quim on 7:26 am on June 8, 2010
Sir magnum force, I see your point, but I think Poskat's definition is the generally accepted one.
... Quim.... Poskat... true disciples of Mr. Webster, both of you... I am now properly schooled on the correct definition of "runner"... perhaps Webster's New World Dictionary will accept it as a new definition in their 2011 edition?... thank you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:58 pm on June 15, 2010

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