I think the holy rollers at the entrance of NEP have a few potential BTF members to join their flock. The irony of someone preaching the perils of drinking while paying prosititues for sex. Most guys drink so they can justify what they wake up to the next morning.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 am on April 3, 2007
that's a great reason to get pickled, but all the alcoholics in LOS don't need a reason,the holy rollers schould know better than to try to convert a boozer, it ain't gonna happen
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:07 am on April 3, 2007
Quote: from ThaidUp on 10:32 pm on April 3, 2007 The irony of someone preaching the perils of drinking while paying prosititues for sex.
You lost me there - can you explain in what way this constitutes an 'irony'?
Quote: from ThaidUp on 10:32 pm on April 3, 2007 Most guys drink so they can justify what they wake up to the next morning.
Now, on the other hand, defending inebriation by demonstrating that drunk guys pick ugly women -- now THAT is irony.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:35 am on April 3, 2007
seajohn Posted on 10:45 pm on April 3, 2007
Quote: from Minder on 2:26 pm on April 3, 2007 beer, our national drink...
History has decreed mine to be Coca Cola.
Seajohn: Stay away from that damn Diet or Light version of Coke, I'm close to addicted to the stuff (and about 10kg heavier now!). ....and yes, for every clear memory of a highly enjoyable moment in LOS, perhaps first sight of tonight's partner naked, there is another equally enjoyable one that remains a drunken swirl of color and vibrancy, perhaps the blurred images of Pattaya's 2nd Road as seen from the back step of a songtaew thru the humid night air. More power to the guy who said "I spent most of my money on Women and Beer. The rest I just wasted."... Enjoy.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:36 pm on April 3, 2007
Some people are just to embarrassed to have a drink....cos they cannot control their bowel movements or other internal organs....some realise they are an embarrassment as they are sober and hense do not wish to make things worse....some drink to make the bald and fat sex tourists look even more funny....I'll drink to that...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:37 pm on April 3, 2007
Good point, Minder. Or points. I appreciate your objectivity. Looking back through the thread, I haven't noticed anybody telling us we shouldn't drink. Myself included, that's for sure. I see someone suggesting that there's as much fun to be had with the girls not drunk as there is drunk, and it's worth a try. That does not strike me as improbable. I see a couple posters describing some people's reasons for drinking into oblivion. All based on personal experience, no doubt (mine, for instance)... whether it's a great drive toward ecstasy or just a coping with the shock of being surrounded in poontang... or to be more comfortable with farting... or whatever else. All kinds of reactions, all kinds of people. Most probably have a combination of intentions and reactions. I don't see any condemnation worth mentioning. It would be sad on this Board if posters felt persecuted by those who drink, or by those who do not. Or by those who do or do not but would like to analyze the various urges for doing so. It is not so strange to explore our reactions to various aspects of the nightlife in Thailand. Why not the drinking too? Yes, there are many reactions to it all; some healthy, some not. Can this not be touched upon without people getting on a high horse and preaching or accusing others of preaching? Namecalling. Someone earlier mentioned that a lot of drinking goes on because the girls hang out in bars. Well, they don't hang out in libraries for instance because alcohol is known to make people lose their inhibitions a little bit quicker than even the best book ever written (though probably with more temporary effect). Another helpful comment came from IBFarang who suggested alcohol's medicinal uses. I love playing doctor, though I have found that in excess, as once said, "Liquor destroys the capability but not the appetite." I hope I have quoted that correctly. Personally I find hard drinks easier on my stomach than soft drinks but more wrathful to my head. On the other hand, a raunchy hangover f*** with all the senses over the edge is a thing not to be missed.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:20 am on April 4, 2007
Quote: from seajohn on 7:05 pm on April 4, 2007 ....or to be more comfortable with farting...
At my age, this is an area in which all my youthful inhibitions have vanished. I happily fart whenever and wherever I wish. The only thing I worry about is that old adage...happiness is a dry fart.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:28 am on April 4, 2007
See what happens when one starts a thread about western women? First we start talking about excessive drinking, and now we are talking about farting. Why is it that western women seem to bring out the best in us?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:26 am on April 4, 2007
Quote: from seajohn on 7:05 pm on April 4, 2007 Can this not be touched upon without people getting on a high horse and preaching or accusing others of preaching?
No, never, for the Lord Jesus does not condone drunken hedonism, for he will smote thee with fire and brimstone, for he is a loving dog... god... whatever...
Quote: from seajohn on 7:05 pm on April 4, 2007 Namecalling.
Do not take his name in vain, ya'hear?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:17 am on April 4, 2007
Joe Wood
Before this topic was allowed to be high-jacked by Ina Labia in a closing remark so that everybody strayed into a discussion about alcoholic and non-alcoholic appreciation of sexually engaging relations and other people wrongly taking it that even a moderate use of alcohol was being actively attacked, there were some interesting comments about "Thai girls are hot,but...." I still agree with Daffy Duck in as much as there is no 'but'. And I repeat also that Thai girls are hot butt. Girls from the West, I am sad to say, remain invisible to me merely because of their attitude. That is not to say that some Thai girls from particular social strata in this society also have attitudes that are obnoxious and a completer turn-off. But they are a very small minority. Of ordinary, everyday Thai girls, you wont find one who thinks that she is God's gift to the world. In Buddhism and within the culture of Thailand - how I dislike the name. I wish they'd change it back to Siam - there is a respect for life and for others and a humility that has been lost in the West's preoccupation to have no Gods and to tear down everything of any value. So, maybe we can start again about how Thai girls are so hot, with or without the 'but.......'
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:41 am on April 5, 2007