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Sad news. I once put a link to him in a silly post. Wild entertainer. Good intentions. More guts than me, I'm sure. Glad to hear his family is well provided for, their grief is great.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:23 am on Sep. 4, 2006
Love him, hate him or simply tolerate him, he was quite a jovial knockabout aussie. Tragic the way he died, but he would have rather gone out that way than die as the result of a motor vehicle accident, he will be surely missed.

I liked the guy for his daredevil adventure's in the bush. When he would lay down next to a wild cobra, taipan, brown snake, etc, goosebump's appeared on my neck, sometime's I had to look away and say to myself "Don't do it mate, carefull, carefull, he's gonna get yu" and to my relief, it rarely happened. This guy had gut's, anti-venene on hand was no reasurrance. Croc's on the other hand, well there's no cure for a croc bite, generally fatal.

His trade mark clothing made him instantly recognizable around the world. A few year's back, US President GWB, flew into Oz for a brief visit. The Oz Prime Minister and Opposition leader along with other member's of parliament, Australia's Captain's of industry, other high profile people and Steve Irwin attended a BBQ in Canberra for the Pres. Everybody looked smart in their suit's but not Steve, khaki shorts/shirt and work boot's were his suit. That would have made a lot of those soft cock's feel intimidated, but that was the nature and persona of the guy, the outback larrikan, the over the top witty and smart showman. I say again he will be missed.

Christmas 05 Oz lost its richest man, media magnate Kerry Packer. He was the city larrikan and Steve, the bush larrikan. Both men dared, took chances and won for a while, well done fella's, good to see some knockabout's get up there.

My sympathy to Steve's wife and young family.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:41 am on Sep. 4, 2006

Quote: from ringthebells on 4:31 pm on Sep. 4, 2006
p.s. however one important question remains, did he have insurance??


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:41 am on Sep. 4, 2006
hey guys,

maybe this post should go under "thai girls in farangland"

but I will post it wife loved steve irwin so much..anytime he was on I couldnt change the chanel.

so she just saw the update on the news and said out loud..."I want phlagaben go to jail!" I said, "you cant send a fish to jail.."

she said, "I dont care...make small swimming pool cage for him!"

the guy was loved!


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:57 am on Sep. 4, 2006
From this yank my hats off to the "typical aussie" at least for, fearless and a great sense of humor! Hmmmm....similiar to us yanks.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:11 am on Sep. 4, 2006

Quote: from Baquawn on 7:15 pm on Sep. 4, 2006

Who will take care of his pets?
Who will drive his favorite truck?

Actually, coming from LY, I found that comment about insurance to be very mild. The LY of a couple of years back would have joked asking who is gonna screw the widow now that she will be lonely.

As to those that reminds us of the obvious (''animal lovers'' can get away with irresponsible behavior for awhile, but eventually the odds catch up with them) it seems they forget that it is partly the morbid fascination of watching the "animal lovers" incur those risks, while educating and entertaining, what makes audiences watch the shows -while knowing that nothing too drastic would be shown on camera; I bet there will no tv show showing Irwing impaled by the stingray (it is possible it was caught on tape - wasn't he working and filming?).

One thing is for sure, love him or hate him, he will be missed more and by more people, than those posting in this thread about him. Hey! His death even motivated us to start a thread about him -of all places in a sex forum!!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:29 am on Sep. 4, 2006
Mr Alan

Quote: from S M E G M A on 9:38 am on Sep. 4, 2006 seems they forget that it is partly the morbid fascination of watching the "animal lovers" incur those risks, while educating and entertaining, what makes audiences watch the shows...
I didn't forget that. Same applies to some people who watch NASCAR racing, hoping to see an accident. "Morbid fascination" is probably the correct term.

Also, I find it a little weird that his death is referred to as an "accident." How so? Did Irwin intentionally get irresponsibly close to the stingray, or did Irwin accidentally step on the stingray (buried in the sand so that it was not visible) ?

Did the stingray not intend to sting him? Did they interview the stingray, and it claimed that it was only trying to scare Irwin, but accidentally stung him?

They are not called sting-rays for nothing.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:00 am on Sep. 4, 2006
I bet that as far as Irwin is concerned, it was not his intention to get stung, i.e. it was an accident that happened to him.

Main Entry: ac·ci·dent
1 a : an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance b : lack of intention or necessity
2 a : an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance b : an unexpected and medically important bodily event especially when injurious <a cerebrovascular accident> c : an unexpected happening causing loss or injury which is not due to any fault or misconduct on the part of the person injured but for which legal relief may be sought

Having read that... can we call it an accident?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:07 am on Sep. 4, 2006
come on guys,

we have lost a energetic and likable guy but this was his job.

is there a thread on Dale Earnhardt? or Gus Grissom? etc...

I mean this comes with the game.

sure it is a shame and he was a good guy, but to make millions you must "stick your neck out"


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:19 am on Sep. 4, 2006
Mr Alan people need to take risk for other people to explore and see. Think of all the brothers out here today that xxxxx with no condom and with condom. Every stroke they take they do if for you with a Real Report. If it was not for them risking there condom break when they lube it with baby oil you would not be Oli master. So we going to miss Steve Irwin alot he was a great guy and a great animal lover.
Like my mother said the once he love the most he take first.

But what are the chanses a stingray in the heart what a waste : (,8599,1531446,00.html

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 pm on Sep. 4, 2006

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