Broken Leg
Quote: from manowar on 12:24 am on June 26, 2005
Bottomline poverty breeds fundamentalism.
BL, agree with most of what you are saying except your theory that "poverty breeds fundamentalism". Look at fundamentalists in the US ( for easy discussion, since I believe none of us on this board is an expert on Islam). These crazy fundamental Christians are not "poor" by any means. Some of them are actually quite wealthy, member of private country club, CEO of large corporations, and even close aids to the President of US. I believe "racism" breeds "fundamentalism". Racism in the way that "my god is bigger than your god" breeds fundamentalism. "My people are more superior than your people, therefore my god must be superior to your god" is the underlining theme in all fundamentalism regardless of what religions. The fundamental Christians cannot accept the fact that other people have developed other belief systems in the world that maybe equal or superior to Christianity. Same theme with the fundamental Muslims. They simply cannot envision that other "gods" are remotely possible. This is the basis of all evils. That if you do not look like us, believe like us, speak like us, write like us, eat like us, f*** like us, you must be stupid, ignorant, uneducated, uncivilized and worst of all.......EVIL.
Be careful here to understand manowar. I am NOT saying that you only find fundamentalists in poor areas. Saying such a thing would be absolutely absurd. What I am saying that in poverty it is easier to cultivate and grow feelings of hate. If we look are christian fundamentalism as you suggest, for example Northern Ireland the areas in which the hate was strongest were always the poorest. But sure, as long as Humans are allowed to be in control of thier minds their will always be fundamentlaists somewhere no matter how rich the world is. Also be careful about your ideas of muslim fundamentalists you're understanding is not correct. Muslim fundamentalists are not upset because of "other" gods. Christianity, Judaism and Islam all worship the same god. Islam actually teaches respect for all religions that worship the one god and you will find that in the islamic fundamentalists. What there beef actually is is their perceived oppression of islam, or religious persecution. The Koran is very clear in allowing them to fight for religious freedom and against persecution. The problem is that their interpretation of their own persecution and their methods of fighting and who they choose to fight against are f***ed up beyond all belief.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:00 pm on June 25, 2005
Yeah - that would be my question to Prince Bandar, Saudi Ambassador to U.S.A. If Jihad is one of the 5 pillars of Islam; & no one is attacking Islam at the present moment; do you have to invent one? i.e. U.S.A. "The Great Satan" & U.K. "The Little Satan". Then it is ok for Bin Laden to issue a fatwah against all Americans - men women & children "wherever you find them in the world". Sadly their religion is being hijacked by people filled with hate.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:10 pm on June 25, 2005
I disagree. Unfortunately, islam is filled with hate. The "religion" isn't being hijacked...it was hijacked at its inception. 'Kill The Infidel" is a popular theme. In islam the world is divided into two spheres. The lands where islam rules and the land where islam will eventually rule. Presently, the islamic world is trying to rise up against us and will stop at nothing to kill us and our way of life. Tell me please, where are the so-called moderate elements of this so-called religion of peace ? Their silence is deafening. If they are there but remain silent then they are feeble, worthless and do not count. Liberal elements in within our Western countries give aid and comfort to the enemy. There are madrassas and mosques in all of our countries teaching and spreading hate. Wake up people... http://www.prophettofdoom.net http://www.shoebat.com/ http://www.americancongressfortruth.com/ Personally, I think W passed along a little message to osama bin laden saying next 9/11 stunt you pull - mecca will be nuked. and by the way, I assure you I am not paranoid - on the contrary, I'm quite lucid, same and just not afraid to be politically incorrect.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:34 pm on June 25, 2005
Quote: from Blattsucker on 9:44 am on June 25, 2005 You talk about cannonfodder in Tora Bora. And therefore undermine your own doctrine. The guys in charge there were all born of the Saudi middle and upperclass.
No, I'm not contradicting myself -- I talk about cannonfodder, you present their leadership as a counterargument. I did not say 'leadership', I'm talking about the footsoldiers. Their leadership is all composed of mostly western educated folks, from privleged backgrounds - the footsoldiers who strap explosives to themselves, and blow themselves up DO NOT come from such backgrounds (which is why they end up as cannonfodder). If the lower class proletariat, that terrorists harvest and recruit from, all enjoyed a typical middle class lifetsyle (which invariably includes better education), then these leaders would have little to recruit (not saying 'no one', just a significantly smaller base).
Quote: from manowar on 12:24 am on June 26, 2005 BL, agree with most of what you are saying except your theory that "poverty breeds fundamentalism". Look at fundamentalists in the US ( for easy discussion, since I believe none of us on this board is an expert on Islam). These crazy fundamental Christians are not "poor" by any means. Some of them are actually quite wealthy, member of private country club, CEO of large corporations, and even close aids to the President of US.
Regarding the Christian Fundamentalists in the US, you will find the same distribution - the leaders of these 'movements' are inavriably well educated, and the footsoldiers who execute their 'vision' (ie. stand around with protest signs in front of abortion clinics, or blow them up; the ones rallying to put more God in politics; the ones clamoring for Creationism to be taught, instead of Evolution...) invariably come from crap backgrounds. The reason why these people even have Playstations (or better standards of living than sheepherders), is because OUR standard of living allows narly EVERYONE to have one -- you can't compare the economic situations, in that case. Furthermore, what's the percentage in the US population of those receptive to fundamentalist, suicidal proppaganda, versus those in the middle east? I bet it's a lot less. Nevertheless, you will have misguided, impressionable, and undeducated individuals in any large enough demographic. Or, as best example - compare the State of Israel's citizens, to the Palestinians living next door -- Israel, which enjoys a western lifestyle has no crazies willing to blow themselves up; the sheepherders next door are standing in line to become martyrs. Why is that? I feel my theory is sound.
Quote: from Hermanolobo on 3:34 pm on June 25, 2005 A very disappointing standard of replies ! Poor, as if a bunch of first time newbies had just checked in. The informed and educated members don't seem to be around anymore ! No Arcadius, No Smegma. Yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I feel terrible for you -- maybe you should seek out a better forum - one in which conspiracy theories and UFO whackos are given more credence -- and I'm sure you can find more 'informed and educated' members elsewhere. Finally, Spurs Man - I am still waiting on any sort of contribution from You to this forum. So far, you seem to be restricted to ad hominem attacks on other members. Buh-Bye
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:45 pm on June 25, 2005
Quote: from MJKidd on 1:46 am on June 26, 2005 Tell me please, where are the so-called moderate elements of this so-called religion of peace ? Their silence is deafening. If they are there but remain silent then they are feeble, worthless and do not count.
Best argument so far - I am still waiting for the leaders of the 'Religion of Peace and Love' to condemn ANY of the terrorist actions. I am still waiting for Mullahs to enact a Fatwah against terrorists that supposedly hijack their religion. I am still waiting for the demonstrations from peace-loving Muslims against those who bastardize their religion. Yet, what we get is the equivalent of 'agreement by silence'. Thus, either those elements of 'Peace and Harmony' do not exist, or they are too weak to be significant. This is not to say that aren't efforts from within to change and modernize Islam (mostly pushed forward by women), but they are currently still very small and too weak to make a difference, unfortunately.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:52 pm on June 25, 2005
richie rev
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 12:57 am on June 26, 2005
I feel my theory is sound.
I respect that. But can you put your theory into practice or on an operational basis that benefits all concerned? Otherwise, you are just the sound of one duck quackng.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:46 pm on June 25, 2005
BL, you were right about only one thing : "you are a very strange man indeed". Yes I am, so be careful since I'm realy holding back on this forum. The rest of your post sounds like you have a brain. So why don't you use it for once. Let's just see how stupid a broken leg can make a man. Firstly, your reading skills are that of a 2 year old monkey. You attack me for something Daffy said. You must have been to the same school as George W. Bin attacked us; let's shoot Saddam. Realy sane logic you use. Maybe you should put the cast from your leg on your mouth (typing fingers) as it would serve a much better perpose there. I only commented on what I (can you understand what "I" means? It means me, a non muslim as a person.) would do for 72 virgins. The words KORAN or MUSLIM or ISLAM were nowhere to be seen in my comment. Believe me, when you lock me in the same room as those virgins, religion will be the last thing on my mind. Secondly you talk about "uneducated muslims" (and this also is for Daffy). You show that you have no f***ing clue of what those 2 words mean. Let's give an example. I think I have some education, I even know the basic priciple of how a nuclear power plant works. But do I know how to build one? I don't think so. Well by your (and Daffy's) definition that makes me uneducated. Or like the way you put it. A muslim that is a doctor is per definition a man that knows the koran by heart, and therefor can NOT fall for lies and tricks of a religious leader. Somehow you must be feeling pritty stupid by now for having such a warped logic and calling me stupid. But I'm not done yet. Thirdly you state this crap : "So any muslim leaders can only recruit muslims born into poverty by the means that you suggested (and they do a lot). Educated muslims enter into fundamentalism through quite different means being their own direct interpretations of the holy texts." It says that ONLY poor muslims can be recruited and rich ones get there all by their lonely selves. If you believe that, then you are a moron of biblical proportions. Jesus, you are realy stupid. So an educated rich muslim gets the idea of killing americans all by him self? Thausands of muslims. All with the same idea. Why not kill Luxemburgers? Why not kill dragonflies? Jesus, your stupidity knows no bounds. Could it be that they listen to the words of a mullah? In your world not. Maybe you should step out of my world then. Try it with a bomb, try to take George or Bin with you. You will help my world with it. Fourthly you state : "You also say you don't care what religious text it comes from, well again this is ignorance on you behalf because to understand the muslim mind even in the slightest you must understand the texts." Again you contradict your self. I must know the texts to understand the muslim. But you just said it was NOT in the texts, so how can I understand the muslim then, as it IS in him. The ones that believe it, believe it. It therefor has become a fact of life. The fact that we don't believe it, does not make it any less real. So for me it is of no importance where it is written. And for the believer it also seems of no importance, since it is very real for him. So the people that believe it have to be stopped, that is important. Where the idea originates is of little importance since it is a BELIEF. Lastly you state : "Unfortunatle it is exactly this sort of ignorance shown by you that helps to propagate untruths regarding Islam and helps to spread hate amongst the people of the world." Seems there is only one of us ignorant. And that is you, since you can not read. And the only people that I hate are stupid people. And at the moment that seem to be a lot of broken legs and very few muslims. It is you that should not think that you need to reply on every post as long as reading is a problem for you. Then when you mastered that you should not post untill you have solved you broken brain problem. "Bottomline poverty breeds fundamentalism." This one is for you and Daffy again. And it shows just how ignorant you (BL) are. If poor people were breeding fundamentalism, then why is the world not run over by them? You probably have never seen a poor person. Time that you did. Let me shine some light on your ignorance. Poor people are poor!!!!!!! That was a surprise to you, wasn't it? I just told you something that was new to you, didn't I? Poor people have trouble making ends meet. They are constsantly busy scraping their next meal together. They don't have time to run around creating havok. Food is more important to them then some ravings and rantings. Now rich people they are the problem. They have time on their hands to think up strange plans. And when they have those plans all thought out they have the money and time to publish those ideas. And yes some poor people will fall for it. But those rich people then also have the money to buy the weapons for those followers. They even can give the family of those intifada warriors that die enough money to live. It are the rich people that are the problem. The poor (of which there are more) are just cannonfodder. And the word implies that they are not important. Not to Bin Laden and not to George W. Take off the head of the snake and the body will die. As long as the head lives it will find a sucker anytime and anyplace. Poverty is hardly relevant. And yes my heart is in the right place. Time for you to put your brain also in the right place. And if this was boring, then so be it. But it is stupid people that have to be fought, not poor people. I have met a lot of poor uneducated people that had more brains then you and fundamentalism was the last thing on their mind.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:35 pm on June 25, 2005
And Daffy, NOW is the time to worry about your sanity. On one page you made 3 boo boo's of the first order. First you state : "I feel my theory is sound." Well read my reply to Broken Brain and see it is not so sound. And if you need to say it, you are already halfway to the exit. But the killer is : "Best argument so far." You think MJKidd has even one braincel??? He is the problem. He is stupidity incarnate. That is the kind of person that will believe there are 72 virgins waiting for him. People that say : "Personally, I think W passed along a little message to osama bin laden saying next 9/11 stunt you pull - mecca will be nuked." is inmeadiatly disqualified to be even member of the human race. I have seen bacteria with more brains then that. Not even George W. is so stupid to even think that. First because he would never bomb the people that are his close family friends, the ones that donate heavily to his re-election bankaccount. And second, because if you want to make every muslim ACTIVELY hate you then that is the way to do it. And thirdly you said : "Israel, which enjoys a western lifestyle has no crazies willing to blow themselves up; the sheepherders next door are standing in line to become martyrs. Why is that?" Why? Very simple. The have state organised terrorrism. It is called THE ARMY. They don't need to blow them selves up, since they have others that will do it for them. Also they think it is better to use tanks and planes to deliver their bombs. How many tanks and planes have the palistinians???? So and if that was not enough to win the argument, let me point you to the fact that there are a lot more crazies on the israelian side of the fence then on the palistinian side. They are called settlers. They have no trouble blowing up jews and muslims alike. Since those jews are not fundamentalists like the settlers, they have earned the right to die. If you don't believe me then just ask the prime minister of a decade ago. But I advice you to find a good medium since he is not so talkative these past years. As I said above; STUPIDITY is the problem, not POVERTY! Read manowar and Ballsbursting again, they are far closer to the truth then you and BB with your poverty angle. (But you are not hearing me say that poverty is NOT a factor in the equasion, just not as important as you make it.)
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:59 pm on June 25, 2005
Quote: from richie rev on 8:58 am on June 26, 2005
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 12:57 am on June 26, 2005 I feel my theory is sound.
I respect that. But can you put your theory into practice or on an operational basis that benefits all concerned?
No more than anyone else can - which makes this, really, a spirited discussion. No more, no less. But, as the saying goes -- politics, sex, and religion are 'no no' subjects in polite company, so this is the end of this debate for me.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:35 am on June 26, 2005
Daffy, I think you realy need to edit this sentence : "... politics, sex, and religion are 'no no' subjects in polite company,..." Sex is no subject? You do know you are on a pussy forum, do you??? And in polite company? Where do you see that company? And budhism is a big part of this forum also. So that leaves you with just politics. But since all politicians are f***ers, that makes it SEX and therefor relevant to this forum. So welcome back to the discussion.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:14 am on June 26, 2005