Thanks for the insight MrJoe. My intuition was speaking the same language, and she appears to be squarely one of the "innocent" types. You hit it on the head I think, speaking about IF there is any "feeling you've created between you." Better to cultivate this together, and leave third parties out then as there was a certain chemistry brewing. We'll continue to foment that once back. Cheers!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:53 pm on Nov. 14, 2002
Hey brother Skip, it sounds like you may have found yourself a possible jem and I hope she manages to stay that way. However please keep in mind that according to a lot of the brothers once a Thai lady enters the bar scene then there's a good chance that after about 6 weeks or so she may have become a bit hardened by the experience. The next time you see her she may not be quite as innocent as she was when you last saw her. Six weeks seems to be about average and you've got 5 more to go before your return. Don't mean to rain on your parade Skip. I'm actually hoping she'll make it into the 1 in 6 catagory. Keep a good thought. Peace
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:24 am on Nov. 15, 2002
Skip, From what you have told me about yourself and what you have posted about the girl, I figured you would know what I meant and possibly share similar feelings. Otherwise, I wouldn't have made the post.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:47 am on Nov. 15, 2002
Forgot to give you some encouragement; Over the course of my life I have had the huge pleasure of taking part in the transformation of 4 young ladies from clueless innocent to phenomenal fellatio expert. If the attitude is there, the skills can be easily learned and creativity and enthusiam will be a natural byproduct -- as will be your pleasure (and believe it or not: hers).
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:54 am on Nov. 15, 2002
Cmore and MrJoe, Geez I read these posts a went away smiling long time. Sometimes, when I like what I read, a lot, I like to stew on the possibilities before I respond. Like now. Cmore, I thank you for saying all of it. Granted I been kinda reading between the lines here, and thus understood as much, but your taking the time to spell it out too, well, all I can say is- thanks for looking out for me brother. And MrJoe, I'm speechless (almost). Well...man, AM I A believer! I must have found the right place too. I'm keen for the right attitude, seek the right attitude, and should I be as richly blessed as you. Well a guy can either pray or play....mmmman you gotta love LOS. Seriously though thank you for that inspiration, it's what I'm all about.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:50 am on Nov. 20, 2002
Skip, I'm very pleased that my post was received in the spirit it was intended and with the desired effect! Make it happen.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:10 pm on Nov. 21, 2002