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MainNews & Announcements – Man with prosthetic leg dies after taking a leak on a power All Topics

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Who needs to read the comics when the daily news is so funny. Below is the same article that I cut to send back to friends in the USA with comments...

A 27-year-old man with a prosthetic leg was electrocuted while urinating near an electric pole on Wednesday night in Bangkok's Prawet district.

The victim, Pallop Thachao, was accompanied by his father and a friend at the time of the incident. The witnesses told police that they had stopped their car on the outer ring road near the Tap Chang tollbooth because Pallop had wanted to relieve himself.

"Who will take responsibility for the power leakage and my son's death?" the father said.

>>> How about the son who is stupid enough to piss on a electrical pole?

Police and other officials yesterday inspected the scene to determine if there was any power leakage. The scene was cordoned off and designated a danger zone while the inspection was taking place.

"There was also some water near the poles," said Capt Narongchat Sajjathai of Prawet police station.

Police said Pallop's remains were sent for an autopsy to the Police General Hospital.

Relatives of the victim last night claimed his body for funeral. They said they would not press charges because they considered the incident his destiny.
Let's see death by electrocution while taking a piss, Not a good destiny!

Prathin Kongsuwan, a technician from the special highway office, said Pallop's car was parked in an unauthorised zone when the accident took place.

>>> Dead, but still getting Parking tickets?  Or is there an authorized pissing zone?

He said it was possible that his prosthetic leg was a strong conductor of electricity.

Thawil Phuengma, dean of the Engineering Faculty at King Mongkut's University of Techno-logy Lat Krabang campus, said Pallop probably urinated on an uncovered ground line near the power pole.

He said ground lines were normally covered with PVC pipes but the pipe at the power pole in question might have been broken.

"A broken ground line can cause the current flow to the ground to be disrupted.

>>> Maybe they should start using artificial legs as the ground wires as they seem to work better

"This is particularly dangerous during the rainy season, when power leaks occur more often," Thawil said.

He advised people to stay away from telephone booths, power poles and outdoor electricity devices during the rainy season.

>>> How about advising people to take a piss in the bathroom instead of on power poles!

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Posted on: 10:04 pm on July 7, 2003

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