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dirty guru
I am happy the survey girl you know is being a good girl.

By the way it is a decietful con as the punter is lured to collect a prize but given a presentation

But it doesnt blow anything out of the water.

There are, for instance,Japanese Tv stars who started in Porn and went to straight.

Just as there are many more who started in TV who went to adult Movies.

Thailand has no rules in respect for which way your cross either.

I know air line workers who will f*** for money.

Escort agencies have many Nurses and office woman on their books.

Some of them say they feel better now having a whole lot more money

Thais often will just give the punter what his christian value system wants to hear.

""I work in shop now feel better alot......but need you help me alittle"

Its common place for an ex whore in a home back up north to shun girls going off to the big smoke as if they were beneath them.

>>>....short memory or selective.

And I can tell you now many a girl who is a student /shop worker...whatever will often say "i never do this type of work before.

Just as ones who leave the bar /freelancer scene often say they are cured of that desire...."oh and feel better now"'

Its in their interest (sometimes) to take on a straight job.

Especially if they are still say working in an enviroment that has a large P4p nearby...and reassurring some worrying farang needs achieving.

I am not saying there are not woman who turn their backs on P4p,but for every one that does there is another 100 who claim they have.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:21 pm on Oct. 6, 2010
"Thais often will just give the punter what his christian value system wants to hear"

You ever thought that the survey girls flirt with you, etc, just to flatter you and get your interest to fill in their survey, etc, and that when you're out of earshot, they say something else?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:59 am on Oct. 9, 2010
dirty guru
Sure they do.....

But thats maybe 50% of the story......

Maybe 25% think what its like to go one step further like the girls passing holding a farang hand.

Its not all black and one is saying or suggesting that for a minute.

But its equally as naieve to think girls dont try things.

As I said before some Tv stars in Japan go into Hard core porn.

Just as Hard core porn stars have switched to straight.

Escort angencies have straight woman on their books who for the right price will moonlight.

There have been examples of girls from shops going with Farangs.

Waitresses with customers.

Staff of venues and hospitality industry.

You get a sense at times that some woman are willing and its not imagined.

But thats for the man on the street to decide where to push the boundiries if at all?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:58 pm on Oct. 9, 2010

Quote: maybe they simply like to f***??

Posted on: 1:02 pm on Oct. 6, 2010 |

You can have your cake and eat it too.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:06 am on Oct. 10, 2010
China Sailor
What DG says is true, one of my first encounters was with a waitress who was more than happy to 'moonlight' for a few extra baht.

The only difference is that she could pick and choose her customers as she was not dependent on the 'extra income' to meet her daily needs.... the 'extra income' went into gold, not to wear, but as in investment.

I understand that she is now fairly wealthy (her gold has risen >50% in value) and into real estate, forex, and the market.

Hmmm.... I wonder where she learned her skills, from a customer maybe.... none the less she would not be there except for the cash generated by her hobby...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:02 am on Oct. 11, 2010

Quote: from quack quack on 11:07 am on Oct. 11, 2010
Also, doesn't such hand holding automatically classify that girl as a prostitute & degrade her in the eyes of Thais'?
Especially when you in Sukhumvit area. My friend's wife refuses to hold his hands when walking around Sukhumvit for that reason.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:19 am on Oct. 11, 2010
That's a beautiful story, China Sailor.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:40 am on Oct. 11, 2010
dirty guru
Well its great we have viewpoints-

I had suggested Some thai survey girls might wonder about the "next step" when seeing (for example) a farang and Thai walking past-.......

Quote: from dirty guru on 5:58 am on Oct. 10, 2010
girls passing holding a farang hand.


Yes, why do young Thai girls appear to like holding a non Thai bloke's hand, in public places when the hand belongs to a guy ( like myself) who could be old enough to be her father ?

Personally feel embarrassed when a young Thai girl holds my hand in a public place, like a shopping mall.

Also, doesn't such hand holding automatically classify that girl as a prostitute & degrade her in the eyes of Thais'?


Its a very interesting topic.

Common sense (forinstance) tells us Thailand is not really overly concerned with the conservative estimate of 500,000 woman involved in "going with westerners".

What is important is face.


The naieve forinstance who have meshed out an existence in just Bangkok would easily conclude the 6% of Thai woman that hook are offensive in the extreme to good upright ordinary woman and Thai citzens.

Bye the way the 6% is based loosely on half of 68 million (being 34 million)

Then 25% in the target age (say 18-36) million

1% equals 85,000 times this by 6 and we have about right the numbers.

The stigma is deliberate.

I know of many woman who have been prostitues in the past (often now with houses and businesses ) that frown on it.

The rationale is simple-

"good girl"

"bad girl"

This theme resonates successfully with the more naieve Farangs and limited experiences.

Its reinforced with actual audacity that is like the above example breath taking in scope.

But before we enter such agruements lets exam some stuff here.

Ok lets take a city like Pattaya as our subject matter to highlight the so called "Thai /farang " offence.

Conservatively at a guess, Pattaya has 5000 bars-

Woman who will accept payment for services - 50,000

Its silly to think legal political efforts to address this are on anyones agenda.

You might read of a bar raid on one of hundreds that for instance offer services near by.

Like my wife or BK friends wife they may insist on not holding hands in bangkok around areas where Farang /Thai amount to "bad girl'

In villages there is a subtle tolerance but almost a self deluding fixation.

Thats a topic for another time.

Suffice to say the highly sucessful Thai worker now in a big house is not viewed in moralistic terms.

Monks for one gather at a reasonable cost to bless this union.


Bangkok Woman from students to professionals (to even hookers themselves) will cast themselves as "good girls"'

Ofcourse most are.

paradoxiacally you feel fortunate.


I have had a girl who works in a Glasses store show utter contempt passing the "bad girls" of Bangkok that the side walk hosts.
And later suggest and expect a gift of 3000 baht for her stay over - ofcourse for a decent reason.

Ps read the history of siam- (thailand) we didnt invent this trade - its entrenched-

What is funny is westerners believing the script that its an affront to most thais when infact - the affluent organize it most on high levels-

Even their airline carrier goes with the slogan "smooth as silk"-

Gee what could they be talking about?

Ofcourse there are decent Thais.

But but please spare us the good girls dont f*** routine

Or at least if your a gulliable - go about believing-

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:49 am on Oct. 12, 2010

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