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Quote: from expatchuck on 8:39 am on April 26, 2009

He is using an out of context quote of mine for his signature. Does that tell you what kind of life this guy leads?
EPC seems to have a problem when he is being served his own dishes -- does that tell you the kind of guy he is?

Anyway, back on topic - the key, I think, is for you to figure out what it is you want? Do you want a relationship with this girl, or would you prefer a change?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:32 pm on April 25, 2009
Whatever "good girl" she is, if she has not received any proper Education then not surprsing to have this kind of bitch attitude. It is not a question of being Thai or Farang. "RESPECT" should be an universal value.

Regarding the Thai/Farang relationships and cultural differences, ok we all need to understand the Thai culture, the do and do not blah blah blah... But THEY also need to understand the basic do and do not of western "values".

I would not tolerate such bitch attitude from my gf and she knows that perfectly. I would say that since it seems to be the first incident, I would give her a chance; but she would have to understand that this kind of attitude in unacceptable.

By the way, there are numerous advantages to AA batteries. She can buy rechargeable batteries and shoot as many pictures as with any other kind of battery. Also even if batteries are gone, she can buy AA batteries in any 7/11 almost anywhere in Thailand.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:59 pm on April 25, 2009

Quote: from DrLove on 7:29 pm on April 25, 2009
Can easily get 200 shots out of them.
With flash (for every shot) or without?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:07 pm on April 25, 2009
No, not with flash with every shot. Don't know the average ratio, but I would say 50/50.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:54 pm on April 25, 2009
Not to pee down on all your responses, but this had nothing to do with culture, standing or education.

It is simply in the character of the girl. Some girls do behave more appropriate than others.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:57 pm on April 25, 2009
Wow. Many replies and excellent views, opinions and advice. Thanks to all.

I think she was pushing the boundaries and that she would carry on down that road, asking for more and more, if I had given in.
I do agree that I should have phoned her to discuss it, rather than rely on text and email though, I probably could have sorted it out within a few minute on the phone if I had done that.
Several of you have raised the point, do I really want this relationship to continue. That's a good point, I am not sure that I want it enough and therefore maybe I used this as a good excuse to break away.
Quim, I can't agree with you that I should not be comparing the price of the camera with her income, but with mine. She has never been to the west, so she has no real idea of prices, salaries etc. here. What she does know is that I sent her a camera costing an amount equal to what she earns in a week or even two weeks, and yet she felt it was quite ok to say,
'don't want that one, send it back, I want the one costing an amount equal to one months salary!' In the UK the average wage across all workers is about £25,000, ($40,000) so, in essence she was turning her nose up at a camera that costs an amount equal to more than £1,000, or over 50,000 baht in her country.
The fact that it is not much money to me is irelevant.

I do think the issue of face is a key part of this. I met two of her closest friends for dinner one evening last month. I liked them, and we had a great evening, apart from the feeling that I was being paraded as a trophy for inspection (apparently I passed with flying colours I was told later). But there was this silly competition going on between my girl and Amp, one of her friends, as the evening developed about who could out drink the other.
Both were getting totally smashed and I told her to stop, what's the point (I knew she had to work next day and it was already late)
'It's Amp fault, she always challenge me so I have to do it, I can't control'
I may be wrong but I think this Amp may be the instigator of the demand for a camera out of the blue, who knows, but it does seem as though girl friends, and their opinions, play a big part in their lives.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:01 am on April 26, 2009

Quote: from paulo100 on 1:01 pm on April 26, 2009

I may be wrong but I think this Amp may be the instigator of the demand for a camera out of the blue, who knows, but it does seem as though girl friends, and their opinions, play a big part in their lives.
Ding! Ding! Ding!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:36 am on April 26, 2009
As far as I've seen, sooner or later every one woman (Thai, or otherwise) (sorry, Joe Wood, I'm going to generalize massively with this, though of course you are correct on an individual basis, and therefore one can say that my vision of truth is contradictory) will probably ask for something a bit extreme.

It may be done on her part with great trepidation; it may be done with a casualness as if she deserves it; it may be done slowly over years; it may be done in 2 minutes, changing the world for you.

It may look like the object is material (a camera, a motorcycle, a home, a child) ; it may look like something intangible, such as loyalty or monogamy; it may resemble future security; it may look like a target for her family.

Nonetheless, I think all these methods add up to one thing: a test of her broadcast system.

Women are creatures of Beauty; the power of attraction is their nature. The closer you come into them is like an ability to "hold your liquor". You give in too easily and she will destroy you. You express indifference and she will try harder, until she finds or believes she finds, other quarry.

Everything is negotiable, as they say. So you can always find out how drastic this latest chess-move is, and how secure she feels her position is (in regards to what I mentioned above balanced with your relationship to her). Frank and sincere, calm conversation, as suggested, can be practiced.

I do not know if my archetypal description helps you. I certainly do not want to reduce either your individuality or hers. However I try to understand how instincts motivate people so that I can compassionately operate with them.

Part of a cross-cultural relationship anyway is teaching each other your system of manners. This was alluded to by a couple posters.

As for the cultural exploitation mentioned before, I think that would be possible were this woman consciously playing on some kind of 1st World guilt or some other weakness. However I don't see an indication of that in this situation. And anyway, it is incorrect to assume that Thai women don't ask Thai men for things, just because most Thai men seem to have less ready cash. How else do you think they get along--with poetry? Don't forget that an exchange of goods and services makes up some degree of the romantic relationship (anywhere, but I will focus on Thailand especially), no matter the economic level. I do not see how this could be otherwise, from my understanding of the sexes.

Maybe someday certain societies will finally proceed into some kind of sexually egalitarian utopia in which free will and the moment and physical compassion will allow us to get laid all the time. But at that stage, the family would no longer function as it has and it's possible that it may be difficult to motivate men to pursue years of education to become rocket scientists. But I am speculating, and should be more optimistic this afternoon... Sure, why couldn't our enlightened natures, having all needs met without effort, produce technology? Maybe I should think "out of the box".

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:35 am on April 26, 2009

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 9:32 am on April 26, 2009
EPC seems to have a problem when he is being served his own dishes -- does that tell you the kind of guy he is?

Ha. Ha. Very witty. That retort must have taken you a couple of hours to think up.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:12 am on April 26, 2009
Now that you mention the nature of the friend Amp, possibly she helped instigate this responce being the 'controlling one', could it be she was jealous and critizied this gift the one way she could, calling it 'unsuitable' which might be how the negative reply eventually got to you

I myself am uncomfortable with a gf's gf's, a lot of behind the scenes girl nonsense, face competion, (as you mentioned yourself), your fooling yourself if you think you passed her gf's 'stress test' unscathed, no one does

I could be way off base but with the additional info from your last post, the only thing the matter w/the camera was your gf got one and the others (Amp) didn't

Certainly no expert, but if I had 9 fairly successful months invested with her I'd try to work through this

My digital camera AA lasts about what DrL says, it's the other features that eat the batteries, review, delete, zoom etc.

As always, a touch of brillance from SJ, being I'm not as polished as you I thought the word 'blackmail' would've fit somewhere in your post

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:13 am on April 26, 2009

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