only coke
After long years of coming to bkk I start to ask myself a question. Have all girls which are related to bars the gene for lying and being unfaithful? I am sure a lot of you knowing the kangaroo club in patpong. I am talking about a girl which use to work there behind the desk as a cashier. She is 24, her nickname is jung. She seems to be the doughter (woman, who knows?) of the boss. She is a typical bar girl, even she pretend to be something better, cause she is a student daytime. When I met her, she try everything to get in touch with me, she even called her mobile from my one, to get my number. In the beginning she pretend to be nice and reluctand. She even denied to take 200 baht for parking her car in public parking. But shortly after she start to asked for some money to buy a new mobile. And not the cheapest one.... At the end she asked for "some" money for going to china with her friend. This was the time for me to disappear. She can talk with very sweet mouth, an attribute which is common for thai girls. If she has a goal she will tell you and do (!) everything to reach it. Fortunately I am not a guy who can be impressed this easy. Before she had a boyfriend from italy which seemed to be the total looser. Now he work as a cook in Dubai. He even pay her a car (a outstanding Toyota Yaris in a very sporting version) before he was "executed" by her. But stupid enoug to pay more 50.000 baht after some time when she told him a story of being seriously ill in china. How many man she asked for this money, and how many send it at the end to her? Anyway, she was clever enough to spare me with this stupid story. I am interested if anybody here had some similar experience with her, or another related story. greetings Peter
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:52 am on Dec. 25, 2007
If they are all liars then so are we... That's the deal with bar girls, they make fat old falangs feel like they are young and handsome in exchange for money... Many guys lie to these girls everyday, say they love them then never contact them again, we can have "Sweet Mouths" too! Are you sure you can handle the truth? I married a bar-girl, but we got past the "sweet mouth" before that, sometimes I miss it when she tells me not to drink coke or eat pizza because they make me fat! But when she tells me she loves me I believe her.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:03 am on Dec. 25, 2007
I wonder if you are the exception rather than the rule....
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:09 am on Dec. 25, 2007
well, at least you didn't marry her I know a handful of guys around my neighborhood who tell me all about how their wive's families are money pits I laugh and pretend to sympathize, but it's their own doing to marry such a beast I'm sure there are plenty of others in the same situation who don't dare to air their dirty laundry about the subject do you know how you can tell a BG is lying ? her lips are moving but don't pretend like it's just the BGs I've been lied to by work colleagues and the like and plenty of TGs are out to get you to pay for her and her friends' night out (they call Lok Daak in Thai) plenty of them will string you along to get you to pay for dinner or more when they have no interest in you whatsoever this is a creative form of lying IMHO as well
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:25 pm on Dec. 25, 2007
Come on now its obvious she is playing for bucks with storys of being family of the owner so she never touch a dick whatever ftf is this cinderella. Dont think this is just happen in P4P I married a women from the bar scene (not a bargirl). The funny thing is now she stay in europe 9 yrs to see how the family ( I mean everybody ) try to get as much as they can from her. Its almost comical they never ask me and when she does I say no then thats it. If your insecure and feel if you dont give this gal 50 k she will go then she will get it, as a married man if I got a dollar everytime I refuse some stupid scheme id be rich by now. I have had several times in los when I really temporarily ran outta cash and did TG leave NO money was immediately available. The rule of thumb falang pays or richest pays if lady stay with you only for money she no love you only love money.Quickest way to know lady love you say no money no have, I dont mean cheap charlie but reasonable. If your poor and give everything you have what signal you give to this women,im a jurk dont love myself bleed me baby.He all kids try it on thai women are no different if ya think giving money means pussy your crazy unless you have money to burn, and even then you f*** it up for the rest.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:38 pm on Dec. 25, 2007
There is no concept of lying for bar girls (full time, part time,occassional, once in a blue moon, all). They are trying to meed a need - be that the need of money to buy an aircon for the home in issan, to feed mangda's gambling and drinking habits, or spend a night-out with friends or that cute and young guy she just met. Spending money for bar girls is like going to the Las Vegas. Know your comfort zone for spending money for you needs - sexual, emotioal, companionship, partying, knowing the thai culture, etc.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:47 pm on Dec. 25, 2007
that's all fine and good for BGs but what about the "regular" or so-called "good girls" that can also bleed a man ? they can possibly be more dangerous, as with the BG you KNOW from the beginning that you are going to pay I tend to approach BGs and regular gals in a very similar manner I saw a real stunner at xMas lunch yesterday. We made eyes at one another and before she left I asked her at the door what her name was etc and we exchanged numbers. all the other guys who hadn't been brave enough to approach her were asking me about her when I came back to sit down, all I said was "she's single" LOL
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:23 pm on Dec. 25, 2007
Punters... born to be suckers? ;)
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:25 pm on Dec. 25, 2007
I think those who complain about the cost of a Thai wife and Thai relatives have forgotten how expensive a farang wife or farang girlfriend is.... and how relentless their demands are. Economy of scale? is that the correct phrase? If not then how about "Value for money"? A Thai wants to hit you up for a couple of thousand baht but will nod sadly and let it go when you cry poor - not a chance with a blood sucking farang woman who knows you still have credit cards and other means of access. IMHO if a Thai GF, wife or relative becomes too greedy or demanding the single most likely cause is that we (yes, I include myself) were too generous early on and then we have to deal with the monsters we create. Enjoy.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:51 pm on Dec. 25, 2007
The Players Change but the GAME remains the same.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:52 pm on Dec. 25, 2007