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The Machine- You speak well
JohnNM says he has been living and working in Thailand for 24 years?
Surely he must know the accurate points you make ?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:56 am on Aug. 28, 2003
John NM
hmmm,  first, let me correct a bit by resaying I have been visiting and working in Thailand. Not living.  

As far as giving a "rosy" or "sugar coated idea"...perhaps that interpretation and my comments comes from our different outlook at things.  I have served, lived, and worked in many countries and seen both the pleasant and sordid sides of them - the beautiful top layer and the ugly belly, as some have said.

I have lived in the jungle and fought side by side with Thai men. Seen them bleed, scream, cry be in fear, miss their families, smile, joke, laugh and all the other things that comrades in arms share and experience. Just human with blood as red as mine.

Be that as it may, all countries have their good and bad. Mine included - the US.  I well recognize the less than pefect aspects of the LOS. Perhaps in my reply I was emphasizing the points that seemed pertinent to me for this topic. I had no intention of delineating every aspect of Thai life...besides, I am not qualified to do so.  I gave my feelings and thoughts at the time. I make no excuses for myself.

 As far as face and racial prejudices. Well, I have lived in Korea and Japan and am well aware of Asian feelings about unclean blood and all that. In my own country I run inton the same thing, amybe to a lesser degree; at times, just as strong. My children are Caucasian-Asian mixed. I think I can safely say I might know a little of this. Face is much akin to being embarassed but maybe to different degrees.  Guess that depends on whether you are on the giving or receiving end of the embarassment, eh?  In any country, lives have been taken and even wars fought over being embarassed and the subsequent anger that can arise.  So I think we can admit that it exists everywhere as part of human nature. I am just an engineer and analyst, not a socialologist or psychologist. I can only relate what is true for me.

"Institunionalised corruption."  Now that is an interesting phrase. We have the same everywhere. Its seems be inherent with large organizations, organized religions, law enforcement agencies, politics, and again, human nature.  I think I need to say no more on this.
 Mai pen rai. lol  It means so many things to Thai, I think. To me it is akin to think nothing of it, shit happens, its okay, don't let it bother you, etc. A general attempt to minimize any sense of guilt or embarassment.  As is true with so many other things, not so bad when used nicely. yes?  

Can you truely tell me that there is no culture or country that seems to think its way is the best. My own included? Not to mention the European disdain for anything not of the continent.... They call it pride, nationalism, bigotry, racisim, etc.  Guess it depends on the issue and degree of comittment or purpose.

And to be sure the appeal of the lower costs that will allow me to retire and live well without working well into my geriatric years is VERY appealing. Is the desire to relax and enjoy more of your life a bad thing?  Nope. not at all.

Available sexual pleasure should not be one of the "practical" measures. sex is available anywhere, my friend. Just depends on your outlook on it.

And I am not trying to escape my "cultural constraints." I love my country. Even with its faults that some may argue pale in comparison to Thailand's. I leave that to history to decide. We are afterall, just men.  

Be well.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:40 am on Aug. 28, 2003
John NM-
From my point of view a good and well thought out posting ! This board needs members like yourself.

I know a couple of Thai people of a very high educational background and they complain about institutionalised corruption, lack of free speach and democracy.
If we look at other nations, Europe and the Americas we see the exact same things happening there. Organisations too. I have heard of some horror stories abour free-loading UN personnel and European politician expense accounts. The thing I believe with Thailand is that they are not quite as good as covering up things with a 'front' of alleged democracy and decency like other countries of the 'First World'. I don't want to upset your religious sensibilities but I think there are a few 'Charismatic' types with their fingers in the till. All in the name of ...eerrr Religion ???
Even the Thai prostitution could be called a different name in other countries when one looks at ones personal bottom line. We all pay in the end ! Like I have said we package things differently and as you have so rightly said in effect,"It's the same the World over?"

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:25 am on Aug. 28, 2003
John NM - nice posts.

The Thais have their own particular pattern of virtues and vices which are different from Western patterns.

It is easy to see the defects, even to get very angry about them sometimes. However, if you are not Thai, it helps to reflect that it is ultimately not your business and not your responsibility. Even if you choose to live here, this is not your country, you are merely a guest.

Speaking for myself, I am a great admirer of the overall 'end product' of Thai culture - at least I find it enticing enough to want to live here and nowhere else on the planet. If I could play God, no doubt I'd be tempted to press a few buttons - changing this or that aspect of Thai society or the Thai mentality so it better suited my Western taste. And no doubt the Law of Unintended Consequences would kick in very quickly, and I'd discover that I'd completely f_cked the culture I find so congenial.

So I'm more than happy to leave the Thais to develop their own society in their own way according to their own lights, and not moan overmuch. If I start to find things objectionable, I know where to find the airport and I have a country of my own to go back to.

As for the 'crackdown', I was at Baccara (a Cowboy GG) last night. The girls on the downstairs runway were wearing full bikinis. On the glass floor above, one shift was wearing schoolgirly outfits with no nickers, the other was stark naked.

That's what a 'crackdown' amounts to in Thailand. Delightful place. Ý Ý

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:39 am on Aug. 28, 2003
I love the way people talk about corruption like there is none of it in their own country....often it works to our advantage in my experience, or talk about things in their country like they are the only country in the world with those values.

No value or problem is unique to any's all a hotch potch.

If you take away something you don't like about Thailand...try taking away something similar that compensates for it...and find what a boring web you weave.

Rose coloured spectacles...not me...but it's where I choose to live, far more interesting and exciting than the other 4 countries I have lived in.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:55 am on Aug. 28, 2003
And no doubt the Law of Unintended Consequences would kick in very quickly, and I'd discover that I'd completely f_cked the culture I find so congenial.

That is just so true !

Another thing I like about Thai women and some men is their enduring sense of humour. Some societies may view it as a little childish but as far as I am concerned 'Sanook' is OK by me !

I expect things to get back to normal after 17th-23rd of October and APEC is over.

An occasional crackdown is not that bad anyway. Keeps the excesses in check ?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:00 am on Aug. 28, 2003

As a matter of interest what were the other countries you lived in and what were your general impressions ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:02 am on Aug. 28, 2003
I was hoping nobody would ask....I don't want to make negative comments about anywhere....not an arguement I really want to get into......

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:04 am on Aug. 28, 2003
That's not to say I dislike anywhere I've lived...I love them all.....I just love Thailand better for all sorts of reasons.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:08 am on Aug. 28, 2003
I wanted to know where to avoid ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:08 am on Aug. 28, 2003

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