This whole scene is crazy, even if you get on the airplane successfully your going to be so stressed out woundering if you've covered all your tracks with this 'secret agent b.s.' it'll likely take a lot of the fun out of your vacation Freedom & peace of mind are worth more to me than somebody making my lunch & paying my rent (unless I couldn't do it myself) Writing books is just about the same as being unemployed, so I've heard anyway, is trying to preserve this free ride why all the deception?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:50 pm on June 27, 2008
Quote: from afm171 on 10:01 am on June 28, 2008 Also a risk that she'll want to accompany me to the airport for departure - when the girl at the counter gives me my boarding passes and says, "Have a nice trip to Bangkok"... busted.
That's easily solved. Just fly to Singapore and then get a RT flight to BKK. It's only another 2 hours, and there are more than 30 flights daily between Singapore and BKK.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:44 pm on June 27, 2008
Quote: from afm171 on 10:01 am on June 28, 2008 Also a risk that she'll want to accompany me to the airport for departure - when the girl at the counter gives me my boarding passes and says, "Have a nice trip to Bangkok"... busted.
You don't get it, do you? You didn't get that the original, and very first, suggestion was 100% serious: http://bkkx.com/cgi-bin/forum/topic.cgi?forum=22&topic=1414&start=22 You *ARE* flying to Singapore. For real. You are simply going to THEN board a local carrier from Singapore to Bangkok R/T after spending 1-2 days in Singapore (to take pictures to stretch out over your trip, call her from there, etc...). Then, even if she does figure out that you went to Bangkok, your story is that you met a buddy in Singapore, who was going to Bangkok as a total newbie, so you wanted to go there for 1-2 days, to show him around - you thought nothing of it, so you didn't think it was worth bringing it up, since it was just a 1-2 day trip. That way you can even tell her when you come back "Honey, crazy thing while I was in Singapore...."
Quote: from afm171 on 10:01 am on June 28, 2008 The big hole in the "I'm going to Singapore" story I see is that she'll want to know what hotel I'm staying at - I'll have to tell her something, and if she calls that hotel... busted.
Same reason why you would be KEEPING THE ROOM in the hotel in Singapore, for the duration of the trip - even while you are in Bangkok. She calls you there, it will ring in the room, and you are simply 'out'. For extra surety, you can (and should) call the hotel twice a day for messages, and call her back when/if she called. Book a cheap hotel, there's plenty. You can let her know easily where you stay - heck, take a picture, and send it to her, even.
Quote: from afm171 on 10:01 am on June 28, 2008 I don't know about pussy-whipped, more like "convenience-whipped" probably. I'm living in a nice house rent free, breakfast in bed and lunch packed for me everyday, laundry, shopping and cleaning done, with occasional sex with a big boobie woman thrown in... Not an easy situation to get into here in the US of A, and one I'd like to keep for awhile.
Clearly so, since you're trying so hard to screw it up... At this point, you're received a lot of good advice, advising you not only strongly against your original (doomed to failure) plan, but in fact giving you plenty of good advice as well. What you do with it, and the outcome, are truly in your hands.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:12 pm on June 27, 2008
Oh sugar babe, I'm going to Singapore (no red flags there) on buisness for 2 weeks, or to see a friend? either way (sure, no problem) Don't worry, I won't take one those 2 hour flights to BKK (o.k., I believe you because I'm incredibly lame and or desperate) See you (be home in time for 'free' lunch) Boy, am I slick
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:12 pm on June 28, 2008
Personally, if I were in this situation, I'd do the "going to Bangkok to be a speaker at a conference", but I'd tell her just a 1-2 days before (last minute cancellation of the other guy). This way, it will be very difficult/expensive for her to buy a ticket. Even if she wants to buy a ticket, you can tell her you will have zero time to spend with her, because you will be at speaking every day at this conference and going to the Bangkok library every night to prepare for the next days speeches. Never mind that the Bangkok library is on Soi Cowboy and the speeches you will be giving will be "take shower now?" and "f*** your ass again, is ok?" As far as raising suspicions going to Bangkok, there really should not be any if you don't say anything stupid. I know many, many guys who go to Bangkok for business and some of them do not even partake in any nightlife. Hell, I have one customer who comes to BKK more than me and he doesn't even know where Soi Cowboy and NEP are! He is content to sit in the Bamboo Bar in the Oriental Hotel and drink Grey Goose, then go to Chatuchuk Market on Saturday. Jing jing. I'm banging 18yo chicks and he is sleeping like a baby in a $400/night hotel room, and we're both happy. Life is strange, huh? First day, buy your GF a bunch of Thai crap then your shopping is done. Then you can sleep like a baby (with a hot chick in your arms, of course) knowing your GF is not calling some hotel in Singapore looking for you. She has your Thai SIM number, she can call you anytime, Set up voice mail, though, a call from overseas that interrupts a good blowjob is a terrible thing, and could ruin your whole vacation - oops, conference!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:01 am on June 29, 2008
Quote: from ColoradoGuy on 9:27 pm on June 29, 2008 He is content to sit in the Bamboo Bar in the Oriental Hotel and drink Grey Goose, then go to Chatuchuk Market on Saturday. Jing jing. I'm banging 18yo chicks and he is sleeping like a baby in a $400/night hotel room, and we're both happy. Life is strange, huh?
Perhaps he is happily in love with his Pinay wife. What more can one ask for?
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:20 am on June 29, 2008
As don suggests, grow some balls & be upfront about the whole thing. Your meeting up with a friend in BKK. End of story. Use reverse psychology in any way you can, & it seems the last thing you need is a clingy woman, who won't let you out of her sight. Still curious about the part she went pyscho over the check as opposed to cash thing? Care to elaborate on what she did exactly? Yell & stream, threaten, physical abuse, throwing object/s ??? That to me would raise a red flag alone. Imagine she catches you cheating.. Cock gone???
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:41 pm on July 4, 2008
Quote: from Maco88 on 10:06 am on July 5, 2008 Still curious about the part she went pyscho over the check as opposed to cash thing? Care to elaborate on what she did exactly? Yell & stream, threaten, physical abuse, throwing object/s ???
I'm with Maco88 on that one - what happened there? You gave her a check instead of cash, and she lost it? How so?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:55 pm on July 4, 2008
AFM, haven't seen you post in while, I know I came across a little harsh, I read your FR'S from last trip and they were all excellent reading and very entertaining, 'as I mentioned then to you' You've gotten a huge amount of advice, maybe even overload Just hope you can get your trip together w/o 'rocking the boat' so you can enjoy yourself & keep your current situation tranquil No hard feelings, toward me I hope, Don P.S. I missed the part about about the check, but feels to me that ties in to this elaborate scheme for simply going out of town
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:39 am on July 5, 2008