Quote: from mansaturday on 8:46 pm on Dec. 10, 2007
Actually there are more than a few articles out there discussing the low and sometimes zero and negative savings rates of the moderately well to do in the US. A recent one on MSN is titled something like $300k a year and struggling to make ends meet.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:04 am on Dec. 10, 2007
Mel Gibson
If it was hard do you think our selection options would be so great? It's obviously considered an easy, highly paid PROFESSION. Liketeaching ornursing in most richer countries. Mel
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:39 pm on Dec. 10, 2007
Kaymanx What are you trying to say?? She worked hard for her money?? If so what is that lady in 7/11 doing?? Is she crazy?? I did not say the TG did not work hard. I said it is not hard earned income. |Workmen laying roads work hard and get proportionate income commensurate with their effort. So is the case of 7/11 lady. But this TG?? Is her returns are commensurate with her troubles?? I don't een understand how you can compare her troubles with people living straight forward lives. She chose easy way out. Thats why her returns are high. Is she capable of retaining the sweets of her toil?? May be 5% of them do. But I am very sure 95% should be squandering away their earnings. You know the reason why?? Because it is not hard earned and not commensurate with the toils. You want me to sympathize with her?? Yes, I do sympethize with her, because she unknowingly chose a very high risk, very low shelf life profession, and should bear with lousy stink to earn her money. But an average qualified person for earning the same type of moolah will be working for longer hours, after putting in much more longer hours for getting qualified for the job. What do you know about my income my dear friend?? I earn what she earns in a single day. If I charge my customers lot of money then I make them much more money. That is the reason why they are ready to shell down what ever I demand. But just because I earn a lot it does not mean it is not hard earned. Any anologies you draw on people making easy money and bargaining for things will apply for around 5% of such population. 95% will surely squander away their spoils. The reason is because it is not hard earned. I clubbed both prostitution and corruption because they are both easy ways of making money. I never despise anybody. They reap what they deserve. As a matter of fact I like them more because they help remind me of what I should not be. You and me are saying the same things. Once more go through both your and my postings. You will understand. Only difference being you are blinded by your sympathy for them where as I am looking at things more objectively. To that extent we are presenting things differently. I like them for what they are. Assuming this TG is happily married to some Thai guy, will she be of attention for both of us?? No chance.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:59 pm on Dec. 10, 2007
Mel "If it was hard do you think our selection options would be so great? " It was that same consideration of our abundant "selection options" which led me to believe that any girl who could earn a 100 grand a month in such a market of abundant suppliers ought to be working real real hard ! Or, must be extraordinarily endowed or skilled ! You have surely seen the Nana Parking Lot at dead of night, teeming with suppliers, and I think at least half of them go away without a customer. I am sure not every girl finds a customer every night. A few have told me they are quite satisfied with 2-3 a week. The earnings suffice. The 100K girl surely sweats for it ! Then again, software engineers do work hard, don't they ? Like construction workers, factory workers, clerks, all of whom present employers with great selection options ? Not sure whether your tongue was in cheek for your teaching and nursing remark.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:02 am on Dec. 11, 2007
Mel Gibson
Kaymanx,A good looking gal that's not too fussy about the quality of her clients would have little trouble getting bar-fined twice a night,one ST and one LT. Nowshe doesn't work everynight,, so lets say 25 nights a month. 1,500ST +2,500LT VABOOM,,,,100,000BHT a month. This does not add in her share of bare-fine money and drinks money nor tips,,,so she could be a little more fussyabout her customers at times. Hard work??? Nahhh,,,but I admit it would be hard to pretend to enjoy her time with some of the less nice customers.That just comes down to a "mindset".Something we all know Thai's excel at. Let's turn this around for a minute,,,,,,,, let's say I am living in Thailand. Working at 7-11 for 6K a month, my mate opens a bar to service older Korean and Japanese ladies and invites me to work there (yesssss after the plastic surgeryand 12 month excercise programme). Look at my working conditions?? I CAN select the clients I wish to go with, I can ask for the amount of money I want,,,I get a share of the drink money etc,etc,etc,etc. Maybe around 100,000BHT per month,,,,,,,,,,,,,NO WAY am I staying at 7-11. YMMV Mel
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:16 am on Dec. 11, 2007
Would you still stay at 7-11 if all of your customers were men? Most would be older codgers, but some would be young and fit guys, and a good number would be absolutely convinced that their sexual ability would be more than enough to make you "enjoy" your work. Heck, plenty would even take Viagra so they could pound you for an hour or two nonstop each time. Easy work, right? VABOOM!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:47 pm on Dec. 11, 2007
Mel Gibson
Being Male, havingsex withanothermale just ain'ton myradar. NOTA FAIR COMPARION. Let's say the older Japanese ladiestake female Viagra,,,,yep I'd have to put in a bit more effort tomakethem come twice,,,but 15 times the wages,,,select mycustomers paid bto drinkand party,,,,YES VABOOM easyMONEY. Bye bye 7-11 Mel
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:27 pm on Dec. 12, 2007
In my opinion an accurate comparison because these girls probably don't have sleeping with 50-90 guys a month "on their radar" either. All too often folks look at it from a comfortable point of view with a greater variety of options: 'at least I'd still be getting off and getting paid at the same time! sign me up!' The market for male prostitution with women the same age is extremely slim. The mindset of men and women only vaguely overlaps in that aspect. That's why most clubs that girls to have guys that actually have to 'work' both men and women. We can all take the same point of view and assume that we'd stick to our guns with our own preferences/choices that we make from relatively comfortable lives. Old wrinkled gash? No thanks. Hello 7-11. Or more likely hello any of 1,000 other grey area ways to make a better living. Ah, but we wouldn't even know how to use a computer, wouldn't know anything about international finance, export and import,... perhaps all we'd have is a bus ticket purchased with 300 borrowed Baht. 7-11 isn't really an option because believe it or not, you actually have to have certain grade school qualifications to apply for the job.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:02 pm on Dec. 12, 2007
Mel Gibson
Packripper,,,yourcounter argumentsare reallytarting to get a little vague / and in ways actually support my point. EITHER way I guess differing opinions arewhathelps theworkd,, theworld gets to see you are wrong,,LOL (joke). Regards Mel. P.S Let me know when youopen thatbar
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:41 pm on Dec. 13, 2007