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well put, if I could choose words as well as you I would have said exactly the same, especially western women being (invisible), they just don't compare, every Thai girl i've had has been good, each one to a different level

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:23 am on April 5, 2007
but..... they are expensive :P

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:55 am on April 6, 2007
The hot butt is usually a bit more.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:33 am on April 6, 2007
Sorry guys but I, for one See a big BUT here.....

have been in Thailand a couple years now and had myself a fair amount of Thai girls... BUT I still find Farang women to have a beauty advantage over Asian women.

It's not about attitude at all (for me), the body of a Thai is not curvaceous enough, sure she has a thin waist, but no tits and hips (traits that make a women so beautiful..).

the body shape of a Farang just resembles more that of a women.
Of course you have some Cute and uglies, but you have them in ALL ethnicities.

Attitude also is a different one, but here again I much prefer the Attitude of a Farang rather than a Thai... I like direct and Honest people, not girls who keep all the stuff for themselves and put their head down things are not how they wanted it.

But, I am 30 so probably not the Typical BTF member, and I'm also not here to find a wife... my wife will be a Farang (for sure), not a Thai.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:00 pm on April 6, 2007
david 85260
Hey Nic-

A very good point and perspective. I totally respect your point of view.

I can only speak for myself and I agree that most BTF members are probably not your age; but when I was your age the ‘women’ thing in the US still sucked, at least for me. My two sons are about your age and they would be a great catch here; but in Scottsdale, Arizona-they are just another couple of guy’s walking around. The girls there work-out and have very hot bodies; but none-the-less they are still gold diggers and are always pursuing the; ‘Mister Right Myth’- Syndrome! Meet a nice guy and dump him trying to meet the next; ‘Mr Right’! Amen!

Well honey; ‘Mister Right’ has left town and has moved to Thailand!

I did the married thing for 12 years, and I was a US Marine for 12 years. Never really enjoyed either one, but if someone ever put a gun to my head and told me to chose; ‘Marriage or the Marines’ it would be a no brainer for me. I would rather be alone than to wish I were alone.

For me the Thai women give me a pleasure that I can no longer experience in the US, not that I ever experienced it as a matter of fact.

Are they perfect? No way; but neither am I.

I like Thai women! They remind me of what being feminine is all about; I don’t care how jaded the most hard-core hooker is over here- treat them with a little respect and just see how your YMMV. Sure beats the options in the US.

Want to have some fun? Try Internet dating in the US.

Living here and being with Thai women is far from perfect; but it sure beats the hell out of the alternatives.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:15 am on May 23, 2007
as this thread has gone hither and yon, I still say - it's all about the boobs.

i still fantasize about some of the thai girls i've been with, but always I wish the breast size was a little fuller.

i totally respect all your opinions...well except daffy - but that's because I always hated him in the cartoons (totally self-centered and willing to do anything for personal gain)...and I hope you all find the women of your dreams...


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:39 pm on May 23, 2007

Quote: from myrth on 9:24 am on May 24, 2007

i totally respect all your opinions...well except daffy - but that's because I always hated him in the cartoons (totally self-centered and willing to do anything for personal gain)
I pick my avatars appropriately - you nailed it well.

Quote: from myrth on 9:24 am on May 24, 2007
...and I hope you all find the women of your dreams...
I do.

Every trip.

Several times. Each day.

Quote: from david 85260 on 1:00 am on May 24, 2007

I did the married thing for 12 years, and I was a US Marine for 12 years.
Consecutively, or simultaneously?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:22 pm on May 23, 2007
always hated donald too...


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:51 pm on May 24, 2007
Speaking of german girls was on the TG plane from bkk to sin recently & so was this young blonde german chick travelling with her mother apparently!
Tall model like pretty face, medium to large firm breasts & showing like half of them, but as thats normal with farang what truely got my attention was her perfect ass as I'm d ass dude!!
Usually farang girls will have huge asses compared to asians especially the ones with greqat tits, but here was the rare alpha female versions & as she happend to stand directly in front of me at immigration I had no issue staring at her & of course she'd be used to that!!
No ring on the finger either & seems to like asia so guys go get her!!

Ohh on the alcohol part I used to drink to oblivion, but these days a soda water would be enough or better just grab the gogo greeters from outside the club & head straight to the ST room is what works for me;)

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:33 pm on May 26, 2007
jj cali
thai girls are hot,but....

you can't live wit em or you can't live wit em

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:08 pm on May 29, 2007

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