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Thanx Guys

I should have given more info. She is actually very honest and pretty educated. Much smarter than most BG's. I already gave the ultimatum. I pay after I see her again (with an attitude change) and than I pay after marriage. I keep calling her bluff and she keeps giving in. I told her I am sick of this and it is about to end. I just received and email saying how much she loves me. This makes me even more suspicious.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:27 am on Aug. 19, 2004

Quote: from Abrak on 2:00 pm on Aug. 19, 2004
Sounds like you are a bit of a cheap charlie to me - my (farang) wife cost me Bt40000 a day for everyday we were married and she is still complaining.....

Money is very important in a Thai marriage. If you cant come to an agreement at that level there is little point in getting married.

my (farang) wife cost me Bt40000 a day for everyday we were married and she is still complaining.....

What !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hombre mucho rico ?

It's true women are never satisfied with what they have ?
Ask the footballer Ray Parlour !

That's obscene - however I do have a little business venture that requires only a minimum of capital ?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:22 am on Aug. 19, 2004
WORD !! Bro's what was mention above with all your TG issues.
Women and my money don't mix. No matter how much or little they won't be happy. Manic / Depressive sorts about havin and gettin stuff they want with it.
Marketing concepts know we all have to keep up with the Jones's and will create better products to buy.
Above the hiearchial of needs; food, shelter. clothing and good job/education we all have spoild taste and needs and this will interfere in anu loving relations/family/ lovers etc etc.

Take Bro's of your money cause no one will come around to HELP you when your on the SKIDS and once more you will ahve to work harder to earn it back again.
Think SWISS bank account.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:30 am on Aug. 19, 2004
Going on 8 years married. Never have been asked for a satang for anything. I am very distrustful of the girls asking for money for kwai "vet fees". Not all girls are after only money. Keep meeting the ladies. You will meet one who is interested in you, not your wallet.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:32 am on Aug. 19, 2004

Quote: from Sealbash on 9:32 pm on Aug. 19, 2004
Going on 8 years married. Never have been asked for a satang for anything. I am very distrustful of the girls asking for money for kwai "vet fees". Not all girls are after only money. Keep meeting the ladies. You will meet one who is interested in you, not your wallet.

Good luck to you !

Can't say I have found one like that yet - the issue has always been money and sometimes the highest bidder.

"I am very distrustful of the girls asking for money"

Some people are born wise others have to get wisdom by hard experience?

I hope I will find the same one day.

"Keep meeting the ladies. You will meet one who is interested in you, not your wallet.

I live in hope - but that statement for me really says it all!

Nothing more to be said.

That is the 'litmus-test'

Interested in you for your own sake !

Everything else is just icing on the cake ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:39 am on Aug. 19, 2004

Quote: from Sealbash on 5:32 pm on Aug. 19, 2004
Keep meeting the ladies. You will meet one who is interested in you, not your wallet.

So you're saying I need to get out and f*ck more women? That's some advice that I think I will gladly comply with...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:08 pm on Aug. 19, 2004
John NM
Noknoi, she is not playing straight. There is no need for an engagement thing like that.... I agree with others here, if she continues like that, it only spells trouble later, buddy.

As far as Thai are concerned, if you "have put gold on her," that is a clear sign to her family that you have intentions. Now, there is a small engagement ceremony involving elder family members, that may or may not happen (did with me) but it is not costly and is small in scale. Actually it was ceremonial and kind of nice.

Good luck.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:35 pm on Aug. 19, 2004

Quote: from LocalYokul on 6:06 pm on Aug. 19, 2004

consider this possibility...?

She cannot marry you because she is already legally married to a Thai man who she wants to buy this land for.

and then you'll be out of the picture and she and her TBF will be living it up while looking for another sponsor to support the construction of a house on said land.

You've been taken to the cleaners for too long already Dude. Back out.

Words of wisdom!
I don't know about you guys but I feel uncomfortable using the word " this, pay that - pay before and pay after..." in a serious loving and long-term relationship (aka marriage).

Guys who spend most of their time talking/negotiating money with a girl are planting seeds for future trouble. You're either marrying the wrong girl or someone with too different social status than yours. Look at Thai men (always a beacon of example when dealing with TGs), they would never marry (so far) down and are content to keep mistresses on the side as long as they are not too demanding financially. They know the score and play according to the unwritten rules - as they say: "When in Rome (BKK) do as the Romans (Thai) do"

Best of luck anyway


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:46 am on Aug. 21, 2004
Yeppers !! We in western countries have forgotten about the caste/economic system some other countries' folks are born under and hve lived with for centuries. Not every one is middle class or have chances/freedoms to work their way up outta bein poor/skid row.
If you want a good years self analysis reports read Stickman's Bangkok on his webpage and how he has evolved/ changed from P4P badboy to findin a non BG but Thai to marry. A good four year account.
See, one has to make up economically/ financialy to get Thai BG's family to a class status and that will cost $$$ most of us can't handle the drain.
Bros that married here pay dearly that marry. Better off to find mail order bride service that will interview girls who want to live here and leave family behind or just plain live and find business in Thai and become master.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:52 pm on Aug. 21, 2004

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