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dirty guru
"NOT Compell ME!

Northern Thailand *80 kilometers from nearest Farang town (Chiang Rai) Its countryside, farm, fields.
The bomm fire is dwindling down to ambers.

The time is after midnight, all have left.
She approaches me with a very big pig steel scewer and bursts into tears, shaking a phone number of a girl in Bangkok who (told all).

She usually didnt drink (the warning signs were there)

For love of Jesus I thought I was experiencing my last moments on Earth.

A heart felt guilty plea (on my knees) and conviction of remorse and devotion to her, saved me.

There was a ute with plastic parked inside the carport.
It was borrowed from her uncles.

People in the village a week later, would say in Thai "brave man"

The relationship ended soon after.

I fled.


Some will do.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:01 pm on Dec. 15, 2005

Quote: from Abrak on 9:40 pm on Dec. 15, 2005
I was shagging the daughter of the Police General in charge of immigration and she told me she was pregnant and that she had just told her parents!!


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:03 pm on Dec. 15, 2005
Mel Gibson
The scariest,,,, when my Thai wife telephoned me at 3am to say " Blake is very sick come hospital now very fast",,, our son was only 8 hours old. I had no idea my Toyota could go over 180 km/hr.

That led to the saddest 7 days of my life as he struggled for life but finally could fight no more.

Now THAT was scarey.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:18 am on Dec. 16, 2005
Sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:56 pm on Dec. 16, 2005

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 9:57 pm on Dec. 16, 2005
The scariest,,,, when my Thai wife telephoned me at 3am to say " Blake is very sick come hospital now very fast",,, our son was only 8 hours old. I had no idea my Toyota could go over 180 km/hr.

That led to the saddest 7 days of my life as he struggled for life but finally could fight no more.

Now THAT was scarey.

Feck, I hope thats not a bullshit call, otherwise, thats the worst Ive heard, time to close the thread on that note.

Sorry Mel, I rise my glass of VB to you !


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:06 am on Dec. 17, 2005

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 11:57 am on Dec. 16, 2005
The scariest,,,, when my Thai wife telephoned me at 3am to say " Blake is very sick come hospital now very fast",,, our son was only 8 hours old. I had no idea my Toyota could go over 180 km/hr.

That led to the saddest 7 days of my life as he struggled for life but finally could fight no more.

Now THAT was scarey.

If that is true (and I think it is) then yes sorry for your loss don't know what to say really other then sorry for what you had to go though.

The one for me was

I know. I don't think I ever see you again. I like you

Simple but it hit me in the heart


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:22 am on Dec. 17, 2005
Mel Gibson
Guys Sorry to wreck the thread, yes it is true, Blake Robert Chaplin was born near exact 1 year ago 14 dec-2004, journeyed to heaven 21-dec-2004 so the Christmas period will never be the same for me, my wife,, or my family.
I truly appreciate the words said and the kindness shown. I actually feel somewhat ashamed to have opened my hurt in this forum, but the sadness and grief at this time is very strong.

The NEXT most scariest thing a Thai gal ever said was "That girl love you" pointing to a large Katoy on the other side of the bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:47 am on Dec. 17, 2005
Hey dont be ashamed,you told it how it was, I`m sorry about that part of you life, may God or what ever be good to you and your family. !


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:58 am on Dec. 17, 2005
sorry to hear that mel. godspeed.

scariest thing (s) :

LB "I want to be your girlfriend"
TGF "I make you marry me"


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:34 am on Dec. 17, 2005

Don't worry about f***ing up a thread, many threads are f***ed for a lot less reasons then you have plus you were not trying to f*** the thread in the first place.

Even on a pussy forum it is sometimes OK to open your heart. Do not feel ashamed that you have done so it is human. Don't know what else to say but sorry for your loss.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:42 am on Dec. 17, 2005

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