I know of a TG who turned up at a lunch appointment with her American Boyfriend with a Bandage around her head and her Arm in a sling to show her war wounds from a Motorcycle accident. They where proven to be fake, she still works in a Nana Bar!!!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:34 pm on Jan. 11, 2007
The great thing about Thailand is that sex is still recognized as a commodity, and easily available. The sad thing about the West is that in general it is not, and so males being left up to the whims of their new equals ("all those are cruel whose power is new" Homer is great stuff), they are so sexually desperate that they believe in the sort of attachments Lofty describes above. Cultural training result: the women here are more aware of what you want than you are. A typical Western male is oblivious to the saleswoman's manipulations. As Minder pointed out above, your needs have been analysized and you have been identified a possible soft touch, first choice, no interest, no payback. And as China Sailor suggests, unless you have that amount set aside for charity donation, you should tell her sorry don't have it now. 4 years? Except for the offensive fact that this whole thing is probably a total scam, and you most likely will never get to have sex with her after her supposed operation anyway (neither will the new motorcyle she's buying with the money), I wouldn't blame her for her choosing you really, it's her training to get money from men. Though it does not exactly demonstrate what a Western gentleman calls "character". However, most of us are not interested in having sex with Western gentlemen.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:04 pm on Jan. 11, 2007
You could just ask to see the report and receipts etc. If she goes to all the hassle of faking these, to a standard that you believe them, then she deserves the money. If she claims she doesnt have them then forget about her.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:30 pm on Jan. 11, 2007
Mel Gibson
seajohn,, I apologise before I begin,,, but what a load of crud!!! New equals? women you pay sex for whether Thai or Farang should never be considered equal YMMV. They are more aware of what you want than you are ?? Then why do I get such strange looks asking for what I want???? MOST of us are VERY aware of the saleswomens ability to manipulate price,,,the more experienced manage a compromise between their dream price and reality. Wishing transactions to be done gentlemanly does not infer wanting sex with fellow men,,,, SHAME SHAME SHAME> Mel.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:06 pm on Jan. 11, 2007
My dear Mel, I think there has been an awful miscommunication. I am to blame. English is my first language and so some things just slip out, almost of their own volition! By "The sad thing about the West is that in general it is not [sex is not seen as a commodity], and so males being left up to the whims of their new equals..." By "new equals" I was referring not to working girls in Thailand but to Western females whom Western men are left to try to get pleasure from, and the simply wonderful developments in gender relations there over the past 30 yrs.
By "They are more aware of what you want than you are" I was speaking to the kind of person who would believe the silly pitch that Lofty posted. That is, a typical Western male (really I had a newbie in mind) who because sex is not a commodity in the West may get his desires all mixed up and believe he is looking for love or some other feeling, and fall for that kind of scam or the usual White Knight trap. Those poor guys don't realize that Thai culture is pervasive with attention on sexual relations because those poor guys have been so deprived. I was not speaking to an experienced whoremonger who is familiar with the culture in Asia. On another note, I would say that there would be one of two reasons you're getting those strange looks: 1) That's what bitches do when they want to put out least effort for pay. My advice. Warm 'em up or dump 'em. 2) Your requests are really perverse. Just what ARE you into??? My advice... Good heavens man, I have no advice! 555 Back to a flat note, yes, I too prefer transactions above the board, fair and square and gentlemanly. I was joking because, after all, it was pretty clear to me the lack of character Lofty's girl had shown making such a request... but unfortunately not very surprising. Enjoy.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:09 pm on Jan. 11, 2007
China Sailor
As Seajohn has said, most of these requests are scams. That is why I frame the issue as charity. Charity is given to promote ones standing with the Almighty (whatever you conceive him to be) without expectation of payback. To protect yourself however, charity is not expected to be more than your can reasonably afford (many cultures frame this as a tithe or 10% of your income). Now if the person who requires the charity is scamming you their standing with the Almighty drops and they in turn are punished. And if it is legitimate, they are expected to return an equlivent level of charity (proportionate to their income) to another in need. Now before all of you Atheists flame me on this, do not discount luck, fate, or dharma which, if you believe in them, are manifestations of your Almighty. If you do not believe in anything but yourself, then you yourself are the Almighty that you are punished by. You know, that little voice in the back of your head that makes you feel good about yourself. In any event, charity given in good faith is rewarded and charity betrayed is punished... IMHO...
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:06 am on Jan. 12, 2007
ThaiPrivateEye II
Lofty, I also believe it's a scam... But to put your mind at ease, send me a PM with the name of the hospital and the doctors name and I will try and get to the bottom of this for you... TPE II ps. You'll have a PM from me in a few...
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:30 am on Jan. 12, 2007
Quote: from Oz on 8:58 am on Jan. 12, 2007 I know of a TG who turned up at a lunch appointment with her American Boyfriend with a Bandage around her head and her Arm in a sling to show her war wounds from a Motorcycle accident. They where proven to be fake, she still works in a Nana Bar!!!
Now that is creative. A brilliant plan if executed properly, but how'd she get caught? I'd love to chat with her in the bar, maybe go in as a newbie and barfine her, then tell her a story about my sister being in a motorcycle accident, and can I ask a Thai for help?!?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:40 am on Jan. 12, 2007
Loung Steeb
I think they will see through that plan.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:43 am on Jan. 12, 2007
Mel Gibson
seajohn, Not your fault at all,, your English is far better than my ability in any other language beside Australian Yes the English language leaves a lot of possibilities for miss-understanding and lacks the more exacting nature of say German. Either way, your points are very valid, actually saying western girls are now our equals is an understatement,, here in Australia the whole law system is twisted so they in fact or treated as superiors. As for the strange looks,, your answer number 1 is definately correct,,, number 2 for me probably not as I'm relatively non kinky, just love the BBBJ etc. Cheers 4 days till wheels up Mel.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:03 am on Jan. 12, 2007