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There's a risk in everything, and those of us for whom sex just isn't complete without tasting deeply of sweet girl juice simply have to manage that risk. I'll be taking my first trip to LOS in January. I've read lots of posts here and on Stickman where the punters rave about taking baths before sex with their BG's, and just enjoy that as a thing in itself. This really appeals to me. There are many antibacterial soaps, lotions and wipes on the market - I know some are mentioned in other threads but maybe a brother who has a really solid before and after cleanliness ritual with his BG's and a long-time "clean" track record can share with the rest of us? There's no guarantee in life but we can at least push the odds in our favor.

Bon appetit!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:54 pm on Sep. 29, 2004
I like the Y bar in SC best... But if I can`t get served there I will try the nana Y...

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:09 am on Sep. 30, 2004
having dived a few thai muffs since 1981, anything can happen. really smelly old snatches where the girl must have vaginitis,avoided those. to very musky young gals,who wriggled like crazy. A few had gonneraha, avoided those, and a few were on a period, they will never tell you.
i can honestly say that the really lovely smelling musky snatches were few and far between. They are not easy to find. but I am still looking

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:31 pm on Oct. 4, 2004
As a guide I would recomend that first you carry out a check of their panties first to look for discharges and blood stains.
i had a girl once from thermae who wore 2 pair of pants ! I was curious why. she had gonneraha and couldnt work out why her fanny kept on dripping so she put on 2 pants to staunch the flow !
Next a urine test, get her to pee into a glass and hold it up to the light, you can see any blood or discharges quite easilly.
Next a visual check or the puss. Get her into the 69 position with her fanny illuminated by the table lamp.
And look for vaginal warts, a lot of girls have them, they are little white pustules.between the labial lips.
I ate a girl once in the dark and later found out she had vaginal warts, so do the check before you dive on that muff !
these bitches wont tell you if they have a period. so be carefull and check for any bloody panties or panty liners hidden in the bathroom.
they have a quick douch and you wont know they have a period until its too late,and the bed is in a mess !

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:20 am on Oct. 5, 2004
Make sure you leave a big tip for the poor maid who has to clean it up ?

The tip also removes any embarrassment on your part ?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:18 am on Oct. 5, 2004
Last time on Cowboy a girl did tell me she was on her period and would I call her the following Monday. Actually know her quite well and she is a nice enough person. Never actually had the mis-fortune to pick one up who is as of yet.

As for MD, give it the once over and use your own judgement is my advice.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:28 am on Oct. 5, 2004
Ruthless Stabb

Quote: from Hermanolobo on 3:15 am on Sep. 27, 2004
That story became a legend at work ! Yes that is apparently what he was told by the doctor.

He was given a course of anti-biotics and it cleared up.

Yesterday I was watching a Brasilian stripper. She had such a marvelous looking pussy I just wanted to give it a damn good tongue lashing !

was she in Bkk? RS would like to know,send me a PM with location if so.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:34 am on Oct. 5, 2004

Quote: from Ruthless Stabb on 4:49 pm on Oct. 5, 2004

Quote: from Hermanolobo on 3:15 am on Sep. 27, 2004
That story became a legend at work ! Yes that is apparently what he was told by the doctor.

He was given a course of anti-biotics and it cleared up.

Yesterday I was watching a Brasilian stripper. She had such a marvelous looking pussy I just wanted to give it a damn good tongue lashing !

was she in Bkk? RS would like to know,send me a PM with location if so.

No London (place is full of 'em !) A pub in Vauxhall, opposite the 'Palace of the Spies' -No sign of any 'Bonds' on their wet-lunch break ?
It wasn't like this at Bletchley in 1982 !

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:07 am on Oct. 5, 2004
so when do you do this then RSlicker?
in the room when you have paid the BF and then decide she is dirty and throw her out?...waste of a BF.

or do you inspect the Girls closely in the Bar and get them to piss in a glass?......
i bet that gets a lot of Girls running away.

"these bitches wont tell you if they have a period"

the Girls have always told me when they are on a Period,but sometimes after the BF.
so what misfortune hit you in the past that makes you call them names?
if they are 'Bitches',that must mean you have no respect for them or even like them.
why bother going with them then?......idiot.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:35 am on Oct. 5, 2004
"There all bitches, bitch is commonly used to refer to prositutes.So Nokna maybe your interpretation of the word is different than his!"

Learn to spell. A Bitch refers to a female who is in a bad mood.

I agree that RSlicker has some kind of problem regarding Thai Sex workers. Probably doesn't respect himself much either.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:06 am on Oct. 5, 2004

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