As said the secret is to keep it very simple and whatever try to avoid outright lies.. I used to work on the adage that I would always tell the truth.. I might not disclose everything but that way you can also not forget your story.. IE I was in the shower when you called as opposed to I was in the shower after just going short time with a very sexy 20 year old Thai girl... when you called. The other important point if you are in different time zones and she things you are in the same or only 1 or 2 hours different then your call needs to be planned.. better to actually talk as well as leave messages. even if that means you have to arrange to be up at 05.00 in the morning to do this... It helps reassure you also that she has not cottoned on to what you are up to.. which is great for your peace of mind.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:41 am on June 27, 2008
DD is absolutely 100% correct!! You are a writer, correct? Why can't you be on a business trip to Singapore to meet with a publisher for your books? Then when you want a repeat visit to f*** various TGs, you have an excuse for a follow-up visit. Why can't you be going to any Asian city to speak at a conference? (Look them up on the Internet, find one that is in your field of expertise and at the time of your visit, and tell her you are going there.) Then when you want a repeat visit to f*** various TGs, you can tell her how much everyone liked your boring presentation. Malaysia or Indonesia is always a good place to tell her you are going for business and being miserable and missing her day and night, no one thinks anyone has any fun there. Keep it simple and business-related. You can even tell her you'll be gone 10 days, then come back in 7 and surprise her (hopefully not surprise YOU!) Just kidding. Finally, there should be no guilt in any of what you are doing. White lies and Thailand pretty much go hand-in-hand, so all you are doing is paying respect to the Thai culture by telling her bullshit to make her happy.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:17 am on June 27, 2008
I am with Daffy on this one...a thousand holes and more opening up each day....keep it simple. Reality lacks detail - only lies are complex. Are you normally so meticulous, crossing all the T's and dotting all the I's or do you normally just stumble along like the rest of us? This highly organised new you will be a red flag in itself....ah CG and Lofty have covered the same ground I was going to...tell her business trip, work related seminar and watch her eyes glaze over with boredom as you outline what each days presentations will be about - do it right and she'll be pushing you out the door with relief.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:57 am on June 27, 2008
have someone from LOS fax you an invitation to some conference.... cut and paste letterhead, make it look official..... easily done.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:24 am on June 27, 2008
Hmm! Thailife have you done that for someone before LOL
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:40 am on June 27, 2008
This will go over like a lead balloon, but your sounding pussy whooped to me, and your not even married, tell her your going to LOS on vacation, plain & simple, if she can't handle that let her go screw off Did you give any thought maybe she'd like to have you gone for awhile, maybe she's got something else going on & is looking forward to a change also, women are pretty good at sleeping around too
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:21 am on June 27, 2008
don talking some common sense now......
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:23 am on June 27, 2008
Here's the number one hole to deal with upon your return: "Honey, why you tired all the time... it's almost like you are in another time zone..." Jetlag's a bitch, and while I'm sure you'll convince yourself that you can handle it, and fake having no jetlag, trust me, that'll be one of the first things that blows up in your face.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:18 pm on June 27, 2008
I don't know about pussy-whipped, more like "convenience-whipped" probably. I'm living in a nice house rent free, breakfast in bed and lunch packed for me everyday, laundry, shopping and cleaning done, with occasional sex with a big boobie woman thrown in... Not an easy situation to get into here in the US of A, and one I'd like to keep for awhile. Yep, jetlag is a bitch, but that will be a bitch no matter what story I go with - minus the truth, of course. A risk of the truth approach (and a likely one in this case) is that she'll want to go with me and buy her own ticket... Going to visit her family and crap, and then trying to sneak around at night is not my idea of a good time... The big hole in the "I'm going to Singapore" story I see is that she'll want to know what hotel I'm staying at - I'll have to tell her something, and if she calls that hotel... busted. Also a risk that she'll want to accompany me to the airport for departure - when the girl at the counter gives me my boarding passes and says, "Have a nice trip to Bangkok"... busted.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:35 pm on June 27, 2008