arcadius, so thaidup is right, "a blow job is out of the question". rtb.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:40 am on Oct. 2, 2003
dirty guru
a non worker?....(dream on)...i have put it on 7/11 girls airhosties, hotel staff, even a chit lom perfume girl.....all successful..pay "'can do"'
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:39 am on Oct. 2, 2003
that wouldn't be considered a "non-worker" wouldn't it?? a freelancer, rather. but they are all rtb.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:52 am on Oct. 2, 2003
_____________________________________________ Have to say that althought she was very shy and extremely sxensitive to how other Thai will feel when she is seen with a farang _____________________________________________ John: That I don't think is true in all cases. My gf never felt that way and I met almost everyone in her circle. And all her friends and family do feel comfortable around me and me with them. Oh yes I love thai food especially when a thai orders for you.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:18 pm on Oct. 2, 2003
King Kong
Thanks for the replies. It would be nice to go back to Los once a year for some extra fun. Never would rub it in her face. It would be really hard to bring it up that I wanted to go to LOS for a week by myself to "just get away". She would certainally know what I was doing. I guess it would be asking to much to find a girl that would really be cool with having some fun on the side. Anybody have any experiences with their Thai wife on that?
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:35 pm on Oct. 2, 2003
John NM
IBA, Perhaps I did not express myself well. Her circle accepts us fine but she is aware of the common Thai misconception/bias that if a young attractive Thai woman is with a farang then she must be a BG...damn them. Since we got engaged and she wears a ring, she really does not care about it anymore. Yeah, she knows I enjoy Esaan food very much and the more chioli, the better, so she orders freely. Her family is jsut tickled pink that I enjoy their foods. Her Mom is damn good cook! lol Take care
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:44 pm on Oct. 2, 2003
Quote: from John NM on 6:44 am on Oct. 3, 2003 IBA, ÝPerhaps I did not express myself well. Her circle accepts us fine but she is aware of the common Thai misconception/bias that if a young attractive Thai woman is with a farang then she must be a BG...damn them. ÝSince we got engaged and she wears a ring, she really does not care about it anymore. Ý ÝYeah, she knows I enjoy Esaan food very much and the more chioli, the better, so she orders freely. Her family is jsut tickled pink that I enjoy their foods. Her Mom is damn good cook! lol So if she is not young and attactive she is not a bar girl! Take care
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:47 am on Oct. 3, 2003
_____________________________________________ she is aware of the common Thai misconception/bias that if a young attractive Thai woman is with a farang then she must be a BG...damn them. _____________________________________________ Not to beat up the issue, but that misconception doesn't necessarily exist among educated thais. You may find an occassional taxi driver and such to have that but not omnipresent in my experience. In almost two years we only had one such incident and that is in Silom from a taxi driver around 11pm, and she was pisssssssed. ÝI guess it also depends on the way the couple appear. The way they dress etc. My guess is Thais could easily tell who is a BG and who is not. My guess also is they are aware of who belongs in what social class. ÝWhile unfortunate the class system does exist in Thailand just like in most of the asian countries. Anyone please correct me if I am wrong.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:26 am on Oct. 3, 2003
Just to confuse the matter on Thai reactions. When my girl and I are in BKK the following happens quite often........... Get in a taxi, driver turns around talks to my girl in Thai... Buy something in a store, clerk talks to my girl in Thai.... Go to a bar, server talks to my girl in Thai... The thing is she doesn't know a word of Thai. Born and raised in China, young and brown from the sun. "Same, Same Thai" they say. My girl thinks it's cool. Then she turns to me and says, "It's because I'm with an old white guy like you, in Bangkok." (Great sense of humour may gal has) So, I think some of the reactions that one class of Thai's have against another is the company they keep. What they are used to seeing and 'know' to be true of one class of woman, they start to 'see' without really looking. Does my girl look Thai? Nope. You can ask Mr TPE, he didn't think so either, and he can detect these things.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:53 am on Oct. 3, 2003