Dear All thanks for all the advise. First off If I parted with any money I realise it would be a donation.. I would indeed not expect it back. As I said I am sceptical about the situation.. but if it is a scam I do in fact admire it.. The doctor whatever was very Plausable and did seem to speak with knowledge rather than reading from a text book or internet.. certainly no bar noise.. but are mobiles allowed in Thai hospitals.. certainly are not in UK. and that was what she called me on.. I have no real intention of having another relationship with her again.. Hmm although she was rather good in the sack so maybe one for old times sake.. Whilst the money is not an issue.. I have wasted more when pissed.. I dont really think I will hand any over.. I am back in 5 days... she even said her sister would meet me at the airport.. easy to get out of as she knows I have a GF so I just said nah you cant cos the GF is meeting me.. as they say Som Nom Nah!!! Thanks again guys..
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:26 pm on Jan. 12, 2007
Mel Gibson
Well,, she owes you 10 L/T's,,, she is good in the sack,, but your not interested,,,,,, AHHHH can I have some of those freebies owed??? 4 days to touch-down. Mel.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:30 pm on Jan. 12, 2007
Lofty, Here's the easiest way to figure it out. Call the hospital operator where she called from, ask for the doctor you spoke to, by name, and get transfered. Pretend you had some detail questions about the procedure. How long she will need to remain in hospital. How much a more private room would cost. Then, find out from the accounting department of the same hospital if: - You can prepay (mistake), or if they can take down your credit card to charge you for the surgery, and send you a detailed quote, and a detailed quote, after the fact. - Explain that you believe your girlfriend (call her that) has already made some payments. If she has, can accounting refund HER money, after your payment has been made. See what the answers are - this may open some better options for you.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:29 pm on Jan. 12, 2007
Hmm, I wonder if there is a companion thread to this one somewhere in forum land..... Our's - She’s asking for money again... Theirs - He's asking for sex again....
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:44 am on Jan. 13, 2007
Thanks Daffy, I have already broached the subject with her about going to see the doctor when I arrive at the hospital.. of course just to check with the doctor that all went well.. and that I want to make sure she (the girl) is all ok and does not need ant further treatment.. Her: Why do you want to do this.. Me: Just to make sure you are ok and you are better.. Her: Ok we can go.. Is this a call my bluff LOL!!! Dont you just love the game!!! 5555555 LOL The other thing that does get me however.. is.. even if it is true was the sister thing who owns a bar so could pay AND.. she does have a Czech boyfriend.. has she asked him if not why not or are we both being asked and she is chancing her luck with me...nothing to lose.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:24 pm on Jan. 13, 2007
Quote: from Lofty on 7:48 am on Jan. 14, 2007 I have already broached the subject with her about going to see the doctor when I arrive at the hospital.. of course just to check with the doctor that all went well.. and that I want to make sure she (the girl) is all ok and does not need ant further treatment..
NO, call the hopsital on your own, without her knowing, asking for the doctor. It's one phone call, and it clears up a lot of questions. If you give her adequate warning (which is what you did) - first of all, she can prepare a scenario; she cn be out of town (unexpectedly) ; she can set up a meeting with a fake doctor friend; etc.. Why tip her off? Regarding the sister ad her BF - most likely she was playing all options. Why shouldn't she?
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:32 pm on Jan. 13, 2007
----------------------------------------------------------------- but are mobiles allowed in Thai hospitals ==================================== Yes, in most....
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:33 pm on Jan. 13, 2007
I have an idea. 1) She has borrowed the money from a loanshark, right? 2) She wants to borrow the money from you, to pay off the loanshark, right? She is therefore going to have to pay off the loan, isn't she. If what she says is true. So what is the difference between you and the loanshark? I'll tell you: the interest charged. Now, and this is my brilliant idea, tell her that you'll give her the interest only. That way, she gets less from you, and still gets a cheap loan. Bingo - everyone is happy!
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:00 am on Jan. 15, 2007
Re: "the sister thing who owns a bar so could pay... she does have a Czech boyfriend.. has she asked him if not why not or are we both being asked and she is chancing her luck with me...nothing to lose." Seems to me that answered the question ("loooooong time ago," as my TGF would intone). Just say "no." End of story. - Balls
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:22 am on Jan. 15, 2007
Quote: from mansaturday on 4:24 pm on Jan. 15, 2007 have an idea. 1) She has borrowed the money from a loanshark, right? 2) She wants to borrow the money from you, to pay off the loanshark, right? She is therefore going to have to pay off the loan, isn't she. If what she says is true. So what is the difference between you and the loanshark? I'll tell you: the interest charged. Now, and this is my brilliant idea, tell her that you'll give her the interest only. That way, she gets less from you, and still gets a cheap loan. Bingo - everyone is happy!
Eureka! I think the boys on a winner here!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:52 am on Jan. 15, 2007