Swap you two Beanos for a genuine US Marvelman Comic?
A genuine US Marvelman? LOL!! Now THAT'D be a rare treasure! Hey, kids, be the first, last and only one on your block to have a genuine US Marvelman comic!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:13 am on Sep. 9, 2003
Here's another recent trip report from Stickman's site: http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/reader/reader391.html I like reading Dana's stuff, but more than anything else, it's an interesting perspective on the changes he noticed between 6 months ago and now. I'll be interested to note differences when I get there in October myself. Harry
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:25 am on Sep. 9, 2003
Haam Sup- I don't wish to detract from the other really excellent posts here but your post is sublime. You touch so many issues in a knowledgable and thoughtful way. Turkey is for girls looking for sexual relief and Thailand is for blokes looking for sexual relief. Why has it suddenly become sinful to do what nature intended a man to do in the first place? His whole mind and body is programmed for such an event. Otherwise none of us oe anybody else for that matter would be here. I am sure many here have had failed marriages and rotten relationships with women in their own country only to find that Thailand gave them half a chance to be a man again ! And what is wrong with that as long as it doesn't harm anybody. We probably inflict more harm on ourselves. Why should men who like other men or Ladyboys also have the book of guilt thrown at them. It is not my style but if they are not harming any innocent and they are consenting adults let them go for it because they have a right to some form of happiness too ! Why has sex become sinful Worldwide ? Or it seems like it ? Yet we are peppered with trash programmes like 'Sex in the City' and when we want the real thing as nature intended for us we are suddenly all perverts! I know most of you probably think I come out of the 'Conspiracy' stable but I do see a socio-political agenda here ! We are dealing with things like 'Social Engineering' and therefore in my conspiratorial mind I see an agenda. If you ever enjoyed history and politics, in the past the victims of the political dictators were always the writers and the artists. Vaclav Havel or Vladimir Bukovsky to name but just two. We live in a different World now and the old Communist repression of writers and artists has moved on. They were the threat then but since IMHO few writers and artists are saying very much that is valid perhaps the focus has turned onto a lot of lonely men? Are we as a group becoming the new 'outcasts'? The new 'outsiders' in a World where the reference points have suddenly changed and a free expression of a social need suddenly becomes a political and social crime in the eyes of those that manipulate the media, politics and the group mind ? I am not laying claim that we are any revolutionaries in art or thought but maybe just the next victims to somebodies clever agenda ? Back to the so called 'Western World' there are so many visual images of tempting sex and naughtiness and is it not the case of 'Water,water everywhere and not a drop to drink?' Perhaps I am paranoid or perhaps just overreacting but it has been a strange road from sex tourist to failed husband to a Thai wife and back to sex tourist again and being involved with BKKtonite. Thailand to me is the tip of an iceberg of World change and because I have been involved with it I feel part of it. I don't have a good feeling about the way things are going Worldwide not just Thailand. Maybe that's just my imagination.......running away with me? Mr Alan said,"Technology is a great leveler and an enabler of free-market economics. I predict that Thailand will move in the same direction if necessary." My prediction is that one day when we all have really noticed the changes we will be looking for John or Sarah Connor! And we will be trying to avoid a more sutble type of 'Terminator' It is my greatest wish to be proved wrong ! It wont be just the machines that have taken over. I make no apologies for my pseudo socio-political diatribe. Democracy just seems to be a word they use on TV. I make no apologies for enjoying the company of naked women or enjoying watching naked women dance in front of me. This part of Stickman's article really freaks me out !!:- "This week I heard a story of a young Farang woman standing together with a cop on Walking Street, Pattaya. She had short blonde hair, blue eyes and wore a shirt that said, "Tourist Police Volunteer" on the back. I wonder what that could be about? I remember reading an article recently in the Bangkok Post that said the Interior Minister was going to shut down all the "indecent" shows and nude dancing in Thailand and that Farangs were going to help them do it. Well, shit, have they imported a few farang women to bust us?" Change used to be instigated by guns and revolution but now it is increasingly done by money! In yer face sex industry? We'll put you out of business to get rid of you !
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:20 am on Sep. 9, 2003
Forum members- Please read hzink's link to Stickman's page ! Rio or Havana anyone ?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:31 am on Sep. 9, 2003
The link did not work for me - probably my old computer - you will find the article in Stickmans site under Readers Submissions 2 - scroll down to "Thaksin and Bikinis - A trip report" 7/9/2003. Well worth reading.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:35 am on Sep. 9, 2003
No it isn't, it's grossly OTT sensationalist drivel. At least the bits relating to BKK are. I can't speak for Pattaya, but then with all these Aryan feminazi police auxiliaries around, they're probably having a tougher time of it. I was in approximately 60 bars in BKK, Chiang Mai, and Pattaya; and not one bar was violating the new rules. And not one girl was violating the rules Gets around, doesn't he? Well, I've been in just 3 BKK GG bars over the past fortnight - none of them exactly 'cutting edge'. One was obeying the rules, but then only about half the girls there are ever topless anyway. One was flagrantly defying them - the girls dancing on the glass ceiling were all stark naked. The third had its girls in bikinis (normally they're topless), but several of them were radically 'readjusting' their tops at frequent intervals. Whatever happened to the small, petite, feminine women with the flat stomachs and the wasp waists and the smiling eyes and the smiling mouths. I met one of these feminine sexual wonders in a bar at the Nana. I barfined her IMMEDIATELY. . . ! What followed was the best sex of my LIFE. For two nights I had the best sex of my life--I have to go back 17 years to even think of a sexual encounter that was remotely competitive with this woman. But this used to be normal. Yeah, in the good ol' days he used to have his best sex for 17 years every other day. Btw, lest ye fret, nothing happened to the small, petite &c &c who are still two-a-penny. And I saw white women on the stages. What's with that. I found it completely off-putting. I do not want to see Caucasian women in bars What's with that is that he's telling whoppers. Unless some of the Pattaya police auxiliaries are moonlighting; I wouldn't know. Except for the aforementioned girl and a tranny I picked up in the Obsessions bar, all my pick-ups were off the street.... So I don't really need the bars to make myself happy. I have sort of weaned myself off them for a number of reasons. The first reason I have changed venues is that the girls are now too smart-alecky. They have learned that some stupid first-timer or Japanese will pay them 4000 baht to dribble on their leg. Another reason is the barfines are now 600 baht. That exceeds my threshold. The girls usually just are not that good So there we have it. He takes ONE girl from the bars, and she's the best he's had for 17 years. All these other smart-alecky, no-good girls must therefore date from his pre-crackdown adventures. A very common syndrome, imho. He's personally fed up with the bars, so now they're total crap and doomed anyway. A bit like Stick and friends re LOS generally. It can never be that you've changed, can it? It always has to be Thailand which is going to the dogs.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:36 am on Sep. 9, 2003
Arcadius- If you are right all I can say is- HOORAH !
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:40 am on Sep. 9, 2003
Further to which - if you want reports from the front - you might be interested to know that the Lumpini Park girls are back. Cabbing home this way, as I often do, I noticed late last week that the streetwalkers working Rama IV and Wireless had evaporated. Last night, an advance party had drifted back, and tonight the girls were out in their usual force. I doubt if this will last - as APEC draws closer, they're very likely to get shooed away again with greater determination. This is the CBD after all. Thereafter I'd expect the authorities to lose interest quite rapidly. OK, I admit, with APEC we're talking about a particular weather pattern rather than climatic change. But that works both ways. I think there's a certain amount of extrapolating global warming from one very hot summer going on. I don't think this APEC/Chuwit business really has much bearing on the wider question.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:25 pm on Sep. 9, 2003
Quote: from Hermanolobo on 5:20 pm on Sep. 9, 2003 Why has sex become sinful Worldwide ?
You may thank the US' export of their puritanical morality for that. 'the world' admires the US, and thsu wants to emulate it, or at least, present itself in a 'US clean' manner. Hence, 'sex is bad' (though close the door, and wheel in the goat!) Harry
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:30 pm on Sep. 9, 2003
Mr Alan
I think that is OTT blaming the USA for "export of their puritanical morality." There are many mainstream movies in the US that can't be seen in many parts of the world (including Thailand) without editing. Even American TV shows have to be edited according to new guidelines from the Thai government. In some parts of the US prostitution is actually legal. In all parts of the US prostitution does a brisk business, albeit out of the public view. The main forces against prostitution these days come from the feminists. So don’t blame the Puritans for this one.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:25 pm on Sep. 9, 2003