Joe Wood
If you don't have time to tour around Thailand extensively, then I don't think that you will have much oppotunity to become aware of the variety of beautiful women here., and so I understand the guys who leave with the impression that all the girls are small, thin, brown skinned and naturally small breasted. Unfortunately, since I am utterly devoted to my own private anthropological studies of Thai women, I too, find that I have little time to travel, except for the occasional week-end foraging far afield and so have been compelled to deep trawl the sois and by-ways of Bangkok for years. Someone has to do it. And I wouldn't wish this onerous task on anyone else but me. And after years of devoted study, I can say with conviction that there is as much variety and difference in anatomical form, structure, physiology, colour, energy,willingness, and attitude as anywhere else in the world. The uniqueness here is that the ladies of Thailand have not been contaminated with the double-fronted contagion of so-called 'feminist' hang-ups and the particularly nasty and virulent form of Judaic-Christian "morality'. I have not included Katoeys or ladyboys in my studies, as although, I suppose, they have every right to try to pose as women, my criteria to classify ladies/girls automatically excludes them. Yes, there are small, dark, brown-skinned ladies.But there are also ladies with a pearl-white skin-colouring and all shades in between. But you have to have time to look for them. And what the visitor needs to realise is that for all the ladies in the bars and parlours of Bangkok and Pattaya, they only represent a very small percentage of the total female population. There are tall girls and fat girls. There are girls with huge breasts and slim waist-lines. There are girls with sizeable arses. Long legs, long bodies,long fingers and long multiple-orgasms. Having said that, the main perception of the hit-and-run visitor to these shores is that all the girls are blood-sucking, gold-digging, thieving, lying bitches. Not true. Working girls are in the game for money. They act out your fantasies and attempt to be what you want them to be and to say what they think you want to hear. That is their job. But I must admit that there is a very small minority within the working girl population who are prepared to rip out a man's heart through his wallet ( is that a 'thank you' to Robin Williams ? ). But for the vast, over-whelming majority of ladies/girls, they are not infected with that destructive attitude and intention. As for what attracts each man to the wonders of Thai women,well, I have left that extensive study for others to take up, whether it be the golden skin, the clear and innocent doe-eyes that smoulder and burn you to your testicles in the night, the flashing smile that wraps itself around your rising penis or the knowledge that it will take only three seconds after the door shuts to be inside her. On the occasional blue moon, I sometimes suspect that I have been here too long to even remember any facet of attraction that Western women might have held for me. But then, the consideration of the years of devoted study that stretch ahead of me here in Thailand, quickly banishes that idle thought.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:34 am on Dec. 30, 2007
it surprises me how little is written about experiences w/good girls, mall, office, waitress (for sure at least some of the girls Joe refers to are 'good') from you lucky ones living in LOS, I'm sure those oppurtunities are frequent, it must be by choice being it so easy to have 'no strings' w/the abundant supply of p4p when I'm in LOS my vacation time is to precious to spend doing the 'courting' rountine, but I get a fair amount of 'signals' I wish I had time to explore from the non p4p, I'm aware of the claim p4p is cheaper, in most cases I agree
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:05 am on Dec. 30, 2007
Quote: from don5252 on 8:20 pm on Dec. 30, 2007 'no strings'
This is important because many of us here get girlfriends or wives! And yes, from amongst all variety of industries or social classes here. Still, the occasional affair with someone not overtly in such a business selling love, as you describe, is still possible and occurs. Just have to be trickier, and run around a lot, which gets tiring. Hence, another appeal of instant gratification and no strings. Still, a man will do an awful lot to get into a women's panties, if he thinks she is especially sexy. The courting routine is fun if you have patience for it. I don't anymore (not for some time now), not mentally or emotionally. Maybe again someday, who knows. Maybe tomorrow. Single guys here (and I, when I was single) do tend to find lots of concurrent girlfriends from every avenue. It's fun. Its such a cornucopia. No matter where you are. I remember many dates I used to have. Some went no farther than dinner, some went all the way. But hey, even if you're paying for it, there's still a relationship of some kind going on anyway, especially if it's repeat...
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:56 am on Dec. 30, 2007
Mel Gibson
Personally I never contemplated a long term relationship with a"lady of the night".It just never seamed tobe "on my radar".Fun galsare for fun,,just my opinion. Yes,there are many non P4P thai gals I married one. thailife would lovingly describe her and I quote "what about the sexiness of an Isaan womens simian forhead and brow? I always like being with a woman who looks like a little monkey, plus the nipples..... forhead and nipples to match..... come here my little monkey....... My wife is indeed from Isaan,,but lacks the looks of a monkey.In fact she is often confused with being Chinese because of her facial features and delicate white skin. What has surprised me most, is the fact our son lacks any,as thailife so delicately describes "Monkey" features and has taken some 90% Farang looks.The minor exception would be a slight "almonding" of the eye-shape. I'll post a pic in the next few days after checking with BK. NON Simian bethrothed Mel.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:34 am on Dec. 30, 2007
cornucopia, nice, I gotta speed up my retirement plan
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:50 am on Dec. 30, 2007