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Howz it going doc? Long time no banter....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:41 am on Sep. 17, 2004
Weird. I had no trouble getting 1,500 LT last week.

Any information on yourself (ethnicity, age, appearance) ? I found that girls tend to collectively inflate their prices if they don't like the guy. Happened to a friend of mine last trip, who looks Indian, and some girls on the first night asked for similar rates, as they thought he was an indian guy. Once they realized that he was American, things changed for the better.

He now loves LOS as well, and will be joining me on my next trip

im 30 good shape good looking guy

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:08 am on Sep. 17, 2004
I think that anyone has its own rates, not only BG's.

Me too, when a client is very nice to me... I can make big discount... and not even loosing any profit!

Anyone who sells services knows it, including BG's.

Harry, the only info required is about the lousy category, which IMHO has nothing to do with ethnicity, age and appearance.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:00 am on Sep. 17, 2004
Mokewen wrote:
“don't look hungry, don't be in a hurry and don't seem too interested - they will come to you..............”
Yes, very good hint. I agree. Hide that you are lecherous, don’t show that you are horny and that you want her.

Tyler Durdin:
Good contribution. All what you say is true and correct: one must consider the specific situation, the girl, your own sensitivities etc.. Especially your last paragraph made me grin and laugh.
I accept your arguments, Tyler, which often (in my opinion too often) lead to overpay the girl:
She is a super sexy stunner, you are horny, you want her; she quotes 3000 Baht for LT and you agree at once without trying to negotiate the price.
Let us do the mathematic: 3000 Baht for LT + 500 or 600 for barfine + 350 for beverages (let us say you had 2 drinks and 1 lady drink). That means about 4000 Baht complete. Not bad.
In my opinion too much.
There are many reasons for guys to pay such high prices like 3000 Baht for LT.
- They have a bulging wallet or travel chest; good for these guys.
- But there is another reason: They gain face in the meaning of the girl by paying such a high price without to negotiate. They bask in the favour of her bargirl and feel fine that they are adorned by her because they can pay this high price. The majesty the “I” is tickled pink. Only a thought.

With my little article I wanted to point out two things:
1. I want to give a rough outline for newbies and for guys who are not so skilled in dealing with bargirls.
2. I wanted to give an idea about what is called “the going rates”.

In my opinion the going rates for LT should be between 1000 Baht and maximal 2000 Baht. These should be the normal going rates for LT for a nice and sexy GoGo girl.

Let us think about the budget of the normal sunuk tourist, spending some days and nights in NEP, Soi Cowboy, Sukumvhit etc. On the basis of my experiences I estimate that the daily budget of 75% to 80% of the sanuker comrades from West-Europe, North America and Australia is between 100 Euro/Dollar to 130 Euro/Dollar. That is between 4500 and 6500 Baht dependent on the rate of exchange. 3000 Baht + 600 barfine for a LT means circa 66% of the daily budget. Too much.

We all come to LOS because of the relatively cheap sanuk and the girlfriend experience. High prices destroy this!


“And even if you get a freebie, we won't slaughter you.”
Thanks for not killing me …
Well, I had 4 freebies in the last 12 years. And when I say freebies I mean freebies.

“BTW Bakwahn are you a member of some kind of Indian religious group or do you refer to Pahk Wahn?”
No, I am not Indian or something like that. I am German.
I am the proud holder of this very special courtesy title “Bakwahn”
I got my name (my nickname) Bakwahn from the girls. After some minutes talking, flirting, chatting, laughing etc they call me Bakwahn, which is Thai and means “sweetmouth”, “sweettalker”, to ooze charm etc. Got it?

Hamburg / Deutschland

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:25 pm on Sep. 17, 2004
Tyler Durdin

Tyler Durdin: Good contribution....On the basis of my experiences I estimate that the daily budget of 75% to 80% of the sanuker comrades from West-Europe, North America and Australia is between 100 Euro/Dollar to 130 Euro/Dollar. That is between 4500 and 6500 Baht dependent on the rate of exchange. 3000 Baht + 600 barfine for a LT means circa 66% of the daily budget. Too much...

pssst...BahkWan, don't forget to have some fun while you are at it.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:00 pm on Sep. 17, 2004
I am having too much fun with the girls to spend time thinking about money. I don't regret spending the money, I would regret not having my fun with the girl I want.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:07 pm on Sep. 17, 2004
Tyler Durdin

Quote: from bkkz on 1:22 pm on Sep. 17, 2004
I am having too much fun with the girls to spend time thinking about money. I don't regret spending the money, I would regret not having my fun with the girl I want.

BK: That is why you are a member of the BKK F*ck Club!!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:26 pm on Sep. 17, 2004
Who in his right mind goes to LOS and expects to have a budget of only 100 usd a day?? Grown up men or the backpack people?? And because grown up working (?) men don´t have any money after having flewn - cheap economy probably - over half the world - the girls serving them is expected to hold back?? RIDICULOUS!!

I hope the girls INCREASE their prices! That way we can keep the riff-raff away and for the rest of us there will be a nice selection of top-performers!

4000 b much?? Get real! It is the equivalent of approx 100 bucks and what would that get you in your own country?? A cab ride to McDonalds and a big burger?!

I have no prob at all paying 10.000 if the receiver is what I want for the evening! Not that I always do, far from it, but the price the dames ask - I pay! Am I stinking rich? No, not really - but well off after having worked hard all my life and of course I have a proper wallet when going out for some fun and will never look or behave like a cheap charlie - a part of mankind that I HATE!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:57 pm on Sep. 17, 2004
Tyler Durdin
Jojje: Well Said!!! Where I am from, $100 will get you a toothless crack whore in the back seat of your car, down some dark alley for about 12 minutes. Whereas, the equivalent in BKK will get you some 19 YO SuperModel at an upscale MP that will treat you like a RockStar for 2 hrs and leave enough for a very generous tip! Let's not even mention that she wouldn't even give you the time of day back in your home country, while in BKK you can put your meaty paws all over her with no problems!

Lets see, $700+ to fly there, $50+ /night for hotels, $50 to drink all night long with your buddies, Incredible looking hot female wants $65 for the whole night (and will act like she actually likes you) - Nahh, Too much, I won't pay more than $37.50 for that!!!

You're right, drive the prices up!!! Cheap Charlies need not apply.

Now before people start flaming me and telling me their great conquests of 1000LT or less, Yes, I know it exists and if you can get it, great for you! We are not denying that you can get these prices. What I am trying to relay is that I don't go there looking/dreaming to overspend my money, as BK says, I go there for fun, and the small price I pay isn't a mere pittance, but a piece of my soul.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:40 pm on Sep. 17, 2004
If you have this book by Deepak Chopra

Go to the letter "S", and you will understand.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 pm on Sep. 17, 2004

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