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No hard feelings to anyone. In fact, of all the advice offered here, I believe Don5252 was the closest to the “correct” answer, if there is indeed such a thing.

There is however more than one way to skin a “trip” and I’m now on the ground in BKK and will be posting FR’s to reveal what is “actually” happening, whether “correct” or not…

Can’t post them day by day, because I write too slow and “tink too mutt.”

Will probably be hitting The Dollhouse at Cowboy, or G-Spot at Nana tonight.

As for the check to TG-USA, she got really angry as soon as I handed it to her… “Why you give me check? I want cash. Give me cash, etc etc.” There was some door slamming and pouting and when I tried to ask her what the problem was she just got madder. She even slept on the couch. I still have no idea what set her off, not a clue.

But here’s the funny thing. We were in Vegas last week and she gave me a hundred dollar bill to pay for a $70 dollar sushi bill. I gave it back to her and told her to use it for Blackjack, then pulled out my business credit card and explained that it was better for me to pay from my company than with cash. She then said, “You so cool. You can pay me with check too.”

Go figure…

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:38 pm on July 13, 2008

Quote: from afm171 on 9:04 am on July 14, 2008

But here’s the funny thing. We were in Vegas last week and she gave me a hundred dollar bill to pay for a $70 dollar sushi bill. I gave it back to her and told her to use it for Blackjack, then pulled out my business credit card and explained that it was better for me to pay from my company than with cash. She then said, “You so cool. You can pay me with check too.”
Sounds to me like you encountered some weird cultural thing (anyone else have any idea on what 'checks' mean to Thais) or she had a really bad prior experience with checks, an expected you to know all about it using your psychic powers...

Yeah, Go Figure.

Good luck, and Enjoy BKK, I mean, your bike tour...

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:46 pm on July 13, 2008
have a blast afm
finding a pretty TG in pointy shoes is all that really matters now

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:24 am on July 14, 2008
smoking body but ugly face is a pass!

you gonna have to look at her

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:19 pm on July 16, 2008

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 11:12 am on July 14, 2008

Sounds to me like you encountered some weird cultural thing (anyone else have any idea on what 'checks' mean to Thais) or she had a really bad prior experience with checks, an expected you to know all about it using your psychic powers...

Funniest thread for ages this one. “Why you not understand!?! Yep, been there. Don’t know for sure but will take a guess at this one.

My guess is based on my Thai wife's early days here in Oz, before she understood farangland finances. It is a first class, second class, third class sort of perception - clearly Afm's girl felt insulted.

Money is still mostly "real" money in Thailand - there is gold and there is cash. That is all real money. Even Bank Books seem less real – written paper is a poor second cousin.

How much value would you or I give to a handwritten IOU from Uncle Somchai?

He could have given her first class cash but he chose to give her paper rubbish so she may have been hurt and confused as to why the man who is supposed to love her would present her with the equivalent in her eyes of fake gold, a used bottle of perfume or second hand clothes.. Enjoy.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:17 pm on July 18, 2008
checks are NOTORIOUS for BOUNCING in LOS, 555

giving credit to anyone is like giving them a license to f*** you over

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:21 pm on July 18, 2008
jack attack

While it is true there are a number of bad check writers in LOS, a bounced check is more serious here than in the US of A. It is a criminal offence that can land you in jail. Most people, will call you and ask that you not present the check to the bank because the funds are not available.

The entire banking system is about 30 years behind the west. So credit is extended often on a personal basis. The check vs cash is typical still that few will offer checks for payments and certainly not loans. I am constantly getting my company checks returned by my own bank becasue someone has checked my signature and doesn't think it matches what is on file! Ever have that happen in the west?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:14 am on July 21, 2008
I remember one member who kept issuing those rubber checks, but nobody seemed to bother locking him up.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:17 am on July 21, 2008
She probably knew her "Sponsored Guy's" check was no good.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:04 am on July 27, 2008

Okay, I've been back in the states for almost a month since my "motorcycle trip" to LOS. I'm happy to report that my story has held up and everything is smooth sailing.

It was little tough the first couple nights with jet lag, and I didn't really have any "storys" to tell, but I'm not much of a talker anyways, so not a big problem.

The closest I've come to a slip up is with some of the purchases I made while in LOS. I bought a knock-off Cartier watch which I keep forgetting to take off when I'm home, but oddly enough, she has never noticed it at all.

Surprisingly she did notice a couple pairs of socks that I bought, and I did screw up on this enough to arouse suspicion. I had left these socks in my car for a couple of weeks before putting them in my sock drawer. The next day (while I was working the computer) I hear her shout, "You got new socks?"

I say, "Yes."

"Where'd you get them."

I think I'm real smooth and say, "Macy's"

She say, "And they came like this?"

I have no idea what she is talking about, so say, "Yeah."

She doesn't say anything more about it. Later I go to look at the socks, and they are bundled up like socks that have been worn before and laundered - which they have been - not folded like bought at Macy's.

In the next couple days, TG-USA expresses suspicion that I have another (sock-washing) girlfriend... but not that I've been in LOS


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:20 pm on Aug. 17, 2008

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