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cheers Mel.

Bar? My dream is the first 24 hour multi-tier class massage parlour for all tastes and budgets. We got the Nana and Cowboy Issan types, Northerner types, etc. All ranges and ages from firm and fit to old and flabby. Come one, come all.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:21 pm on Dec. 13, 2007
I must say, even your argument -- of "a good looking girl that's not fussy" --- ties in with what I was saying -- namely that, "any girl who could earn a 100 grand a month in such a market of abundant suppliers ought to be working real real hard ! Or, must be extraordinarily endowed or skilled !"

Remember, not every girl fits into this description of a good looking girl. More importantly and, as many bros on btf have discovered, a good looking girl is not necessarily a giver of satisfaction. If word spreads that a particular cutie is a starfish, her earnings begin to suffer. It may be argued
that she can earn off the newcomers, but I doubt it.

What proportion of customers in LOS are newbies and what proportion repeat customers ? I tend to think that the bulk of the patrons are repeat clients. This is debatable but it's my reckoning. If that is so, it makes it more difficult for a good looking girl who does not give satisfaction to continue earning that 100K month after month. Mind you, we are talking of a girl who is successfully earning this huge lolly month after month, and not as a flash in the pan. To my mind, it is terrific hard work to keep up the performance -- physically, emotionally, mentally --- over such extended periods, coping with a wide assortment of sizes, smells and demands of men drawn from all corners of the world.

I would go further and say that a P4P market like LOS is the most mature in the world, in terms of the quality and variety of customers, who are drawn from all corners of the world, and their expectations. One might argue that sex-starved men are prone to easily part with their money but again, as I said, most of the high- income girls are very likely earning it off repeat customers.

Think Star of Light. I have never been there but I have read some of the posts and it is clear that you have plenty of connoisseurs there. I wonder what those customers have to say about whether the girls in SOL are working hard for their money. Or, whether they think any girl could do what their favourite girls in SOL do.

Again, why would "a good looking girl" make the tremendous sacrifice -- or compromise -- of not being fussy about the quality of her customers when she can afford to? In some bars they command a premium, in some bars they won't even look at you! I think such a girl does make a huge mental / emotional effort (such as steeling herself) if she decides to go with some utterly crass customers just because they pay well. Which, to my mind, amounts to hard work, and not easy earnings. Packripper put that well : from the comfortable viewpoint of a well-to-do male customer this may appear easy, which it is not when seen from the perspective of the woman.

So, a girl, whether she is good looking or not, needs to perform and give great satisfaction session after session, at every outing, much like a sportsperson who can afford only a very narrow margin of failures while holding on to his/her star status and earnings.

I would stress again that the amount of earnings in this discussion is secondary. My primary point is that sex service is hard work.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:28 am on Dec. 14, 2007
Sometimes they get a nice or goodlooking customer that they hit it off with and they enjoy it. Especially after a few drinks. Some people with very entrenched ideas of sexual appropriacy may find that hard to swallow; still others may believe that it's all an act for the male ego or physical enjoyment and impossible. However we must remember that these are two bodies caressing their most sensitive parts, stimulating them, doing the thing that is older and more primal than most other things we do:
Of course they enjoy it sometimes. It ain't unnatural.

Yet the point must be made, made here already, that she may get lots of customers, which makes her emotionally exhausted. Also, so many of them are not her dream boat nor bear any resemblance to a Korean pop singer. This lessens her desire to participate fully. Still, there's money to be made, so the show must go on.

Anyone who has worked as a trainer of any kind, managing groups of people, putting on seminars, lecturing, teaching in its various elements, conducted public meetings, sold services one on one in offices or right in people's homes for a living, performed before crowds, entertainment of all kinds... knows that it has its very highs and its very lows... Yes, it is hard work.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:09 am on Dec. 15, 2007

The sheer numbers definitely wear these gals down emotionallly, in addition to the physical toll. No doubt they are enjoying some of these sessions, but that's like saying sometimes one is in a good mood when in prison.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:51 pm on Dec. 15, 2007
Like any service job, come to think of it. Or as I mentioned, entertainment. But more extreme, of course, since more personable and intimate.

I think a more interesting question than "Is it hard work or not?" which requires just a Yes or No, would be the comparison between selling love and working at 7/11, which many could do with a Mattayom 3 cert.

Of course it depends on the venue the sex worker gets on to, even if FLing (and Thai society is rife with forms of FLing... I mean, it's hard to draw the line what is and what isn't FLing here when you think of all the students sponsored, the girls that like to party and their boyfriends, etc etc).

And against this one has to consider the dirt wages of 7/11 and the atrocious hours. I just use 7/11 as an example, not to single them out.

I have often wondered what would be harder. But I wonder if such a comparison even makes sense; life leads people into different jobs, and choice is not always as apparent. Selling love makes quicker money, but requires other compromises that 7/11 does not. Personally I would hate to be stuck in a bar every night. Yet the cash register for 12hrs a day is so tedious. No freedom of expression. Sometimes I'd like to tip them too.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:01 pm on Dec. 15, 2007

This is what I was precisely saying. A TG in p4p works hard no doubt, but it is not hard earned money as is the case with a 7/11 girl. Facts are always bitter. But Kaymanx does not agree because he is overly sympathizing with the TG in p4p. There are several ways to make easy money, why whoring, even pimping is one of them.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:57 pm on Dec. 15, 2007

Working in P4P, including its cousins 'working in porn' or 'working as strippers' in the west, tends to leave gals haunted later in life. One's results may vary, but the dozens of gals I have known in those professions, and the hundreds I know locally in P4P, there are so many that are rather "off," I'm sure many brothers on the board can attest to the fairly high percentage who aren't emotionally stable. People tend not to have nightmares about having used to work in a 7-11, post office, or as an airline pilot later in life.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:00 am on Dec. 16, 2007
Oh, I didn't intend to reduce sympathy for people selling love and sex. Not at all. I would never do that.

No, simply to increase sympathy for other service industries here in a country where workers' rights are so pitiful, that's all.

Of course, 'rights' of anyone are something won through struggle, never granted for free.

As for how fast a p4p girl might blow her money... I tend to think it has as much to do with the very poor state of economic education here, as with how it is earned. But in a different sense.

If a 7/11 girl or a farmer was suddenly paid 1500 baht for an hour's work, chances are you wouldn't see any of that money around more than 12 hours later... And it wouldn't be going to pay for debts, but parties. This is just how things work here 9 times out of 10.

You see this effect all the time with people who win the lottery in the West... blow their money on buying a lot of fancy junk for themselves and their friends... In a year's time they're in debt, the cash is gone, and they're worse off than they started. Most people can't handle windfalls of money. And although the Thai p4p girl's money is definitely earned (especially if I'm a customer! haha) it still is a large amount relative to normal earnings in her country. It always makes her a little drunk. And it happens every time she works. Proportions are lost, if they ever existed.

But including Thai p4p as well as other countries' p4p girls, many of them don't save money well. They get rid of it quick. Society's disparagement of their work makes them feel the money is only valuable to the extent it serves a holier cause, and they must immediately give it to their family or some other cause that they have been trained to believe is Right. Contributing to the parents' house upcountry is the usual donation, as we know.

Very few are able to save correctly and open their own businesses to attain some degree of economic freedom. Very few.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:25 am on Dec. 16, 2007
Quote from Seajohn :
"However we must remember that these are two bodies caressing their most sensitive parts, stimulating them, doing the thing that is older and more primal than most other things we do: Of course they enjoy it sometimes."

Gasp! It took some effort not to get lost in the infinite horizons those words were opening up! Poor Arthur has already had his thread hijacked. But since you brought that up, Seajohn, it set me thinking about how many people in the world have had the privilege of being ministered by such delightfully skilled and dedicated girls ? I think not many even if we recklessly estimate that a fourth of the tourist population -- or 3 million -- are men on the prowl. In the last 50 years that would make it 150 million men, out of a current world population of 6 billion of which we may estimate 3000 million are men.

All the more reason, therefore, for the lucky few who manage to get laid -- or even just caressed and stimulated, as you say -- by these heaven-sent girls to respect them, thank them and not grudge them their earnings. Guys who grudge the girls their earnings have a simple alternative : don't patronise them and instead stick to the women in their own country who would charge -- ahem -- appropriately, shall we say ?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:24 am on Dec. 17, 2007

Quote: from Kaymanx on 1:39 am on Dec. 18, 2007
it set me thinking about how many people in the world have had the privilege of being ministered by such delightfully skilled and dedicated girls ?

You're right. Not enough. Most of the world endures a sexual famine.

One philosophy after another, one religion after another, down the centuries in every civilization, can think of no better way to harness our creative powers than by forcing our sexuality into dark alleys of the mind... taboo... Not to be discussed... Not to be thought of rationally... Not to be practiced... etc. Putting some idol of the pure mind up, up and above the body that is despised below. It's sickening.

I will be accused of over-romanticizing, but why should I care? I know where my feet are, right on the ground. I take a deep breath and smell with joy the mixture of perfumes and pussy oils. These girls are the frequent heroines of my own body, despite their foibles, their greeds, their problems that we are all heir too. They belong to a profession with noble lineage, and how wonderful that shows when you meet one that is aware of her capacity to share pleasure!

The others treat you like it's just your own little fixation. No participation.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:13 am on Dec. 18, 2007

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