For a very long time I didnt frequent sukhumvit but yesterday I checked out the girls at the nana parking lot. It seemed prices were 1500B baht for the better looking girls though quality not so high. 1500B was for one hour which surprised me. I think I remember I used to pay 1500 for at least two hours or three hours and sometimes for LT 2000 was a lot for a LT I remember. We are only two years back. If these are the prices now things are changing fast. Whats your experience ?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:26 pm on Dec. 29, 2007
What does this have to do with Night Clubs and Discos?
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:04 am on Dec. 30, 2007
Pls see the title description. The topic also includes freelancers. Night Clubs, Clubs, Discos New places, prices, freelancers, etc Pls tell me if you have a better suggestion.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:23 am on Dec. 30, 2007
Mel Gibson
Thre was a section for nana carpark,,,forget where,so,here,will,have to do fornow. Mel
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:12 am on Dec. 30, 2007
Freelancers in Night Clubs and Discos. Not girls on the street.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:24 am on Dec. 30, 2007
Joe Wood
Is there a difference whether she is standing in the doorway of a disco or outside it ?
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:25 pm on Dec. 30, 2007
... the price is just the same. It rhymes; I hope it's accurate.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:20 am on Dec. 31, 2007
Hi All A newby workmake of mine is visiting Bkk in Feb and stayingat Nana and I was telling him about the carpark and was wondering what it is like in the current economic climate, is it still the same girl to monger ratio, or is there less girls, less mongers or more girls, more mongers? Maybe someone who has been there in the last week or so can fill me in. P.S. Maybe the prices too! Thanks BB
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:32 pm on Jan. 6, 2009
1500 Baht for an one hour short time? 1500 Baht for 1 hour and only 1 shot??? Are you crazy? Who pays that price is a moron, a dimwit! 1500 Baht LT = long time (!!!) for a nice freelancer from Nana parking lot or from Nana disco should be the fair and proper price! And I mean 1500 Baht for a long night of f***ing and love making, of sexual pleasure with girlfriend experience. In other words: for a f*** feast. Everything else is overpaying! Consider this: 1. The economical and financial situation in the western world inclusive Japan is critical. 2. The Thai Baht is rather strong against the US Dollar, the Euro and the Japanese Yen. 3. Very unfavorable exchange rates for these currencies. Especially the British Pound is on the ground; our British friends are groaning and complaing about the decline of their currency. Conclusion: Therefore many sanukers, mongers, sex tourists cannot come.; must stay at home. There is a lack of mongers in Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya. But many many girls waiting greedily and eagerly for customers and lovers and boyfriends and their money, of course. On the basis of those compact facts listed above the customers : girls ratio has been fantastic for many months. It is an abolute buyers market!!! Girls, girls, girls as far as the eyes can see. 1500 Baht for a paradisal night and morning of f***ing and girlfriend experiences is a fair and good price. 1000 Baht at the very most for a short time. But this ST should be 2 hours and 2 shots! 500 Baht for a short time 1 hour and 1 shot! Switch on your brain and negotiate with the girls. Treat them nicely and friendly, flirt with them, be on your's best behavior and you get them for this price.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:06 pm on Jan. 7, 2009