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I picked up this thread from soc.culture-thai
I would like honest comments?

I know its a long link address but it should take you there!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:35 am on Jan. 4, 2003
I had read the original Stickman article.  I didn't go through all of the comments in the listserve or whatever it was, but there seems to be a pretty good variety of response.  About the original article, I thought it was a hugely prejudiced venting of some asshole's spleen.  Enough stereotypes there to fill a novel.  I'd love to know the jerk's background.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:48 am on Jan. 4, 2003
Pisses me right off!

An unjustified insult to all who have married TG or have TGF and the Thai ladies (all of which deserver better a live than they have), from narrow minded twats.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:51 am on Jan. 4, 2003
I am already agreeing with the first two replies and someone who signs himself just 007(reply 38?).
I have had this argument rammed down my throat a
few times. My ex-wife was a bar-girl of sorts for a while
but that was not the reason the marriage broke up. It broke because of any of the usual reasons a 'western' marriage brakes up. Quite a few people cannot understand why I still like bar-girls. Well the ones I know are usually good fun and I like their company. It just seems to be a stage I am growing through at the moment and at the moment they are fine for me. My first wife is an academic high flyer. That doesn't always work either. I believe you have to get to know people on an individual basis. I felt quite cold reading that article it was if there is a pidgeon hole for everybody and they have to stay there. If Thailand wasn't there someone would have to invent it !! Oh well that is my pennyworth. I know the girls have their hands in my pocket but I gave them the opportunity ! I just happen to like them.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:25 am on Jan. 4, 2003
it is a fact that most farangs who marry prositutes/BG`s get quite defensive about such comments because in the majority of cases it is very close to the truth

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:30 pm on Jan. 4, 2003
The guys got a lot of pent up anger doesn't he (well i guess its not pent up anymore!)

Not sure why he's going on and on about the dangers of marrying thai prostitutes, what does he care?  My best guess is that he is married to a "normal" that is NON prostitute TG and is tired of people assuming that she is a prostitute.

Someone was wondering about his background, i think he spells it out pretty clearly:

He's from England
language and references gives it away, no yank says "bollocks", and aussies don't gripe about cold weather in NE england

Born to a upper class family
has a real disdain for the working class

Works for an international company stationed in Bangkok
These are the only legitamate people in his mind, so he must be one of them...

How'd i do Thaiprivateeye?

As much as i hate to admit it, i do agree with a couple of his isssues.  It kind of freaks me out when i see a fifty year old man with a 20 year old, they should at least go for a 25 year old

I for one wouldn't be sad if all the goofballs walking around pattaya would just stay home, he does a pretty good job describing a couple of them too.

The thing that realy pisses me off is that this article forces me to admit that i am a sex tourist. I do enjoy the culture and i am respectful of the thai people but the bottom line is i wouldn't be there without the action. Maybe i am doomed to never have a "real" relationship, maybe i am doomed to be an old codger chasing after young TGs, but maybe, just maybe... thats not really such a bad thing?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:14 pm on Jan. 4, 2003
tuk tuk dRiveR
all women are whores... geographical location shouldn't restrict where one selects from....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:36 pm on Jan. 4, 2003
That is so true tuk tuk

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:37 am on Jan. 5, 2003
oh dear.
this used to be an interesting and informative forum.

but lately we seem to be attracting some real idiots.
and some very offensive.
i object very strongly to my 63 y.o. mother being described as a w####.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:31 am on Jan. 5, 2003
"Virtually without exception, bargirls are damaged goods. Addicted to booze, drugs or gambling"

"I've never yet met a sex tourist who I've found the least bit entertaining or interesting"

Well, he would know, wouldn't he? It's fairly obvious this guy wouldn't give the time of day to anyone he identified as a sex tourist or a present/former BG. He knows all he needs to know about them already.

This made me laugh:

"These are not guys [ie, guys with Western jobs in BKK earning good salaries] who would go near a bargirl and who would be contemptuous of any farang who did"

This is so palpably untrue, it makes me wonder if the author may be the wife of this pillar of the community rather than the pillar himself.

Either way, there's obviously a great deal of anger here. If the wife, then this is understandable. Naturally she fears (probably with excellent reason) that hubby is getting his end away clandestinely whenever he gets the chance.

But let's assume it's the pillar himself. Obviously, like virtually any other heterosexual male, he will be strongly attracted sexually to young Thai women. I would guess that for some reason - religious hang-ups, Ý'sanctity of marriage' or whatever - he can't bring himself to do anything about it, though his alter ego would love to do just that.

Naturally, like most moralists, he violently objects to others who don't share his hang-ups. They make him jealous, and they constantly remind him that he may, just may, be cheating himself. This thought is desperately unwelcome.

He protests too much. How DARE these plumbers, cab drivers and similar riff-raff get what he wants but can't have? Obviously, both they and their BGs are utterly worthless people. Happily, there is a God, and they're all going to get theirs. They're going to inflict untold misery on each other, and they deserve it. Then all the sex tourists will be slung out of the country. How he yearns for that day.

It's been suggested that the author is an upper-class Brit. I think this is most unlikely. Many upper-class Brits have the sexual morals of an alley cat, and don't care who knows it. Even those that don't would regard extended moralising of this kind as hopelessly middle-class - exactly the sort of thing they DO get snobbish about.

Personally, I take as I find. You can be a BG, sex tourist or duke's son from Eton and be a complete prick. Then again, you may be delightful. Who's to know if they can never get their constipated little minds past the label? Ý Ý

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:37 am on Jan. 5, 2003

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