Quote: from LocalYokul on 12:38 pm on Aug. 4, 2004 when you are tripling up on a gal.
And I want to look at two other guys' ugly a$$ why, exactly, while I'm banging a cute chick? You do realize, now, as justifications go, you are really reaching. What if you want to have 4 guys involved? Huh, what then Harry
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:39 am on Aug. 4, 2004
you can have 5 guys, but two of you are gonna be stuck with HJs, or you just rotate every 5 minutes... some just love the feel of another guy's wang from the other side of the canal (it's a tight fit), and also your balls will be slapping together at some point... talk about Male Bonding !!
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:05 am on Aug. 4, 2004
jack attack
With regard to my previous comment on "deviate", whether one likes to use the front door or back door, why does one door have to be considered "deviate"? It would seem very easy for some people then to consider oral as immoral or deviate. Yes, we even have a thread concerning a favorite lady at Baron who most certainly enjoys having it slid up the poop shoot. The first time I had her, she popped it in there herself much to my surprise as she was on top (it was way before I knew she was a star on the BTF). Now what was I supposed to do in that situation? "Excuse me miss, you obviously have made a serious mistake in your choice of 'on-ramps'. I'll be taking the next exit off this freeway!" She was fine, I was fine, the act was fine. No standard deviation in her case.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:45 am on Aug. 4, 2004
Quote: from hzink on 12:12 am on Aug. 4, 2004 [quote- if that anus has a penis attached to it, you're gay. - even if that anus has breasts attached. Doesn't matter. (Yeah, yeah, LB lovers will disagree vehemently. FE)
Anybody got a Bullsh*t Flag I can wave?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:55 am on Aug. 4, 2004
Didn't take long for the LB lovers to surface, now did it? Harry
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:57 am on Aug. 4, 2004
As regars anal being a deviation. That is a simple fact because as I pointed out in purely biological terms NATURE has intended for a penis to enter a vagina with the sole objective of having a chance of procreation. It is that simple, regardless of how our sophisticated brains find ways to bypass this intention. The fact is that sex is for the most part for most healty people, very enjoyable/desirable as an activity [NATURES WAY TO INSURE WE WILL DO SUCH A BASE ACT-base meaning that it dont take a lot of inteligence to do it-look at other animals and see if there is much difference when it comes tight down to the nitty gritty] As for other things we do, like BJobs/ Oral well from natures point of view anything that stimulates the creature towards the objective state above is good and while sex can take the form of never actually getting to that stage as long as the equipment is being maintained then nature always has its chance to see it true objective. Masturbation for example is a very normal and healthy activity as it is a fact that we as inteligent creatures still have sexuality as a whole package to deal with, and as I once said to a priest when he was talking about this issue- WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR FLUIDS? In other words just as we have to eat we also have to have sexual release, although we can actually do without the sex if we have to but not the eating. Which is a good indicator of how natures priorities always come first. At the end of the day people can and do whatever they please but that does not change the fact that, as I said before anal sex is deviant act. Not that I have any problem with whatever people want to do with [so long as they are not hurting or harming each other-unless they like that too!] The same argument could actually be used for homosexuality. It is simply a deviation from what nature intended and in fact there is now evidence that there is a gene that causes homosexuality. The fear people have is that if unchecked people would opt to be "protected" against such a malfunction of nature. Dont get me wrong here I am not for a moment saying anything against homosexuality or gay people. I am just pointing out that it is not at all what nature intended and it is how we deal with these differences that is more important. It is not a moral judgement but a simple observation. Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve! I jest in saying that, as I love that simplistic well worn sentence for its humor and fundamental truth. The point is that regarldess of the religious crap the kernel of truth can not be denied, so as long as someone does not try tell me it is "normal" to engage in a particular kind of activity and try convince me that it is me who is out of sink or whatever I am cool. We can rationalize just about anything and as I said earlier "It also goes without saying that there are many ways to manipulate our senses so that yes anal sex under the right conditions can be very pleasureable. Then again the brain has a capacity to get tunred on by just about anything if one is of a mind to forever experiment with ones senses with a mixing of various activities." What ever floats you boat! Oh and I have not even got started on issues of prejuidice. And the right to have your own personal prejuidices. Ive probably got myself in enough trouble as it is so Ill leave it at that for the moment.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:32 pm on Aug. 4, 2004
you say all this as if there is something wrong with being a deviant !! but just like alternative music, if the majority are doing it (listening to it) it, then it becomes the mainstream and no longer the alternative... well, I'll raise my thumbs for being a deviant !!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:41 pm on Aug. 4, 2004
Being deviant is fine. The point is that we should not forget that is what it is. Anal sex was were this started and as has been said it aint normal! But good luck to those who like it. Just again I say I am baffled as to why there is such a preoccupation and hard sell with this activity. If a woman dont wanna do it then just forget it. OH BTW here is a question [sure its been asked many times] Say you are madly in love and have a great relationship, wanna get married have kids bla bla bla, BUT as it happens you girl does not like oral sex at al and won't do it to or for you. [a case were she will receive it or not is another thread maybe] What is a guy to do? You are mad about her but when you stop and think about it logically you realize that this means you will never get another blowjob in your life if you stay true to this woman as you intend to? Any thoughts?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:13 pm on Aug. 4, 2004
jack attack
Jacob, You have been very thoughtful in your posts. I just differ in the view of 'deviate'. For a woman or man to ask or deny a certain act, it should always be their personal decision. I just have a problem with the labeling of one act vs. another as being normal. In many locales anal or oral sex can be against the law even if it is performed between consenting, married adults of the opposite sex. The law considers them immoral and the behavior deviant. Why? I have not been shown (in the bible, koran, talmud etc.) the section that says exactly where and how the sex act should be performed. As for what nature intended, we must make assumptions of what was supposed to be "normal". And if now science has determined there may be a "gay" gene, doesn't that suggest that nature wants some people to be gay? (Yikes!!) It would be a real hoot if we make it to the pearly gates and the big guy upstairs says "I really intended sex to be for personal gratification, making babies was a bonus!" Candy sweet got us going on this thread and hasn't posted further. But what is the big deal if she (or he) was asked to do it in the butt? It sounds like she (or he) said no, and that was the end of it. Just label me 'no labels'.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:47 pm on Aug. 4, 2004
"The same argument could actually be used for homosexuality. It is simply a deviation from what nature intended and in fact there is now evidence that there is a gene that causes homosexuality." How do you (or anybody else) know what nature intended? Does your theory extend to all of nature? if there is a "Homosexual Gene" then is that not as nature intended? Do you believe that the "deviance" of homosexual sex covers many species? Until science proves that there is (or isn't) a "Homosexual Gene" then we can perhaps go on observed behaviour. There are many instances of Dolphins showing homosexual behaviour by inserting their penis into another males blowhole! The same Dolphins procreate i.e. show hetrosexual behaviour. There are also many cases of monkeys being seen having homosexual sex (male to male and female to female) for no other observable reason apart from ENJOYMENT! These monkeys continue to have sex with oposite sex members of the group but in some cases they stay with the same-sex partner! So now we have homosexual animals, bi-sexual animals, hetrosexual animals (lots of labels, sorry Jack Attack!) all part of life's rich tapestry! Jacob, wouldn't you agree that there is just a possibility that nature intended some individuals (but not all) in a species (humans included) just to LIKE to have homosexual sex whether they were homosexual, bi-sexual or hetrosexual and as such they are not deviant? Cheers
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:29 am on Aug. 5, 2004