Quote: from ColoradoGuy on 10:36 am on Nov. 26, 2004 I don't think it affects it at all, or at least it doesn't anymore, because I now have it firmly in my mind that my interactions with these girls is not at an emotional level (just like their interactions with me are not either).
If Lust isn't an emotion I don't know what is......555
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:11 am on Nov. 26, 2004
Quote: from ColoradoGuy on 9:36 pm on Nov. 25, 2004 ... I now have it firmly in my mind that my interactions with these girls is not at an emotional level...
This statement I made is too simple and probably inaccurate. I have emotions with them (and some probably do with me). But I do my best to turn these emotions off when I get on the plane to Amereka. I have to do that. I have a life in Amereka that has nothing to to with these girls. It doesn't mean I don't think about them, though. For example, there is one girl, Dew, I see on every trip. At least three days. I met her in July. We have been to Koh Samed, Phuket, Pattaya and Koh Larn. She loves the beach, she loves snorkeling, she loves riding around an island on a motorbike, she loves to go to the movies, she had a blast with my trying to ice skate. In about a week, we are going to try to go white-water rafting. These are all things I like. She is cute, carefree, and fun. In other words, she is a perfect 'date' for me when I am in LOS and I have free time. I do not have time or inclination or lifestyle for a TGF who would not be happy with just 2 or 3 day amounts of constant attention from me in between my working and butterflying. Does she like all these things above only because I like them? Maybe, but she genuinely likes to try new things (in this way, she acts more like a western girl). It's simple, I like to be with her, and she must like our arrangement as well or she wouldn't be with me. I have talked to her about it, and I think that I have got as straight an answer as I am going to get form her, so I think I understand it well enough to say this. I like Dew very much, in another place/time/circumstance, I might make efforts to get involved emotionally with her on a long-term basis. But I know in my mind I do not have a future with her, she knows the same. I might come to Bangkok sometime and she will no longer be there. I'll be OK with this, and have a bunch of fun finding a new girl (with a CG-look) to hang around with. Or maybe I'll meet someone I like more, then Dew will be history (I try to sleep with 1 or 2 new ones on each trip, last trip was 5 new girls). Dew and I just have fun when we are together. When that fun stops, I'll stop seeing her (or she'll stop seeing me). Simple. I will admit I was not always like this. In the past, when in Amereka, many times I would 'think too much' about a particular girl. I try not to do that now, and I mostly succeed (although hanging around this board and writing FRs doesn't always help)... notice the lack of FRs about Dew? Anyway, sorry to ramble, just wanted to clarify.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:26 am on Nov. 26, 2004
You do have a very good perspective of your emotions, and you have mentioned dew quite a few times.....555. If dew is the one I met, it would be impossible for any newbie, and quite a few experienced punters, to not immediately far in love with her, selling his plane ticket home if she asked, she is a very fine TG. My hat's off to you for your will power.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:22 pm on Nov. 26, 2004