Arcadius: And, lest we forget....the ever present cell phone.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:35 am on Oct. 1, 2003
KiNHoY go for it! Those are the ONLY tg¥s to go for! the rest..P4P! greetz
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:25 am on Oct. 1, 2003
Nice one Arcadius... KiNHoY, So what if she (or he) turns out to be a P4P girl, at least she (or he) has a job! But don't forget even if she (or he) is the woman (or man) of your dreams, true love never runs smooth... Good luck with your adventure, and let us all know how she (or he) turns out. TC. ps. Yes, before anyone ask's, I still love this (LOC) place.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:43 am on Oct. 1, 2003
We actually met thru an online matchmaking service, not a chatroom, for whatever that's worth. She had a personal profile posted so I initiated a conversation with her. She is 27, 5'6" tall, and a bit thin. If her pics are current, she's not indulging in much high-fat international cuisine. Her father is Buddhist and her mother is Christian, which should make for an interesting "East meets West" combination. Her parents are okay with her going with a farang. From our conversations, I get the impression she is a bit more "Westernized" than the typical TG. Don't know if that is a good thing, yet. Of course, at this point I can't be sure she is not p4p, I can only use my best judgement based on the info given. I've only been to LOS once, and that was just recently on a p4p mission. It was such a great time, I'm wondering if I should hold off pursuing a serious relationship until I've made a few more "recreational" trips.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:49 pm on Oct. 1, 2003
I have been with my TGF for over 2 years now and could say nothing but great things about her and our relationship. BTW she doesn't go to emporium and is more frugal than me. I did meet her on the net and certainly don't believe every one on ICQ is a hooker. LOL I do agree about cell phones but that is true around the world now a days. Typical regular thai girls don't jump into bed right away just like any other western girl. So take it nice and easy and just be yourself. Don't be offended if she doesn't want to come to your room. Ask her to suggest u different places to go and don't forget Thai's love to eat and have fun. Well u could pursue her in the evening and engage in your P4P activity after u drop her off. She won't be sleeping with u in the beginning anyway. If it works out u could kiss the P4P scene good bye.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:14 pm on Oct. 1, 2003
John NM
IBA, My fiancee is similar. She has worked hard on her own for a long time and is extremely frugal but very appreciative of any surprise gifts, large or small. She requires no monthly upkeep by me. I have given her an ATM to my account for months now and she rarely uses it and even then the amounts she withdraws seems small compared to the bank fees associated.... For her, a 500 or a thousand baht is a big amount. The damn bank charges me $4 each time. lol She and I went shopping in BKK once and she was extremely reluctant to buy anything as too expensive! But when encouraged she turned into the extremely careful shopper that many Thai are. lol Wait until she sees the prices here...she will wish she had bought in Thailand! We met a few times before, a movie, dinner, walking, etc. I have to admit one night, I had the feeling she wanted to come back with me, but I did not pressure her at all. Good things can wait. When I was home, we spent a lot of time calling and chatting for a few more months before we mutually agreed it was time to meet. I went there and things clicked and the relationship deepend and progressed from there. Have to say that althought she was very shy and extremely sxensitive to how other Thai will feel when she is seen with a farang, especially her work friends, once she commited to the relationship, she is extremely affectionate, sensual, passionate, and caring person. All the things I could have hoped for. Although I have told her that she does not need to watch the videos with her best friend to learn about bedroom skills - we can have our own private self tutoring...Gotta love that! Her friends and coworkers accept me and enjoy spending time with us. Dinners there ofteh turn into group things with lots of friendship and laughter - sanook mak mak! Can't judge all non-TBG the same but the advise on going slow, understanding her situation, and being open-minded of the cultural differences is the way to go. Learn it, live it, love it. After all, isn't that why we love Thailand and Thai women? Good luck!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:20 pm on Oct. 1, 2003
John NM
Oh yes, aboutt he cellphone. Keep in mind that it is a very different thing in their culture. We are used to the wired phone being everywhere. My fiancee had hers stolen from her at work. She borrowed this piece of crap phone from her relative. l I was so frustrated at the terrible reception. On my next trip, I woke her up and said come on - a surprise. lol We went to the mall and I said pick a phone you like. lol I should have known, being an astute and savy Thai woman, she knew exactly the model she wanted... <sigh> 13,000 baht later she had her 8310 Nokia and is very very happy. lol I have learned that if you offer or promise anything...she will expect you to keep your work, as you should, as best you can. The thing that was most important to me was she never, ever asked. I offered. I figured I had spent enough on wasted poor telephone calls already... Besides, the surprise gift like that was worth many many good man points. Oh yes, anyone calling Thailand from the US, the absolutley best deal and quality I have found is http://www.ldzone.com. I have switched from the ATT/Q-West corporate goughing borgs to them. Damn good deal. I will be happy to recommend you to them.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:28 pm on Oct. 1, 2003
John NM
oops..................sorry that link is http://www.zoneld.com sorry. They are a completely web-based telephone service. I now use them for all my long distance. They offer free phone cards, 1-800, etc. Gents, I am not a salesman, this is a service I have recommended to my friends and family. They all think it is great.....up to you!!! lol
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:30 pm on Oct. 1, 2003
PussyLover 69
KiNHoY/ IBA/ John NM, Thanks for the interesting stories and good luck to you all. BTW, which match-making website did you use ?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:05 pm on Oct. 1, 2003
Thanks to all for the great info. PL69, DreamMates (intl section)
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:41 pm on Oct. 1, 2003