Hey gang I was at Nana on my last trip and went to a few bars over there the girls were asking 3000 LT and like 2000 ST I tried haggling but they wouldnt budge.. is the price structure still like this if so any tips on getting them to come down to the 1000 st 2000 LT area thanks ps I did a search on "nana LT 3000" and other combinations like that and nothing came up
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:56 am on Sep. 16, 2004
Take some LBs... they offer themselves for 'free' or learn to speak Thai.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:00 am on Sep. 16, 2004
Weird. I had no trouble getting 1,500 LT last week. Any information on yourself (ethnicity, age, appearance) ? I found that girls tend to collectively inflate their prices if they don't like the guy. Happened to a friend of mine last trip, who looks Indian, and some girls on the first night asked for similar rates, as they thought he was an indian guy. Once they realized that he was American, things changed for the better. He now loves LOS as well, and will be joining me on my next trip Harry
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:41 am on Sep. 16, 2004
Wait till 2AM and many of the same BG working Nana will be working the Nana Hotel parking lot and they are willing to go for 500 st and 1K lt and no bar fine.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:53 am on Sep. 16, 2004
bt1000 LT... You just need to keep looking brother. What Hzink says makes sense...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:17 pm on Sep. 16, 2004
Hi Invaderzim and all the others who discuss here. The prices which I normally pay: For a girl from Soi Cowboy: 1000 Baht LT For a GoGo girl from NEP: 1500 Baht LT For a freelancer girl (Biergarten Soi 7,Thermae,Nana disco etc.) : 1000 or 1500 LT Only if I want to have a girl absolutely, because she is nice and very sexy then I am willing to pay 2000 Baht LT. But never more!!! Here some hints and examples: 1. On my last trip I made following experiences in one of the big Hollywood bars (Carousel) on the second floor (American 3. floor) : I saw a stunner dancing, made eye contact and smiled at her. We were flirting by our eyes and our smiles every time she came along the carousel by my side. When she finished dancing, she came to my seat and said to me: “I have already customer over there, he spent a lady drink and he will pay bar for me. He pays 2500 Baht LT. Come back tomorrow. Then I go with you.” Next evening I went to that bar rather early, about 8. She saw me and came to me and we start flirting, chatting and laughing, had great sanuk together. She was very beautiful, nice tits, long legs, a real stunner. About 2 hours later she went with me for 1500 Baht LT. And she gave me that special girlfriend sex. She stayed with me till noon the next day. And I am not that Brad Pitt type and I am not a young man any more. 2. Avoid the “expensive bars” like the Rainbow Bars (these are the bars where our Japanese colleagues destroyed the prices. Every girl of these bars quotes 3000 Baht LT. That is ridiculous. You can find in some of the smaller bars in NEP like DC10 or Sexy Nights pretty girls who go with you LT for 1500 Baht. 3. Take your time. You can find in Thermae, Biergarten, Soi Cowboy, Nana Disco, Grace Coffee shop and – in general: lower Sukhumvhit - many beautiful girls who go with you for 1000 or 1500 Baht long time and who give you a wonderful night. And you can find in many bars of Soi Cowboy beautiful cuties, warm hearted creatures, who give you sexual pleasure, who give you that special girl friend sex all night long and even the following morning and day; for only 1000 or 1500 Baht. You must have a little patience and comb through the bars to find the right girl. 4. There is one important rule being successful with bargirls and freelancers: Make sure that there is a little chemistry between you and the girl! That sure helps a lot! I am always campaigning against overpaying! My motto: "Don't overpay the girls". Pay a fair price, but don’t overpay! 1. 1500 Baht LT is a good price for a girl. That is for Thai standard a lot of money. 2. It is a buyers market! There are so many girls. There is an excess supply of women; many of them nice and sexy. The bars are empty with customers and loaded with girls. You are the one who can choose and who can dictate prices, in a certain bandwidth. 3. In my humble opinion it is brainless to pay prices over 2000 Baht for LT. Don't pay 2500 or even 3000 Baht for LT. Some girls will not agree to the above prices, but I send them on their way because it's a buyers' market!!! This is why I am always campaigning against overpaying, it is just driving the price levels upwards. Enjoy yourself! Bakwahn
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:13 pm on Sep. 16, 2004
Quote: from Bakwahn on 5:28 am on Sep. 17, 2004 I am always campaigning against overpaying! My motto: "Don't overpay the girls". Pay a fair price, but don’t overpay!
Amen Brother ! !
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:51 pm on Sep. 16, 2004
don't look hungry, don't be in a hurry and don't seem too interested - they will come to you.............. moke
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:35 pm on Sep. 16, 2004
Tyler Durdin
My moto is don't quibble over a few dollars, it just makes you look cheap. I know, we shouldn't be overpaying because it ruins it for the others, etc But for every girl that won't go for less than 2500LT, she has a counterpart that will go LT for 2000b, if price is that important to you, go seek them out. What I am saying is that there is no hard rule that says "NEVER pay more than XXX amount", that's just someone else's rule, its up to you to adopt it or not. That's like saying "Never pay more than $12K for a Honda Civic" - Every situation is different and has different factors to consider (How much you have, how much you think the girl/car is worth, what condition she/it is in, what you want out of the deal, how much more energy you have to seek out another girl/car, etc). If I told a girl all I want is a bj and to sleep for 1000LT she may go, but she may not go if I told her I will be giving her the "Tyler Treatment" all night. Actually, I never talk price with the girl, but if you want the girl and the difference between what she wants and what you are willing to pay is 500b, what's the big deal? Its not going to put you in the poor house and it's not going to ruin your night. In fact, it may just make it all that much better because a happy worker will work happy. Most of the time I am too lazy to trawl through all the bars, I just want to get them back to my room so I can do what my signature suggests... I've paid 1000LT and had an absolutely incredible time and I've paid 3000LT and had a miserable time, and vice versa and everything in between. Just goes to show that there is no set formula, just what you make of it and what you make of your own experiences. A funny note - I know plenty of guys that wont pay more than 2000LT, so when the girl quotes them at 2500LT, they move on to another bar, and another, and another to find the "right" girl, however, in the meantime, they have spent upwards of another 1000b in drinks and ladydrinks. Up to you!!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:26 pm on Sep. 16, 2004
------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't overpay the girls". Pay a fair price, but don’t overpay! ------------------------------------------------------------------- And even if you get a freebie, we won't slaughter you. BTW Bakwahn are you a member of some kind of Indian religious group or do you refer to Pahk Wahn?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:16 am on Sep. 17, 2004